ACT, Ordaining the Commissioners of Supply, their Collectors and Clerks to take the Oath of Allegiance.
OUR SOVERAIGN LORD and LADY, the King and Queens Majesties, and the Estates of Parliament, Considering how necessary it is for Securing the Peace of the Kingdom, and Carrying on Their Majesties Service more effectually in this Juncture, that the Commissioners of Supply, Appointed, or to be Appointed in the several Shires, and their Clerks and Collectors, be persons well affected to Their Majesties Government: Do Therefore Stature and Ordain, that the foresaids Commissioners, before they proceed to Act as Commissioners, do Take, Swear and Subscribe the Oath of Allegiance to Their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary; And likewise, that the Clerks and Collectors, who shall be Appointed by the saids Commissioners, at their Acceptation of that Trust, Do Swear and Subscribe the foresaid Oath of Allegiance to Their Majesties. Extracted forth of the Records of Parliament, by me
GOD save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.