ACT Concerning Husbands to be lyable for their Wives Fines, for Withdrawing from the Ordinances.
OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, Considering that the Lords of His Privy Council, and others Commissionated by His Majesty and them, have fined Husbands for their Wives withdrawing from the Ordinances: Doth with Advice and Consent of His Estates of Parliament, Declare the said Procedure to be Legal, And Ordain the same to be Observed in all Time coming; And Ratifies all Decreets and Sentences granted against Husbands for such Fines, Reserving always Power to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council to absolve or mitigat the Fines of such Husbands as are known to be of Loyal Principles.
EDINBURGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1685.