FOrsameikle as upon the first of this instant, about eight a clock in the morning, Certain Clean­sers in Kelso being cleansing and house at the upper end of that Town, The firetook hold of that house, and by occasion thereof, the whole houses of that Town from that down-ward, on all sides and corners of the streets (which is in effect the whole body of the Town) Together with the whole Goods belonging to the Inhabitants thereof; With Barn-yards, Girnels, Merchant-Buithes, and every thing else combustible within that Bounds, is totally bumt with such an unquenchable fire, as the like hes not been heard of; So as no fewer than Two thousand souls, are not onely bereft of all place of Residence, but of means for maintenance; and their losse is not within the value of Five hundreth thousand pound Scots. And whereas this Town hes been a very considerable Member of the Body of this Kingdom, in all publick and common Burdens, wherein the Inhabitants thereof have these late yeers of trouble, Given singular testi­mony of their affection to the good of Religion and Countrey, by undertakings beyond their Neighbours, and the visitation hes proceeded from Gods wise Providence: It becomes the whole Body of this Kingdom, as tied, not only by the Bonds of Native and Civill society, but also by Christian dutie, To contri­bute cheerfully and liberally of their means, according to their power, for the supply of the necessities of that poor distressed people, and for the raising and standing of the said Town, and not to suffer the same to be cut off from the Body wherein it hes been so profitable a Member: And so much the rather, That the Hand of GOD lyeth yet heavy upon that poor people, by the conta­gious Plague of Pestilence, whereby they are so restrained, That they may not without endangering the whole Kingdom, tra­vell abroad to labour, or use any means or industry either for maintaining of their lives or repairing of their ruined Fortunes. For which purpose the Lords and others of the Committee of Estates of Parliament, Hes recommended, and by the tunor hereof, re­commends the said Town, and the deplorable condition thereof to the Christian and Charitable consideration of all Persons of whatsoever rank, qualitie, or degree in Kirk or State, within this Kingdom; and to the whole Judicatories Civil and Ecclesiastick within the same: Requesting and desiring them and every ane of them, to extend such proportion of their Liberality and Charity to the said Towne, as the importance and necessity of the cause requires. And the saids Lords and others of the Committee hes committed, and by the tenor hereof, commits, the collection of this Contribution and Benevolence, during the tine that it shall please GOD to continue the visitation within the said Town of Kelso; To ane of the Ministers within every severall Presbyterie of this Kingdom, to be nominate by the Moderator and Remanent Brethren of that Presbyterie: Which Minister to be nominate in every severall Presbyterie, is hereby seriously and earnestly desired, To use all possible care and diligence in collecting and inga­thering of the said Christian Contribution, Charity, and Benevolence, within the Bounds of the said Presbyterie: And to make a Book, and set down therein the sums contributed by every severall Paroch in cumulo, or by any particular person. To [...]er with the names of the persons Contributers, where the Contribution shall be received from any person severally; And to end the saids Contributions with the Book containing the saids sums and names To John Leirmont Writer to the Signet, and Mr. Andro Ker Advocate, or either of them in Edinburgh, To be delivered by them to such as shall be appointed by the Earle of Roxbugh, or by the Minister and Kirk-Session of Kelso to receive the samin. And for the more speedy and effectual ingathering of the said Contribution, The saids Lords and others of the Committee hes committed, and by the tenor hereof, Commits the collection of th [...]s Contribu­tion and Benevolence, so far as shall not be collected by the saids Ministers in this exigent, to any two or moe persons to be nomi­nate and intrusted by the Minister and Elders of the said Kirk-Session of Kelso, and to be authorized by their power and factorie for that effect. Giving, granting, and committing to them and every two or moe of them, as they conjoyned shall be apprinted by the said Minister and Kirk-Session of Kelso; Full power, warrand, and commission, To deal and travell with the whole Noblemen, Barons, and Gentlemen, Synods, Presbyteries, and Sessions of Kirks, Burrows, Towns, and Villages, and with all his Majesties Subjects, as well to Burgh as Land, anent the Benevolence and Christian Contribution to be given for supply of the said Burgh: Which Commissioners shall have a Book delivered to them by the Clerk of the Councell, whereof every Leafe shall be marked by him: Wherein the Committee requests all and every person who shall contribute to this work, To insert, or cause be insert the sums they shall contribute in this Errand. And if any by sloath or negligence shall omit to do the samin, That the Commissioners themselves insert the saids Contributions, and report their diligence in the premisses, with their Books, containing the [...]ames of the whole persons Contributers, and sums contributed to the Committee upon the first of January next, To the intent they may know what sums shall be collected, and how the same shall be imployed. And the Commissioners shall give their great and solemne Oaths at the reporting of their diligence and Books foresaids, That th [...]y have not omitted nor left out of the saids Books ane of the persons names Contributers, nor sums, nor no part thereof contributed by them; Requesting hereby the Moderaton of Synods and Presbyteries, To give direction to the Ministers of the severall Proches, To stir up their Flocks and Parochiners, to put to their helping hands in this so important and necessary a Businesse. And this Commission shall endure for the space of one yeere after the date hereof.

Arch. Primerose.

Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. ANNO 1645.

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