FOrasmuch as by the late Act and Proclamation of the data the 27. of February, 1656. All Fewers, Heretors, Possessors or others, holding Lands of any part or portion of the Revenues, aswell of the annexed property (and of all and whatsoever Fewed Lands) as of all Benefices, Bishopricks, Abbacies, Priories, Provestries, Teinds and others; Were ordained to exhibite and produce before Us, or our Clerk, All and whatsoever their Original Infeftments, Rights, or other Titles, whereby they hold, possess and enjoy any of the aforesaid Lands and Benefices, To the effect that after inspection thereof, a particular Rental might have been recorded in our Books, conform to the foresaid Act and Proclamation, and Acts of Parliament therein cited, viz. Of K. JAMES 1. Parl. 1. Act. 9. K. JAMES 6. Parl. 12. Act 131. Parl. 15. Act 245. and 262. &c. Bearing all persons who should fail in the production aforesaid, to amit and tyne all and whatsoever their pretended Infeftments or other Right or Title they have, or may pretend to have to any of the aforesaid Lands, under whatsoever Name or Title, Property or Superiority: declaring the same to be of no avail, force, strength nor effect in all time coming. And that the nullity thereof should be admitted and received in all Judgments, by way of ex­ception or reply; without any Processe, Action, or Declarator of Reduction to be given thereupon. And considering, notwithstanding of the foresaid Proclamation, Acts of Parliament, and Certifications above, and therein expressed; There are several persons, who either out of contempt of our foresaid Act and Pro­clamation, or otherwise intending to conceal their holdings and duties, Have no wayes given obedience to the foresaid Proclamation, but have kept up their Evidences and Writings, of purpose to frustrate his High­nesse of his due Interest: And We being no lesse sensible of the contempt, than of the prejudices which may, and daily doth arise to his Highness Revenue, through the not production of the aforesaid Evidences; Which as it doth necessitate Us to proceed upon the Certifications of the said Acts of Parliament; yet being desirous to obviate and prevent all prejudices that may arise to any person or persons, who by any lawfull occasion have been detained from producing their said Writs and Rights; And that all other persons ma­king pretext thereof, may be made the more inexcusable for the future. We have therefore declared, and by the tenour hereof declare, That all and whatsoever person or persons, holding any of the aforesaid Lands, under whatsoever Name whether Property or Superiority, or possessing or enjoying the same by whatsoever Title, on this side the River Tay, who have, or shall not produce their said Evidences, in manner, and to the effect contained in the foresaid Proclamation, betwixt and the Tenth day of September next to come. And those beyond the River Tay, on this side the River Spay, betwixt and the Twentieth day of October next thereafter. And all those beyond the River of Spay, betwixt and the last day of November next follow­ing; To fall, and their foresaid Infeftments to have fallen under the Certification of the foresaid Acts of Par­liament. And have ordained, and ordain the foresaid Certification, whole tenour and contents thereof re­spectively above-written, to be extended against them, without further dyet, processe, continuation, or de­clarature of reduction whatsomever. And ordain these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat-Crosse of EDINBURGH, and at the Mercat-Crosses of each Burgh within every Shire of this Nation; and all other places needfull.

Extracted forth of the Books of Exchequer, By me,

W. PƲRVES, Clerk.

EDINBURGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1656.

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