ACT, For a Publick Fast.
OUR Soveraign Lord and Lady, The King and Queens Majesties, and the Estates of Parliament, Taking to Their Consideration, the present Condition of the Kingdom of Ireland, and the great Dangers Threatning this Kingdom from thence; And that His Majesty has Adventured to go thither in Person, for Reducing that Kingdom to its due Obedience, and thereby to Secure Our Religion and Peace; And it being the Indispensible Duty [...] all the Leidges, as good Protestants, and Dutiful Subjects, in this [...]ime of Common-danger, Seriously to Call upon Almighty God; and [...]arnestly to Implore his Blessing upon this His Majesties Undertaking, [...]r the Interest of the Protestant Religion, and the Safety of His Kingdoms: Therefore, Their Majesties, with Advice and Consent of the [...]ids Estates, Do Ordain and Appoint, That a Publick and Solemn Fast [...]nd Humiliation, be Keeped and Observed throughout this Kingdom, by [...]l the Subjects, in a Devout and Decent Manner, to Pray to Almighty [...]od, for the Pardon of our Sins, and that he would be Graciously Pleas [...]d to Protect His Majesty's Person, and to Bless His Arms with Success: [...]nd that the said Fast be upon the Days following, viz. For the Shires on [...]his side of the River of Tay, upon Tuesday the Twenty fourth of June Instant; [...]nd for the Shires be-north Tay, upon the Tuesday thereafter, being the [...]rst of July next; and Ordains the Ministers to Intimat from their Pul [...]its, the Observation of the said Fast, upon the Lords-day immediatly [...]receeding the saids respective Days, that the people may meet in the Churches, or other places where they ordinarly attend Divine Service, [...]o hear Sermon, and joyn together in performing the Duties proper for [...]ch a Solemnity. And Appoints this Act to be Printed, and publickly Proclaimed by Heraulds, Macers, or Pursevants, at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and Printed Copies thereof to be dispatched to the Sheriff-Clerks of the respective Shires, that they may send the same to the several Ministers in the Shire, to Intimat the said Fast in manner foresaid. Extracted forth of the Records of Parliament, by me