[design incorporating Scottish thistle, French fleur-de-lis, and Tudor rose]

ACT of PARLIAMENT, For an Additional Supply out of the Annual rent of Money, June 14. 1690.

THE Estates of Parliament for a further evidence of their Du­ty and Affection to Their Majesties, and that the bygone Arriers, due to Their Army, and by the Army to the Coun­trey, may be speedily and effectually satisfied: Therefore the Estates of Parliament, for themselves, and in Name of the Kingdom whom they Represent, Do make an humble Tender and Offer of one penny of six, or the sixth part of all free Annualrents and An­nuities for one year, due and payable within the Kingdom (deducing the Annualrents and Annuities payable by the Creditor in the said Annual­rent or Annuity) to be Collected and payed at Martinmass next one thou­sand six hundred and ninety years, to His Majesty, or such Collectors as he shall appoint, Declaring that all personal Bonds, and likewise where in­feftments have followed, shall be lyable in the payment of this proportion of Annualrent or Annuity; but where after expiring of the Legal of Com­prysings or Adjudications, any Creditor obtains the Possession, no pro­portion of Annualrent shall be due. Which dutiful Offer Their Majesties do accept, and with Advice of the saids Estates, Do Ordain the foresaid proportion of all Annualrents and Annuities within the Kingdom, viz. one of six for one year, to be Collected and uplifted from the Debitors, or out of their Estates, at the Term of Martinmass next, and allows all Legal Me­thods for discovering and inbringing the foresaid proportion of Annualrent, to be used for inbringing of the same, which are prescribed by the first Act of Parliament in the year 1633. And Their Majesties, with Advice fore­said, Do Allocat and appoint the first and readiest of the foresaid Annual­rents and Annuities, to be applyed for the payment and satisfaction of the sums due to the several Shires and Burghs of this Kingdom, furnished, ad­vanced, or payed by them to Their Majesties Forces, these Debts being al­ways instructed and liquidate, according to the Rule prescribed by the Act of Parliament, in anno 1681. And Declares that the payment of this pro­portion of Annualrent or Annuity shall exoner the Debitor, so that he shall be lyable to the Creditor, only for five per cent that year; Excepting al­ways from this Act, the Annualrents of all sums mortified for pious uses. Ex­tracted forth of the Records of Parliament by me

TH. BƲRNET, Cls Reg.

God save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1690.

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