[royal blazon or coat of arms]

A PROCLAMATION, For a Publick Thanksgiving.

WHereas it hath Pleased Almighty GOD, by the Endeavours of William King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, To Rescue and Deliver this Nation from the great danger of Popery and Ar­bitrary Power, to which it was exposed; The Estates of this King­dom Do Ordain and Appoint, Likeas, it is hereby Enacted, that all the Subjects of this Kingdom, Do Keep and Observe a Day of Solemn and Publick Thanksgiv­ing to Almighty GOD, for their great Deliverance aforesaid, and for Imploring the Blessing of GOD to the said King William, the Glorious Instrument of their Delivery: And they hereby Appoint for the Shires on this side of the River of Tay, the ninth Day of May next; And for the Shires be-north Tay, the six­teenth day of May, for all the Liedges to meet in the Churches, or other places where they ordinarly attend Divine Service, that they may hear Sermon, and joyn together in the Solemn Thanksgiving aforesaid; And Ordains the Ministers to Intimat from their Pulpits, the Observation of the said Thanksgiving, upon the Lords Day immediatly preceeding the saids respective Dayes. And Appoints this Act to be Publickly Proclaimed at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Mer­cat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of all the Shires, and of the whole Royal-Burghs of this Kingdom; And appoints Printed Copies thereof to be dispatched to the Sheriff-Clerks of the respective Shires, that they may send the same to the Magi­strats of the saids Burghs to be Published, and to the several Ministers in the Shire, that they may Intimat the same, as said is. Extracted forth of the Records of the Meeting of the Estates, by me


Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1689.

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