WHereas, many within this Kingdom have joyned in Armes for prosecuting of an unlawful Engage­ment against our neighbour Nation of England, contrary to the Solemn League and Covenant, and Treaties betwixt the Kingdoms; the Warnings and Declarations of the Commission of the Generall Assembly 1647. And likew se against the unanimous proceedings and Declarations of the late Generall Assembly and their Commissioners: And whereas God hath evidently manifested his displeasure and wrath against their sinfull wayes and proceedings, in oppressing the wel-affected in this Kingdom, invading the Kingdom of England, by Routing and Defeating their Army there: And now some of their Army have returned to this Kingdom, and joyned with others their as­sociats to disturb the peace thereof: By which their proceedings and actions, the work of Refor­mation of Religion, hath been almost wholly overturned, the Libertie of the Subject very neer destroyed, authority weakened, the Person of the King put in hazard, the union betwixt the Kingdoms endeavoured to be broken, occasion of quarrell given to our neighbour Nation, and this Kingdom brought to so sad and deplorable condition, as (if the Lord in mercy prevent not) Famine and desolation is like to be added to all our troubles and miseries: Therefore to prevent the eminent dangers to Religion, and to the King, for setling the peace of this greatly distracted Kingdom. And to the end the affairs of this Kingdom may not be managed by such persons, as the Kingdom of England do esteem enemies for their concurrence in the late Engagement: The Committee of Estates consisting of such persons as were nominated to be on the Commission of Parliament, and did dis-assent in Parliament from, and Protest against the late unlawfull Engagement. Do declare that they are resolved to Act and direct in the publict affairs by vertue of the Authority of that nomination of the Parliament, and their Legall Protestation in it: And that in Acting and Directing, they resolve to proceed with the advice and consent of such Members of the late Parliament, as did concur with them in the said Protestation, and do now concur in Armes in prosecuting of the same: As also with the advice and consent of such two Commissioners, and one Burgesse as shall be entrusted respect vely, by the Shires and Burghs joyning with us in Armes for the Covenant; and that they will not admit into their Counsells, or Committees, any persons who have concurred in Armes, or Counsell for the late unlawfull Engage­ment, or who have subscribed the Bond, or sworne, or subscribed any Oath, or Declaration for prosecuting that Engagement. And further that they will admit none who have been aiding, or shall be aiding or assisting to, or abetting and agenting for these who are now joyned in Armes with the Earl of Crawford, Earl of Glancairn, Earl of Lanerk, Lord Sinclair, Lord Register, George Monre, and their adherents, nor any such as have, or shall declare their judgement against this Cause and our proceed­ings in pursuance thereof: And we ordain these Presents to be published: And also to be Printed that none pretend ignorance.

M. Tho. Henderson.

THE Committee of Estates considering that the putting of the dis affected and Malignant Persons in places of trust and power in the severall Shires and Bu [...]ghs of this Kingdom, hath been one of the greatest Causes which hath brought all these evils upon this Kingdom: And for the reasons contained in the former Act, do therefore finde it necessary to require: And do hereby Command and require the severall Shires in the E­lection of their Commissioners to Parliament and Burghs in Election of their Commissioners to Parlia­ment, Magistrates and Counsell, that they make choice of none, but such as have continued constant and faithfull in this Cause: And that they will not admit any to be in the former places of trust, Commissions, Magistracie or Counsells who have concurred in Arms or Counsell for the late unlawfull Engagement, or who have subscribed the Bond, or sworne, or subscribed any Oath or Declaration for prosecuting that Engagement. And further that they will ad­mit none who have been aiding, or shall be aiding, or assisting to, or abetting and agenting for these who are now joyned in Armes with the Earls of Crawford, Earl of [...]lenca [...]rn, Earl of Lanerk, Lord Sinclair, Lord Register, George Monro and their adherents, nor any such as have, or shall declare then judgement against the Cause and our proceedings in pursuance thereof. And we ordain these presents to be published at the Mercar Crosse of Edinburgh and other places needfull: And also to be Prin­ted that none pretend ignorance.

Mr. Tho: Henderson.

Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, 1648.

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