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ACT For the more effectual In-bringing of His Majesties Rents and Revenues.

OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, And the Estates of Parliament, Considering the great Neglect and Remissness of the Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies of Bailliaries, and Regalities, and their Deputs, in the Discovering, Col­lecting and In-bringing of His Majesties Rents and Revenues Constant and Casual; And of the Feuars and other Vassalls, who are lyable for the Rents and Duties of His Majesties Property, and the Chamberlains thereof, Whereby the payment of the same is fallen very much in arrear; And the Compting yearly in the moneth of July, according to former Acts of Parliament, is greatly neglected: THEREFORE, The better to prevent the same for the future. His Majesty, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, not only Ratifies and Approves all former Laws and Acts of Parliament made for In-bringing His Majesties Rents, and particularly the 15th Act 3d. Session of the first Parl. K. Charles the 2d, Ordaining the same to be put in full executi­on, Conform to the Tenor thereof; But likewise, further Statutes and Declares, That in all time coming, what­soever Sheriff, Stewarr, Baillie of Bailliarie, or Regality, or their Deputs, or Chamberlains of His Majesties Proper Rents respectivè shall delay, or neglect to compear and compt yearly in Exchequer, in the Moneth of July, And accordingly receive their Aequies, and Exoneration of all that can be charged on them, as due and payable by them to His Majesty; That immediately after they shall be Charged and Denunced for the same, at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, Conform to the former Laws and Practice; And the Horning and Denunciation shall be duely registrat, that Persons so De­nunced and Registrat, shall ipso facto, amit, loss and tyne (during their life-time) their Offices of Sheriff-ship, Stewartrie, Bailliarie, or Cham­berlanry, whether the same be Heretable, or during Life, or Pleasure; And it shall not be lawful for them by themselves, or their Deputs. to Exerce, or Officiat therein at any time thereafter; but the same shall vaik and fall in His Majesties hands, without any Declarator, or Process of Law: As also that all Feuars, and other Vassals of His Majesties Property, who shall neglect, or delay to compear yearly in the said moneth of July, in Exchequer, and make compt and payment of the Feu, Blench, or Taxt-ward-duties and others, due and payable by them, and re­ceive their Aequies and Exonerations thereof accordingly; So as two years thereof shall run together unpayed, and that they shall be therefore Charged, Denunced; and Registrat as is abovementioned, that immediately after the said Denunciation, and Registration, they shall be lyable for the double of the whole Feu, Blench, Taxt-ward, or other Duties, then due and payable by them, and all Exe­cution shall passe against them therefore, Sicklike as if the same were mentioned, and contained in the Reddendoes of their Infestments; And that by and attour, and but prejudice of the penalties formerly Imposed, and payable by the said Non-accomptants, conform to former Laws. And it is further Statute and Ordained, That all Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies of Bailliaries and Regalities, their Clerks, and Clerk-deputs shall be holden and oblidged, to send Lists from time to time to the Lord High Thesaurer, Thesaurer Deput, or Clerks of Exchequer, of all Wairds and Marriages, as well Simple as Taxt, that shall happen to fall and vaik in time coming, or that are already fallen within their respective Jurisdictions, bearing the time of the Decease of the Person by whom the same vaiks, and of the Successor, and their Age, and whether Married or not; Certifying all such Clerks, as shall not, before the first day of November next to come, report in Exchequer the Lists under their hands, of all such bygone Casualities fallen, preceeding the date hereof, and thereafter from time to time, within six moneths after the same shall happen to fall and vaik, if the persons die within the Kingdom; That they shall amit, lose and tyne their Office of Clerk ship, to be immediately disposed on, by these who shall have right thereto, without any Declarator, or other Process whatsoever; And to the effect, they may the better know the tenor of the holding of all Lands within their respective Jurisdictions, His Ma­jesty, with advice forsaid, Ordains the saids Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies of Bailliaries, and Regalities, and their Deputs, at the next Michael­mass Head-Court, and at such other Dyets, as they shall think convenient, to cause all the Vassals within their respective Jurisdictions produce before them their Charters, to the effect the Clerks may record the Reddendoes thereof in their Books, who are ordered immediately there­after to return them to the Parties, without payment of any money for the same. And Ordains Letters of Horning to be directed against those who shall fail to produce their Charters, as said is: And it is hereby declared, that in all time coming, when poynding is used for the Kings proper Rents, the apprising of the Goods poynded may be als Legally done upon the Ground of the Lands allenarly, as if the samen were Apprised at the Mercat Cross of the head Burgh of the Jurisdiction, notwithstanding of any Law, or Practise in the contrare.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty. 1685.

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