ACT Of the COMMITTEE of ESTATES for ordering the Quarterings of the Forces within the KINGDOM.

THE Committee of Estates taking to their consideration the prejudices that his Majesties good Subjects in the Countrey suffers by the insolen­cies of the Souldiers and Officers who are not content with that due proportion of Quarters allowed to them by Act of Parliament, do exact and raise such Sums of money as they please; They drive away the Peoples goods and horses and plunder their houses, for r [...]medy whereof in time coming, The Committee doth hereby discharge all Officers and Souldiers whatsoever that none of them upon any pretext offer to Plunder or take away any of the Subiects horse or goods or raise any money for their Quarter or exact any dues whatsomever but their entertainment, conform to the Act of Parlia­ment, under the pain of death, and discharges all his Ma­iesties good Subiects as they wil be answerable from pay­ing any money to them or other provision whatsoever except their due entertainment, viz. every foot Souldiers entertainment, at the rate of four shillings Scots daily, and every Trooper to have entertainment at the rate of four­teen shillings; and the Officers onely to have entertain­ment for themselves and their Horses. And Ordains pub­lication to be made hereof at the Mercat Crosse of Edin­burgh, and other places needfull, wherethrough none pretend ignorance thereof.

Arch. Primerose.

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