ACT Of the Committee of Estates for bringing up of Deficients and Runawayes, and Quartering of them, and for ane account from the Shires of their diligence in execution of former publike Acts.
THe Committee of Estates, Taking into consideration The many Acts of Parliament, and Orders sent to the Shires For raising and putting out of their Deficients and Runawayes of the former Leavies, And the small effects that the same hes wrought hithertils, upon pretext that there is no allowance setled for the maintenance of these Souldiers & Runawayes till they be carried to their Colours; Notwithstanding that the same be provided to be out of the readiest of the Fines of such as have reset any of them, And out of the Excise, conform to the Act of Parliament made the 14 Junii 1644. And the Act of Parliament made the 18 of Julii 1644. Both in the first Session of this present currant Parliament: Therefore they have ordained, Likeas the Committee of Estates by thir presents ordain, That whatever Deficients or Runawayes shall be apprehended within any Shire by the Commissioners of the Shire appointed for that effect, Shall be entertained from the time of their first apprehending till they be sent to their Colours, out of the first end of the Fines of Deficients and Resetters of Runawayes, at the rate of Four shillings Scots a day the Foot, And Horsmen at Fourteen shillings, sua long as they stay within the Shire where they are or shal be apprehended, And four shillings a day thereafter, till they be brought to their Colours and Companies, They Matching 12 Milesilk day at least; And the Horsmen at Fourteen shillings daily, they Marching 20 Miles daily: And failing of the foresaids Fines of Deficients and Resetters of Runawayes, That the same be paid out of the Excise of the Shire within the which the saids Deficients and Runawayes shall happen to be apprehended and put out, as said is: And to that effect ordains the Commissioners of ilk Shire for uplifting of the saids Fines, and the Collectors of the Excise respectivè, as said is, To advance to the Committee of Warre within the severall Shires the saids sums for entertainment and upbringing of the saids Deficients and Runawayes to their Colours and Companies. And sicklike the Committee of Estates ordains, that whatever Deficients or Runawayes shall be apprehended within any Burgh by the Magistrates of the Burghes, who are both Commissioners within themselves for Deficients and Runawayes, And als Collectors of the Excise and Fines of the Deficients and Resetters of the Runawayes, Shall be entertained from the time of their first apprehending till they be sent to their Colours, out of the first end of the Fines of Deficients and Resetters of Runawayes, at the rate of Four shillings Scots a day sua long as they stay within the Burgh where they are or shall be apprehended, and Four shillings a day thereafter till they be brought to their Companies and Colours, They Marching 12 Miles ilk day at least, And Horsmen as aforesaid: And failing of the foresaids Fines of Deficients and Resetters of Runawayes, That the same be paid out of the Excise of the Burgh within the which the said, Runawayes and Deficients shall happen to be apprehended and put out, as said is. And to that effect, ordains the Magistrates and Commissioners of ilk Burgh for uplifting of the saids Fines, and the Collectors of the Excise respectivè, as said is, To advance to the Committee of Warre of the Shires respectivè, within the which the saids Burghs lies, The foresaids sums for entertainment and upbringing of the saids Deficients and Runawayes to their Companies and Colours. And to the effect the Committee of Estates may get an account of the diligence of the Shires and Burrows respectivè, in putting out of Deficients and Runawayes, and exacting of the penalties of the Resetters, and in putting their Shires and Burghs in a Posture of Warre, and performing all other publike duties, conforme to the publike Acts given out for that purpose, They do ordain Messengers of Arms To passe and charge the Committee of Warre of the severall Shires within this Kingdom, To compeir by one of their number sufficiently instructed by them, before the Committe of Estates at Edinburgh, or where it shall happen them to be for the time, upon the [...] day of [...] Provided to give an account of the particulars foresaids, And to hear and see course taken thereanent, conforme to the Acts made thereanent, With certification to the Committees of Warre if they failȝie therein, The Committee will proceed and Fine them and every one of them, in such sums as shall be thought fitting, And Letters direct against them for payment of the saids Fines: And declares that ane Copie hereof being given Judicially to the Conveener or President of the Committees of Warre respectivè at their Session, in presence of these who shall be present, shall be als sufficient against the whole persons on the Committees of Warre respectivè, as if ane Copie hereof had been given to every one of them in particular.