ACT Additional to the Proclamation for the more easie and effectual In-bringing of the Pole-money.

The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council understanding, that William Cochran of Ferguslies, Tacksman of the two Poles, imposed in the last Session of Parliament, hath not as yet found Caution, conform to the Articles and Minut of Roup subscribed by him nor taken our his Tack, which he also subscribed together with, and in presence of the Lords of His Majesties▪ The saury and Exchequer, upon the 17. and 19. [...]ays of September last, whereby it may happen that the Commissioners of Supply in the se­veral Shires appointed by the Act of parliament and the Proclamation of Council lately thereon emitted, to meet the second Tuesday of October instant, for dividing and distributing themselves into several Districts for taking up the Lists of the poleable Persons within their Bounds; As also, that the Magistrats of Burghs Royal appointed by the said Act, to meet the third Tuesday of October instant, and to take up Rolls and Lists of the Poleable persons within their respective Burghs, may be less carefull to meet and observe the foresaid appointments, upon which nevertheless the effectual ingathering of the said Pole so necessarly depends. Therefore and without pre­judice to the Obligements incumbent upon the said William Cochran of Ferguslie, by Vertue of the said Minut of Roupe and Tack of the poles subscribed by him, as said is, both for finding sufficient Caution and making due payment of the Tack-duty contained in the said Tack: But for His Majesties greater Security as to the payment of the foresaid Pole, which so specially concerns His Majestys Service, for the Ends and Uses to which these Poles are destinat and appropriat: The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, have thought fit to Require and Com­mand, and do hereby most strictly and peremptorly Require and Command the foresaid Commissioners of Shires, and Magistrats of Burghs who shall not[?] duely keep the foresaid Meetings, upon the second and third Tuesdays of October instant, and observe and do therein as is ap­pointed by the foresaid Act of Parliament and proclamation, That they keep their said Meetings and perform the Appointments thereof, at least betwixt and the last Tuesday of October instant, and whither the said Ferguslie or any from him attend the said Meeting or not. Viz. The said Commissioners of Shires for Dividing and Distributing themselves into the said Districts, for taking up the Lists and Rolls of poleable persons within their Bounds, conform to the Act of parliament upon the first Tuesday of November next, and the saids Magistrats of Burghs for taking up and making the saids Lists and Rolls of poleable persons within their Burghs conform to the said Act, and to the effect the rema­nent Orders and Appointments contained in the said Act and proclamation for payment of the said pole, may be punctually observed as Ef­feirs; And the Sheriffs and Stewarts of the respective Shires and Stewartries and their Deputs, are hereby in like manner required and commanded to make timeous Intimation of these presents to the Commissioners for their Subsidiarie Meeting in manner above-appointed; As likewise that Advertisement be timeously given to the Commissioners absent and appointed to particular Districts, and that Intimation be made at the several paroch Churches within the Shires upon the Sabbath immediatly preceeding the first Tuesday of November, of the parti­cular places to which the poleable persons are to repair for giving in their Degrees, Characters and Qualities, according to which they are polled under the pains contained in the said Act of parliament, certifying such of the said Commissioners as shall not meet and keep the fore­said Subsidiary Meetings in case of failȝie of the said first Meeting upon the second Tuesday of October instant, or that shall not keep and attend the District to be to them appointed, for taking up the Lists and Rolls of the said poleable persons, they shall be conveened before the Lords of His Majesties privy Council to be punished for their said neglect and contempt; And the said Sheriffs and Stewarts and their Deputs are hereby required and commanded under the same Certification to return to the Clerks of privy Council, the Names of the saids Commissioners who shall fail in their foresaid Duties hereby enjoyned, and that betwixt and the fifteenth day of November next: As also, certifying the said Magistrats of Burghs who shall fail in their Duty of the premisses, that they shall be punished in like manner; And the said Lords of His Majesties privy Council, do further again peremptorly require and Command the foresaid former proclamation and Act of Parliament anent the pole-money to be punctually observed and obeyed as to the taking up of the said Lists and Rolls of poleable-persons, and making complea­ting and returning the Books thereof, and in the whole remanent Heads and points thereof, and that these presents be immediatly published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and that His Majesties Solicitor do instantly cause print and transmit Coppies hereof to the several Sheriffs and Stuarts and their Deputs, for due publication and Intimation to be made of the same with all Diligence.

Extracted by me

GILB. ELIOT. Cls. Sti. Concilii.

God Save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1698.

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