THE Committee of Estates considerin [...] [...] the Peace and quiet of this Kingdome [...] been grievously disturbed, by occasi [...] [...] the late unlawfull engagement and the p [...] secutors thereof, And that it is a part o [...] [...] trust put upon them to provide by all me [...] for securing the Peace of the Country, [...] also considering that there are divers G [...] ­tlemen and others now presently four [...] his Kingdom, who having been active promoters and abetter [...] [...] [...]he foresaid engagement, may return to this Kingdom, and occ [...] on a new disturbance of the Peace and quiet thereof, Doth therefo [...] ordain all such Gentlemen and Officers who have been upon the [...]oresaid engagement, and for the present are out of the Country, T [...] compeer before the Parliament or Committee of Estates of this Ki [...] ­dome, such of them as dwell benorth Tay within 15. dayes, And su [...] as dwell upon this side of the same, within 10 dayes after their arriv [...] and comming to this Country, To give such security to the Parl [...] ­ment or Committee of Estates, according to the Lawes and practic [...] of this Kingdom, as they shall think most fit for the Peace and [...] thereof, VVith certification if they compeer not, They shall be [...] en as Enemies and disturbers of the Publick Peace, and bee [...] ­ceeded against accordingly; And ordains these presents to be [...] ­lished at the Mercat Crosse of Edinburgh, and Peire and Sho [...] [...] Leith, as also to be Printed.


Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Ki [...] [...] Excellent Majesty 1648.

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