ACT Of the Committee of Estates anent the EXCISE. EDINBƲRGH, 16 th. October, 1660.

THE Committee of Estates having appointed the Excise to be raised of all Merchandise and others mentioned in the Table underwritten, since the twenty third of August last, to the fifteen day of November next to come: And considering that by reason of the discontinuance of raising and leavying of the said Excise the rates and proportions after­specified may not be so well known to such as are liable in payment thereof: Therefore they have ordained, Likeas, by these Presents, They ordain the Table of Exciseable goods and Excise due and payable therefore, as it is contained in the Act of Parliament, One thousand six hundred fourty seven, to be forthwith Re-Printed, that none may pretend ignorance of what is due and payable for the Merchandise and others therein contained, as after followeth: To wit, For ilk pynt of Forraign Imported Beer, to be payed by the Importer thereof, twelve pennis Scots money: For ilk pynt of French wine, sixteen pennies: For ilk pynt of Spanish-wine, Rhenish-wine, Canarie and Malvasie, two shilling eight pennies: For ilk pynt of Aquavitae or Strong waters Imported, six shillings eight pen­nies, without prejudice of the Confiscation by the Kings Thesaurer and his Deputes, according to the former Acts: For ilk pund of Tobacco, to be payed be the Importer thereof, two shillings: For ilk Ox, Cow or Bull slain, of sixteen pounds price or above, to be payed by the slayer thereof, twenty shillings: For ilk Ox, Cow, or Bull slain, under sixteen pounds price, to be payed by the slayer thereof, thirteen shillings four pennies: For ilk Ox, Cow or Bull Exported, to be payed by the Exporter thereof, thirty shillings: For ilk Sheep slain, to be payed by the flayer thereof, two shillings: For ilk Sheep Exported, to be paid be the Exporter thereof six shillings: For ilk Stirk of eight pounds price or above slain, to be payed by the slayer thereof, six shillings eight pennies: For ilk Stirk under that price slain, to be paid by the slayer thereof, four shillings: For ilk Stirk Exported, to be paid by the Exporter thereof, ten shillings: For ilk Calf or Goat slain, to be paid by the slayer, two shillings: For ilk Swine, six shillings, For ilk Lamb or Kid slain, to be paid by the slayer, twelve pennies: For ilk Lamb or Kid Exported, to be paid by the Exporter thereof, two shillings. For the Imported Merchand Wares afterspecified: viz. All Cloath, Baises, Freeses, Carseys, Sarges, and all other Cloath and Stuff made of Wool; As also, for all sorts of Silk-Stuffs, Worset and Hair-Stuffs, or Mixt-Stuffs of Linning and Woolen, Hats, and Hat-Bands of all sorts, Stockings of Silk, Worset or Threed, Silk-Ribbans, [...]a [...]ling, Lace, and Pasments of Silk, Silver, Gold, Worset or Threed hanks and pirns of Gold and Silver, Camerick, Lawn, Holland cloath and Stuffs, and all kind of made Work whatsoever Imported for sale: For ilk twenty shilling worth thereof, twelve pennies, to be paid by the Merchand Importer: For ilk twelve pounds worth of Coals Exported in Scots or English Bottoms, to be paid by the Coal. Master, ten shillings: For ilk twelve pounds worth of Coals Exported in Forraign Bottoms, to be paid by the Coal Master, fifteen shillings: For all Yairn Exported, either Linning or Woollen, for ilk twenty shilling worth thereof, to be paid by the Exporter, two shillings: For all rough Hides Exported, for ilk twenty shilling worth thereof, to be paid by the Exporter, two shillings: For Sheep-skins Exported, for ilk twenty shilling worth thereof, to be paid by the Exporter, twelve pennies: For all Wooll Exported, for ilk twenty shillings worth thereof, to be payed by the Exporter two shillings, without prejudice of the Confiscation by the Thesaurer and his Deputes, conform to the former Acts of Parliament. Item, For ilk twenty shillings worth of Goats Skins Exported, twelve pennies: And for ilk twenty shilling worth of Buck and Deers Skins Exported, two shillings. And the said Committee ordains thir Presents to con­tinue and endure till the fifteen day of November next to come, and ay and while the same be Discharged by the said Committee, or Estates of Parliament. As also, Requires and Commands all Sheriffs, Ma­gistrates of Burghs and other Officers to be assisting, for causing ready payment to be made of the said Ex­cise to such Persons as shal have Warrand for Collecting the same. And ordains the samine to be Printed and Published at the Mercat Crosse of Edinburgh, and other places needfull, that none pretend igno­rance hereof.

Extracted forth of the Books of the said Committee, by me JO. HAY Cler. Com.

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