ACT For Levying of Sea-men.
O ƲR SOƲERAIGN LORD and LADY, the King and Queens Majesties, CONSIDERING a Proposal given in from Their Majesties Privy Council, for the more effectual Levying of Sea-men for Their Majesties Navy, whereof the Tenor follows. The Lords of Their Majesties Privy Council, in Complyance with his Majesties Letter for that effect, recommends to Their Majesties high Commissioner and Honourable Estates of Parliament, that an Order of Parliament may be emitted, appointing the Magistrats of all the Burghs-Royal, Burghs of Regality, and Barronies upon the Sea-Coasts of this Kingdom, and others the Heretors upon the Sea-Coasts, to make up Lists of the whole Sea-men, Fisher-men, and Boat-men within the bounds of their respective Jurisdictions, and cause cast Lots for the fourth Man, that is between sixty and sixteen, in all such Burghs and Places, which furnished no Sea-men the last year, in Obedience to the Councils Orders for that Effect; And thereafter to cast Lots for the eight Man, contained in the saids Lists, to be made up by Oath, or any other legal method by the saids Magistrats, within the whole bounds respective above named: And the Magistrats and Heretors are likeways to cast Lots for the Willful, Absent, or unwilling Sea-men; And which fourth and eighth Man, the saids Magistrats and Heretors, are immediately to seize, and deliver to Captain VVilliam Erskin, Lieutenant Governour of Blackness, or such as he shall depute, and give Commission to, for that effect; who (for the better ease of the Magistrats respective foresaid) is to be entrusted for receiving and transporting the said Sea-men, immediatly after they are listed, and to carry them to Leith, where every Sea-men that engages in the Service, is to receive Twenty four Pounds of Gratification, by and attour their constant Pay thereafter, conform to the English Establishment. And the said Captain Erskin, is to transport the Sea-men to be levied from Largs to Dundee inclusive, before the twenty day of May instant, and the Sea-men of other places, betwixt and the first of June next. Their Majesties, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, do Order and Require Obedience to be given thereto, in manner therein proposed, with Certification, that such as faill therein, shall be punished as persons disaffected to Their Majesties Government: And if any of the Seamen who shall be so delivered, do or endeavour to flee from Their Majesties Service after they are delivered, they shall be proceeded against with all Severity, as Fugitives and Run-aways from Their Majesties Host: And Their Majesties with Consent foresaid, Authorize and Impower the Privy Council to take such further Course, as may be most expedient for making this Act effectual, both on this and the like occasions, during this present War.
GOD Save King William and Queen Mary.