ACT, [...]estoring the Presbyterian Ministers who were thrust from their Churches since the first of January, 1661.
FOrasmuch as by an Act of this present Parliament, relative to, and in prosecution of the Claim of Right, Prelacy and the Superiority of Church Officers above Presbyters, is Abolished, and that many Ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion, since the first of [...]anuary One thousand six hundred and sixty one, have been de [...]ived of their Churches, or Banished for not conforming to [...]relacy, and not complying with the Courses of the time; Therefore Their Majesties, with Advice and Consent of the estates of Parliament, Ordain and Appoint, That all those [...]resbyterian Ministers yet alive, who were thrust from their [...]harges, since the first day of January One thousand six hun [...]ed and sixty one, or Banished for not conforming to Prelacy, [...]nd not complying with the Courses of the time, have forth [...]ith free access to their Churches, that they may presently ex [...]cise the Ministry in these Paroches, without any new Call [...]ereto, and allows them to bruik and enjoy the Benefices and [...]tipends thereunto belonging, and that for the whole Cropt One thousand six hundred eighty and nine, and immediat [...] to enter to the Churches and Manses, where the Chur [...]es are Vacant: and where they are not Vacant, then their [...]try thereto is Declared to be to the half of the Benefice and [...]tipend, due and payable at Michalmals last, for the half year [...]mmediatly preceeding betwixt Whitsunday and Michalmass; De [...]aring that the present Incumbent shall have right to the other [...]lf of the Stipend and Benefice, payable for the Whitsunday [...]st by past; And to the effect that these Ministers may meet [...]ith no stop or hinderanre in entring immediatly to their Char [...]s, the present Incumbents in such Churches, are hereby Ap [...]inted upon Intimation hereof, to desist from their Mini [...]y in these Paroches, and to remove themselves from the [...]anses and Gleibs thereunto belonging, betwixt and Whit [...]nday next to come, that the Presbyterian Ministers formerly [...]t out, may enter peaceably thereto; and Appoints the Pri [...] Council to see this Act put to Execution.
GOD save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.