ACT For the Levy.
THE ESTATES OF PARLIAMENT Considering the present Dangers, and that Their Majesties may think it expedient, to Order the Levying of more Forces, for obviating the said Dangers: And being withall most sensible, of the Duty they own to Their Majesties, for these great and manifold Blessings they enjoy by, and under Their Happy Government; Do for themselves, and in Name and Behalf of Their Majesties good Subjects within this Kingdom, by these Presents, Renew the Humble and Hearty Tender of their Lives and Fortunes, for the promoting of Their Majesties Service: And further, in Pursuance of their Duties expressed in the Act of Parliament 1663, entituled an Humble Tender to his Sacred Majesty, of the Duty and Loyalty of his antient Kingdom of Scotland, they do Cheerfully Offer to Their Majesties, a present Levy of two thousand nine hundred and seventy nine Foot, to be Levyed off the several Shyres and Burghs of this Kingdom, effeiring to proportions and numbers set down in the foresaid Act. And to the end, the foresaid Levy may be made effectual, Their Majesties with Advice and Consent of the said Estates of Parliament, do Order and Appoint the Shyres, Stewartries, and Burghs within this Kingdom, to put out and deliver, when they shall be thereto Required, and to such Officers, as shall be Commissionat by Their Majesties for that effect, the foresaid proportions and numbers which are hereby appointed to be Levyed, according to the numbers formerly observed in the Militia, and are as follows, viz. the Shyres of Roxburgh and Selkirk, one hundred ninety eight, Berwick one hundred and nineteen, the Shyre of Edinburgh, one hundred and nineteen, Haddingtoun one hundred and nineteen, Peebles fourty, Linlithgow fifty, the Town of Edinburgh, Leith, and Cannongate, one hundred and nineteen, Dumfreis one hundred and nineteen, the Shyre of VVigtoun fourty five, the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright seventy five, Air and Renfrew, one hundred ninety eight, Lanerk one hundred fourty nine, Stirling and Clackmannan one hundred, Fife and Kinross two hundred thirty eight, Perth two hundred thirty eight, Forfar one hundred fourty nine, Kincardine and Marischals part of Aberdeen, one hundred and nineteen, the rest of Aberdeen Shyre and Bamff, one hundred fifty nine, Elgin, Nairn, and this side of Ross, one hundred fourty nine, the Earl of Seaforth and Lord Lovat their Division of Inverness, one hundred, Sutherland, Caithness, and the rest of Inverness, one hundred fifty nine, Argyle, Dumbartoun, and Bute, one hundred and nineteen, Orkney and Zetland, one hundred, to be divided and modelled into Regiments, as Their Majesties shall think fit, and to be thereafter payed and maintained from the saids Fonds Imposed, or to be Imposed by this Parliament for that effect, and that by such Rules of Establishment as Their Majesties shall appoint, which Levies and Proportions, the Commissioners of Supply, which now are, or shall be hereafter in the said Shyres and Stewartries, with one or two Magistrats for each Royal Burgh, are hereby fully Impowered to make effectual. And it is hereby Provided, that where the Master and Tennents shall appoint a man one or moe to be put out in the said Levies, the said Person or Persons may be seized and secured by the Sheriff of the Shyre, or any two or moe of the Commissioners of Supply, or one or two of the Magistrats of the respective Burghs for their Burgh, when ever the said Officer who is to have the said Person or Persons comes to require them within the Shyre. Likeas, the said Commissioners of Supply with the foresaid Officer, are to cognosce and determine upon the sufficiency or insufficiency of the men: And in regard, there have been alterations made by the Acts of Parliament, as to the Extent and Bounds of some Shyres, since the Act of Parliament one thousand six hundred and sixty three, Their Majesties with Consent foresaid, do Authorize and Impower the Lords of Privy Council, to adjust the proportions of the said Shyres, notwithstanding of these alterations, who are likewise hereby warranted, to give such other Orders in this matter, as they shall find necessar. And lastly, Their Majesties do hereby graciously declare, that for a year and a half after the date hereof, the Militia of the Countrey, or any part thereof, is not to be called out, or made use of, except in the case of an actual Invasion.
GOD Save King William and Queen Mary.