ACTS For Settling the Orders in the Parliament-House.

IT IS ORDERED, that all Members of Parliament do precisely keep the Dy­ets of Parliament, under the Pains following, Viz. Each Nobleman for each Dyets Absence, without Leave or relevant Excuse, twelve Pounds Scots, each Baron six Pounds, and each Burgess three Pounds, and that they pay the just half of their Penalties, for each Dyet they come in after the Calling of the Rolls of Parliament. That none be admitted to stayin Parliament but the ordinary Members of Parliament, viz. The Noblemen, Officers of State, Commissioners for Shires and Burrows, and the Clerk-Registers Deputs, and Servants imployed by him to serve in the House: And besides these, Admittance is allowed to the eldest Sons, and appearand Heirs-male of Noblemen, to the Se­nators of the Colledge of Justice, to the Knight Marischal, to the Ushers, to the Ly­on, to the King's Agent, and one Servant allowed to the Lord Chancellor, two to the Constable, two to the Marischal, and one to the Advocat.

And it is Ordered, that none presume to sit upon the Benches, except the No­bility: That the Officers of State sit upon the Steps of the Throne, that the Com­missioners for Shires and Burrows sit on the Furms appointed for them, that Noblemens eldest Sons and Heirs aforesaid, sit on the lower Bench of the Throne, that the Lords of Session sit at a Table, which is to stand betwixt the Throne and the Commissioners from Burrows: And that none presume to sit at the Clerks Table, save the Clerk-Register, and the Deputs and Servants to be imployed by him, in the Service of the House, nor to stand betwixt the Throne and the Clerks Table: That any other Persons allowed Access, shall sit at the far end of the Seats appointed for the Commissioners from Shires and Burrows.

And it is Appointed, that the Knight Marischal and Macers be careful, as they will be Answerable upon their Peril, that these Orders be obeyed: And that they exact Twenty Shillings Sterling for each Person, who shall be found within the House, and are not Members, nor admitted as aforesaid, besides their Re­moval and Imprisonment at the second Fault, and their Penalties to be collected by the Macers, and depositat in the Hands of [...] to be disposed upon by the Order of the House. That after the House is set, none offer to stand, or walk, or keep privat Discourses one with another. That none go forth, except in Cases of Necessity, and that they forthwith return, nor any Persons suffered to stay at the Committees, save Members of Parliament. That in all Debates of the House, no Person offer to interrupt another, nor to direct his Discourse to any, but to my Lord Chancellor, or President. That all refle­ctions be forborn, and that no man offer at one Dyet, and in one Business, to speak oftner than twice at most, except in such Cases, where Leave shall be first asked and given by His Majestie or Commissioner. That no Member of Parlia­ment leave the House, until the Meeting be by His Majesty or His Commissio­ner dissolved. As also by another Act, of the date the twenty eight of April 1685, the Clerks of Council, the Clerk of the Justice-Court, and Sheriff-de­puts of Edinburgh Shire, are allowed to stay in the House, the time of the sit­ting of the Parliament.

And sicklike, by an Act of the date, the twenty first of April 1693, the Com­mander in chief of the Forces, the Captain of the Guard, the Judge of the Ad­mirality, the Keeper of the Signet under the Lord Secretary, and the King's Chaplain are also allowed to stay in the House, during the sitting of the Parli­ament.

Extracted forth of the Records of Parliament, by TARBAT Cls. Regist.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1695.

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