ACT For a Contribution throughout the Kingdom of
Scotland, to the
Irish and
French Protestants.
THe Estates of this Kingdom taking to their serious Consideration, that there are many distressed Protestants fled out of Ireland and France into this Kingdom, for Shelter and Refuge, whose necessitous condition calls for the Charitable Supply of all good Christians: Therefore the Estates do grant Warrand for a voluntar Contribution throughout the whole Kingdom, both in Paroch Churches, and Meeting-houses, for the relief of these Protestants; and that either at the Doors of Kirks and Meeting-houses, or to receive the same from Persons at their privat Houses, as the Ministers shall think most effectual, and that within fifteen days after Intimation out of the Pulpits, in such Paroches where there are present Ministers, and allows them to Collect any day within the fifteen days after the Intimation, and before the first of July, where there are no present Ministers; And Ordains the Ministers to intimate the same upon the Twelfth day of May next at Edinburgh, and the next Lords Day thereafter, being the Ninteenth, in each Paroch Church, or Meeting-house, on the South side of the River of Tay; and on the Twenty sixth day of May, being the Lords Day thereafter, in each Paroch Church, or Meeting-house, on the North side of the said River. And the Estates do hereby recommend to the Ministers of each Presbytery, or Provincial Assembly, within which these Paroches, having no present Ministers, lyes, to Preach in the saids Paroches, the time they make the said Intimation; and that they, with the assistance of such of the Parochioners as are best qualified for so charitable a Work, do make the said Collections; and when the Money is Collected, the Estates do hereby Appoint the Collection of each Paroch Church to be delivered to the Moderator of the Presbytery, or Provincial Assembly, upon his Receipt, bearing the Sum to which the Collection of each Paroch extends; (of which Receipts the Receiver is to leave a Copy Subscribed by him with the Moderator) And that the Ministers of the several Meeting-Houses do likewise deliver their Collections to one of their number, to be appointed by them, upon his Receipt of the same in manner foresaid: And Ordains the said Moderator and Minister thereafter to deliver the said respective Collections to Sir Patrick Murray, General-Receiver, or his Deputs, for the use foresaid, upon his Receipt, with the Lists of all the Paroch Churches, and Meeting-Houses who Contributes, and the Sums Collected in each of them, together with the Subscribed Copies, left with the Moderators, and others foresaid, of the Receipts granted by them, which shall be a sufficient Exoneration to them. And the said Estates do further Ordain, That the Receipts to be granted by the said General Receiver, be lodged in the hands of Sir John Hall, upon his granting a Declaration under his Hand, that he hath the same in his custody; which Receipts are to be kept by him untill the said Money to be Collected shall be fully Distributed, and shall thereafter be delivered by him to the persons, in whose favours they are conceived: And Ordains the several Sheriff-Clerks within this Kingdom, to distribute Printed Copies hereof to the respective Ministers in Churches, or Meeting-Houses within their Shires, with all convenient diligence. Extracted forth of the Records of the Meeting of Estates by me