ACT Prorogating the Dyet of the Ministers taking the Oath of Alledgeance and Assurance.
OƲRSOƲERAIGN LORD and LADY, the King and Queens Majesties considering, that the twenty day of this instant appointed for the Ministers and Preachers, School-masters and Pedagogs, to take and subicribe the Oath of Alledgiance, and subscribe the Assurance, by the late Act thereanent, is too short a time to reach the furdest parts of the Kingdom; Do therefore with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, prorogate the foresaid time, to the tenth day of July next to come, Ordaining them to give Obedience to the foresaid Act betwixt and the said day peremptorly, under the Pains therein contained; and for that Effect prorogats the Commission given by the Lords of the Privy Council, to the persons thereby appointed for that effect, with Power to them to meet before upon the [...] day of the said Month, in manner ordained in the said Act.
GOD save King VVilliam and Queen Mary,