ACT OF PARLIAMENT, Against saying of Mess, Jesuits, Seminary and Mess Priests, and trafficking Papists.

OVr Soveraign Lord c [...]sidering, that the publick contempt of, and dis­obedience to, lawfull Authority, (though covered with the most specious pretexts) is alwayes accompanied with great confusons and provoca­tions, to the dishonour of GOD, and ruine of the people; And that thereby occasion is offered to wicked and ill affected perons, of all sorts, upon one pretence or other, to subvert Religion, and [...]ervert the Duty and Allegiance of the Subjects; Whereof there be too sad evidence, by the increase of Popery, and the number of Iesuits, Priess, and Papists; which have of late, and do now abound in this Kingdom, in far greater numbers then ever they did under the Goverument o [...] his Majesties Royal Father and Grand-Father, of blessed memory. And his Majesty being desirous to trace these his Royal Ancestors, by a due and vigorous prosecuti [...]n of these many excellent Laws made by them, against the saying or Mess, and the stay and [...]et of Iesuits, Seminary and Mess Priests, and trafficking Papists, within this Kingdom: Doth therefore, with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament, command and charge al, and sundry Iesuits, Priests and trafficking Papists, that none of them presume hereafter to fry Mess with­in this Kingdom; And that within a moneth after publication hereof, they remo [...]e forth of the Kingdom, under the pain of death: And siclike, his Majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, doth command, charge, and inhibite all his Majesties Subjects, of what quality or degree soever, that none of them presume to hear Mess, nor resset, supply, entertain, furnish meat nordrink, nor keep intelligence nor correspondence with any Priests, Iesuits or trafficking Papists, under the pains contained in the Laws and Acts of Parliament made in that behalf. And to the end that this Act may receive the more exact obedience and prosecution, His Majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, doth hereby command all Sheriffs of Shires and their Deputs, all Magistrates of Burghs, and other publick Ministers of the Laws, to make exact enquiry and search in their several bounds and jurisdictions, and to apprehendall such Iesuits, Priests, or trafficking Papists, as they shall find within the same, after the last day of March next to come; and to commit them to the next sure Prison, there to remain till they receive due punishment, according to the Laws: And also, that with all possible diligence, they send in to the Parliament, or in case of their not sitting, to his Ma­jesties Privy-Council, the list of all such persons within their bounds, as are known, or suspected to be Papists; that course may be taken with them, conform to the Laws of the Kingdom: And hereof, the Sheriffs and Magistra [...]s, and their Deputs are to take special notice, as they will be answerable at their highest peril: Likeas, his Majesty considering how dangerous it is that Children be educat by persons popishly affected, do therefore, with advice and consent fore­said, appoint that children under popish Parents, Tutors or Curators shall be taken from them, and committed to the education of some well affected and religious friend, at the sight and by order of his Majesties Privy-Council: And ordains publication hereof to be made at the Mer­cat Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Mercat Crosses of all the Royal Burroughs within this King­dom, where-through none of his Majesties Subjects may pretend ignorance of the same.


Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1661.

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