A PROCLAMATION For In-bringing of His MAJESTIES Hangings, Houshold Stuffe, and other Furniture, &c.
THE Committee of Estates now presently Conveened by His MAJESTIES special Warrand and Authority, Understanding that several Persons within this His MAJESTIES Kingdom of Scotland have in their Custody the Hangings, and other Furniture, and Houshold Stuff belonging to the Kings Majesty, and which were formerly, in one or other of His Majesties Houses in Scotland. The said Committee of Estates, Do in His Majesties Name and Authority, Command and Charge all and whatsoever Persons, who now have, or hes had in their Hands or Keeping any of the saids Hangings, Furniture, or Houshold Stuffe formerly belonging to any of His Majesties Houses, to deliver the same before the said Committee of Estates, betwixt and the sixteenth day of October nextocome, With Certification, that all the Goods and Moveables belonging to any such Person, or Persons, in whose custody any of the saids Hangings or Furniture shall be found after the said day, shall be Confiscate and Seized upon for His Majesties use: And do Declare, that all such who shall come to the knowledge of any of the saids Hangings and Furniture to be in any Persons hands whatsoever after the foresaid day, and detect and reveal the same to the said Committee, they shall be rewarded according to their Faithfulnesse, Pains, and diligence therein. And ordains this Proclamation to be forthwith Printed and Published at the Mercat Crosses of Edinburgh, Sterling, St. Johnston, Dundee, Aberdeen, and Dumfermling, that none pretend ignorance hereof. Extracted forth of the Books of the said Committee, be me.
Edinburgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers. 1660.