ACT OF PARLIAMENT, Anent the Conȝiage of Copper.
THE KING and QUEENS Majesties, with Consent of the Three Estates Conveen'd in Parliament, Considering that at this time it may be fit to have some small Money Conȝied in Copper, for the easie Exchange and Support of the Poor; and that the Value allowed by the Twenty Fourth Act of the Parliament 1686 to be Conȝied out of the Pound of Copper, viz. Twenty Shilling Scots out of the Pound, is so little that it will not well repay the Charges, VVaiste and Travail of the Conȝiage: DO THEREFORE Allow such a Quantity of Copper to be Conȝied, as the KING'S Majesty shall Order, not exceeding Three Thousand Stones of Copper in the space of Six Years, whereof Two Parts in Two-Penny Peices, and a Third in Six-Penny-Pieces, at such a Rate as shall be Appointed by His Majesty, not exceeding Thirty Shilling Scots in the Pound VVeight of Copper: PROVIDING that the said Quantity of Three Thousand Stones be so divided, as that no more then Five Hundred Stones be Conȝied in one Year. AND LIKEVVISE, that albeit this Alteration be now Dispensed with, and Allowed on good Considerations, yet after that the said Number of Three Thousand Stones of Copper shall be Conȝied, the former Act past in anno 1686 shall stand in its full Force as to the matter of Copper Coyn in all Points. And the Estates, Do Humbly Intreat His Majesty may Recommend to His Privy Council, to take exact Care for Overseeing that no more be Conȝied at this Rate, than the said Three Thousand Stones, in such Proportions as His Majesty shall Prescribe, not exceeding Five Hundred Stones in One Year, as said is. And they STATUTE and ORDAIN, that the exceeding of the foresaid Quantity, shall be Punished as False Conȝiage.