WHereas the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England have been pleased to offer assistance to us for suppressing the common Enemy, we have thought fit that some Regiments of their Horses do stay in this Kingdome for a short time, And whereas divers abuses hath been lately committed, and for preventing of which abuses that may be done to any of the Souldiers under the Command of Major Gen. Lambert, VVe do Command and Ordain the Committees of VVarre of the Shires where the said Forces are now or shall be hereafter quartered to take speciall care that the Countrey people do readily afford them the best quarter and accommodation they can during their stay, And we do further declare that whosoever within this Kingdome shall do any wrongs or injuries in taking away their Horses or Arms, or shall offer violence to their persons, that Order shall be given to the Troops that are kept up for the service of the Kingdome, that their whole moveable goods shall be confiscated and themselves imprisoned or punished with death according as they shall deserve, and if any of the Countrey people receive wrong or injury from any of the English Forces, they are to addresse themselves and complain to this Committee, or Major Gen. Lambert, from whom they shall receive due satisfaction. Ordains thir presents to be published a [...] [...]he Mercat Crosse of Edinburgh, Haddingtoune, Dunbar, Linlithgow, Peebles, that none pretend Ignorance.
At Edinburgh
October 11. 1648.
EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 16 [...]