ACT, For Visitation of Ʋniversities, Colledges and Schools.

OUR Soveraign Lord and Lady, the King and Queens Majesties, and the Three Estates of Parliament, Con­sidering how necessary it is for the Advancement of Religion, and Learning, and for the good of the Church, and Peace of the Kingdom, that the Universities, Colledges and Schools be provided, and served with Pious, Able and Qualified Professors, Principals, Regents, Masters and others bearing Office therein, well affected to Their Majesties, and the Established Government of Church and State: Therefore Their Majesties, with Advice of the saids three Estates of Parliament, Do Statute, Ordain, and Enact, That from this time forth, no Pro­fessors, Principals, Regents, Masters, or others bearing Office in any University, Colledge, or School within this Kingdom, be either admitted, or allowed to continue in the exercise of their saids Functions, but such as do acknowledge and profess, and shall subscribe to the Confession of Faith, Ratified and Approven by this present Parliament; and also Swear and Subscribe the Oath of Allegiance to Their Majesties; and withal shall be found to be of a Pious, Loyal, and Peaceable Conversation, and of good and sufficient Literature, and Abilities for their respective Imployments, and submitting to the Government of the Church, now Settled by Law. And albeit it be Their Majesties undoubted Right and Prerogative, to name Visitors, and cause visit the foresaid Universities, Colledges and Schools: Yet at this time Their Majesties are pleased to Nominat and Appoint, with Advice and Consent foresaid, the persons under-named, viz. The Duke of Hamilton, Earl of Argile, Earl of Crafurd, Earl of Marischal, Earl of Mortoun, Earl of Cassils, Earl of Lothian, Earl of Kintore, Viscount of Arbuthnet, Viscount of Stair, Lord Raith, Lord Elphingston, Lord Cardross, Lord Carmichael, Lord Ruthven, Master of Burghly, Master of Stair Lord Ad­vocat, Sir George Campbel Justice Clerk, the Master of Forbes, Mr. Alexander Swinton of Mersingtoun, Mr. David Hume of Crosirig, Mr. John Hamilton of Halleraig, Senators of the Colledge of Justice, Sir Patrick Hume of Polwart, Sir John Maxwel of Pollock, Sir Thomas Burnet of Leys, Sir Robert Sinclar of Stevinson, Sir George Monro of Culren, Mr. Francis Montgomery of Gif­fins, Mr. James Melvil of Halhill, [...] Broddie of that Ilk, [...] Grant of that Ilk, [...] Dumbar of Grange, Mr. Robert Lermonth of Balcomey, Peter Hay of Naughtoun elder, [...] Cunninghame of Craigens, John Dempster of Pitli­ver, [...]Drummond of Meggins, George Moncrief of Ready elder, Sir John Hall of Dunglass, Sir William Hamilton, Alex­ander Spittle of Lowchat, John Anderson of Dowhill, Mr. James Smellet, Mr. James Rymer Minister, Mr. VVilliam Tullidaff, Mr. Gabriel Cunninghame, Mr. Edward Jamison, Mr. Alexander Pitcairn, Mr. Hugh Anderson, Mr. Gilbert Ruel, Mr. Hugh Kennedy, Mr. John Law, Mr. James Kirktoun, Mr. David Blair, Mr. George Campbel, Mr. George Meldrum, Mr. Alexander Forbes, Mr. VVilliam Vilant, Mr. VVilliam Mitchel, Mr. Robert VVillie, Mr. James M cgill, Mr. Henry Rymer, and Mr. John Oliphant, to be Visi­tors, to the effect under written, viz. With full Power and Commission to them, or major part of them hereby Declared to be their quorum, to meet, and visit all Universities, Colledges and Schools within this Kingdom, and to take tryal of the pre­sent Professors, Principals, Regents, Masters and others bearing Office therein, according to the Qualifications and Rules a­bove-mentioned, and such as shall be found to be Erroneous, Scandalous, Negligent. Insufficient, or Disaffected to Their Majesties Government, or who shall not subscribe the Confession of Faith, swear and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance, and sub­mit to the Government of the Church, now settled by Law, to purge out, and remove: As also to consider the Foundations of the saids Universities, Colledges and Schools, with the Rents and Revenues thereof, and how the same have been Admini­sired and managed, and to set down such Rules and methods, for the good management thereof, for hereafter. As likewise, for Ordering the saids Universities, Colledges and Schools, and the Professions and manner of Teaching therein, and all things else relating thereto, as they shall think most meet and convenient, according to the Foundations thereof, and consistent with the present Established Government of Church and State; And to the effect that these Presents may be the more surely Exe­cute, Their Majesties with Advice foresaid, Do further Impower the foresaids persons Visitors, or their quorum, to appoint Committees of such numbers of their own Members as they shall think fit to visit the several Universities, and Colledges within the Kingdom, with the Schools within the bounds, to be designed to them, and that according to such Instructions and In­junctions, as they shall think fit to give them; And to the effect, that upon Report, made by the said Committee, to the a­foresaid Visitors, or their quorum, they may proceed and conclude thereupon, as they shall see cause: And Their Majesties Appoints the aforesaid Visitors to meet at Edinburgh upon the twenty third day of July instant, for the first dyet of their meet­ing, with power to them to Adjourn and Appoint their own Meetings, to such dayes and places, as for thereafter they shall judge convenient; And this Commission to endure ay and while Their Majesties Recall, and Discharge the same. Extracted forth of the Records of Parliament, by me

TH. BURNET, Cls. Reg.

God Save King William and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1690.

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