THe Committee of Estates, Taking to their consideration the present condition & estate of this Kingdom, and how that many of his Majesties good Subjects have been pursued by some unnaturall Countrey-men and Irish Rebels; Their Houses burnt, Their Lands wasted, and, Their Corns and Goods destroyed; so as they have nothing left to live on to maintain their Wives, Children, and Families. And finding it just and necessar That such as have suffered, or shall suffer, for their love to Religion, and safetie of the Kingdom, should be tane notice of by the Publike; The Committee doth therefore declare, That every Gentleman that hath or shall be spoiled by the Rebels, and will be content to take Service, and shall have imployment according to their several conditions & abilities: And for such as are poor & mean men, they shal be tane on in Service and maintained in the Armie: And for women and children, course shall be tane how they may be supplied. And how soon it shall please God to put an end to the troubles of this Kingdom, Then the Committee will take their severell losses into consideration; and according to the deserving of the parties and prejudices sustained by them, be carefull that they be supplied and repaired of their losses; as may best witnesse that this Kingdom acknowledge themselves bound in dutie, and by the Covenant, to be sensible of the sufferings of their Brethren in the defence thereof. And ordains Publication to be made hereof by open Proclamation at all places needfull.
the 13 of December. 1644.
Arch. Primerose.
Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1644.