THE OATH TO BEE TAKEN BY all members of the Parliament 1641. and in all Parliaments hereafter, before they proceed to any Act or determination.
FOr so much, as the honour, greatnesse, and happinesse of the Kings Royall Majestie, and the wealfare of the Subjects, dependeth on the purity of Religion, (as it is now established in this Kingdome) the Lawes, Liberties, and Peace thereof, which ought to be sought after by all good Christians, loyall Subjects, and true Patriots; And to be furthered and maintained by them, against all such as by any meanes indevoure to shake or subvert the same.
Therefore, Wee under-subscribers, and every one of Us, do in the presence of Almighty GOD, promise and vow that in this present Parliament We shall faithfully and freely speak, answer, and expresse our selves upon all and every thing, which is, or shall be proponed so farre as Wee thinke in our Conscience, may conduce to the glorie of GOD, the good and peace of the Church, and state of this Kingdome. And imploy our best indevours to promove the same: And shall in no wayes advise, voice, nor consent to any thing which to our best knowledge Wee thinke not most expedient and conduceable thereto. As also, That Wee shall maintaine and defend with our lives, power, and estate, his Majesties Royall Person, honour, and estate, as is exprest in our Nationall Covenant. And like-wise, the power and priviledges of Parliaments; And the lawfull rights and liberties of the Subjects: And by all good meanes and wayes, oppose and indevoure to bring to exact tryall all such as either by force, practise, counsel, plots, conspiracies, or otherwise have done, or shall doe, any thing in prejudice of the puritie of Religion, the Lawes, Liberties, and Peace of the Kingdome: And further, that Wee shall in all just and honourable wayes indevoure to preserve union and peace betwixt the three Kingdomes, of Scotland, England, and Ireland: And neither for hope, fear, nor other respect, shall relinquish this vow and promise.
Decimo August. 1641.
REad in audience of Parliament who approveth the same, And appointeth the same to bee taken by all Members of this Parliament, and in all Parliaments hereafter, before they proceed to any act or determination.