A PROCLAMATION, Against the owning of the Late King
James, and Commanding Publick Prayers to be made for King
William and Queen
THE Estates of this Kingdom of Scotland having Proclaimed and Declared William and Mary, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, to be King and Queen of Scotland; They have thought fit by Publick Proclamation, to Certifie the Leiges, that none presume to own or acknowledge the Late King James the Seventh, for their King, nor obey, accept, or assist any Commissions or Orders, that may be Emitted by him, or any way to Correspond with him; and that none presume upon their highest Peril, by Word, Writing, in Sermons, or any other manner of Way, to Impugn, or Disown the Royal Authority of William and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland; But that all the Leiges render their Dutiful Obedience to Their Majesties; And that none presume to Misconstrue the Proceeding of the Estates, or to create Jealousies, or Misapprehensions of the Meeting of the Government; but that all the Ministers of the Gospel, within the Kingdom Publickly Pray for King William and Queen Mary, as King and Queen of this Realm: And the Estates do Require the Ministers within the City of Edinburgh, under the pain of being deprived and losing their Benefices, to Read this Proclamation publickly from their Pulpits, upon Sunday next, being the 14th. Instant, at the end of their Forenoons Sermon; And the Ministers on this side of the River of Tay, to Read the same upon Sunday thereafter, the 21st. Instant; And those be-north Tay, upon the 28th. Instant, under the pain aforesaid: Discharging thereby the Proclamation of the Council, Dated the 16th. of September 1686. to be Read hereafter in Churches. And the Estates do Prohibit and Discharge, any Injury to be offered by any Person whatsoever, to any Minister of the Gospel, either in Churches or Meeting-Houses, who are presently in the Possession and Exercise of their Ministry therein, they behaving themselves as becomes, under the present Government: And Ordains this Proclamation to be Published at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, with all ordinary Solemnities, that none may pretend Ignorance. Extracted forth of the Records of the Meeting of the Estates, by me,
Licensed according to Order.