A PROCLAMATION OF PARLIAMENT, For a Solemn National Fast, Edinburgh the twelfth day of August one thousand six hundred ninety eight.
THe Estates of Parliament, upon Application made to them by the Commissioners of the General Assembly of this National Church, taking into their Consideration, that it hath pleased the Almighty GOD, to visit this Land with divers tokens of his Displeasure, particularly, with great Scarcity and Dearth these years past; And that all Ranks of Persons are thereby called to humble themselves by Fasting and Prayer, for averting the Wrath of GOD, and for the obtaining his Blessing upon the approaching Harvest, and for Preservation of His Majesties Royal Person Directing His Councils, and returning Him in Safety to his Dominions. Therefore His Majesty with Advice&Consent of the said Estates of Parliament, doth hereby Command and Appoint, that a Day of solemn Fasting and Humiliation for making Prayers and Supplications to God, for the Causes and Ends above-mentioned, be Religiously and strictly observed by all persons within this Kingdom, upon the second Lords day of September next, by publick Prayer Preaching and all other Acts of Deep Humiliation and Devotion suteable to the foresaids Causes and Occasions. And His Majesty with Consent foresaid ordains these presents to be Printed and Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent Mercat-Crosses of the head Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within the Kingdom, that none pretend Ignorance: And ordains Coppies thereof to be dispatched in the usual manner to the Sheriffs of the several Shires and Stewarts of Stewartries or their Deputs or Clerks to be by them published at the Mercat Crosses of their Head Burghs upon Receipt thereof, and immediatly sent to the several Ministers, to the effect that the same may be intimat, and read in their several Paroch Churches, upon the Lords day immediatly preceeding the day above-appointed; And that all Ministers concerned, may seriously exhort all Persons to a sincere and devote Observance of the Premisses: Certifying such of the Liedges who shall not give due Obedience, or who shall contemn or neglect the keeping and observing of the said Day and Duties, that they shall be proceeded against by Fineing, not exceeding one hundred Pounds Scots. And Warrands and Commands the [...]heriffs, Stewarts of Stewartries, Lords and Baillies of Regalities and their Deputs, Justices of Peace and Magistrats of Burghs within their several Jurisdictions, to proceed against the Persons guilty, and to exact the Fines accordingly, to be applyed the one half to the Judge, & the other half to the Poor of the Paroch: And certifying such Ministers as shall fail in their Duty in not reading this Proclamation, and observing the Duties therein prescribed, that they shall be processed before the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council: And hereby requires all Sheriffs, Stewarts, Lords and Baillies of Regalities and their Deputes, Justices of Peace, Magistrats of Burghs and their Clerks to make report to his Majesties Privy Council, of these Ministers who shall faillie of their Duty herein.
Extracted furth of the Records of Parliament by Mr. Alexander Gibson one of the Clerks of Parliament, as having Commission for that effect from Charles Earl of Selkirk, &c. Lord Register, Clerk to His Majesties Parliament, Council, Register and Rolls.
GOD Save the King.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1698.