ACT, Authorizing certain COMMISSIONERS Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND, To Treat with COMMISSIONERS Of ENGLAND, For the Well of both KINGDOMS.

At Edinburgh, the 30. day of July, 1670.


EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent MAjESTY, 1670.

ACT, authorizing certain Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland, to treat with Commis­sioners of England, for the well of both King­doms.

FOrasmuch as the Kings most Excellent Majesty, from His Princely Zeal and Fatherly Care of the wellfare and hap­piness of His Subjects (persisting in the same pious and prudent resolution of His Royal Grand-father, King James of ever blessed me­mory, to endeavour a nearer and more compleat Vnion between His two Kingdoms of Scotland and England) Hath recommended it to the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, that Commissioners might be nominate to treat and consult concerning this Vnion, to the end, that His Majesties Royal and Gracious pur­poses therein may be accomplished, and such a further Vnion may be treated and agreed upon, as may com­pleat and confirm for ever, a constant mutual love and friendship betwixt His Subjects of both Realms.

Therefore, His Majesty, with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament, doth hereby Statute, Ordain and Enact, That such Persons, or Quorum thereof, as shall be nominated by His Majesty under His Great Seal of Scotland, are by vertue and autho­rity of this Act, Authorized, Commissionate and Im­powered, to meet and assemble at such times and in such places, as His Majesty shall appoint; And there­on to treat and consult, according to the tenor of their Commission and Authority in that behalf under the Great Seal, with the Commissioners authorized by Authority of the Parliament of England, of, and con­cerning such an Vnion of the Realms of Scotland and England, and of and concerning such other matters, [Page 4] causes and things whatsoever, as upon mature deli­beration, the greatest part of the saids Commissio­ners assembled, as said is, and the Commissioners authorized by the Parliament of England, according to the tenor and purport of the Commission in that be­half, shall in their Wisdoms think convenient and necessary for the Honour of His Majesty, and the Well and Common-good of both Kingdoms during His Majesties Life, (which Almighty GOD make long and prosperous) and of His Heirs and lawful Suc­cessors for ever. Which Commissioners of both King­doms shall, according to the tenor and purport of the Commissions in that behalf, reduce their Doings and Proceedings therein into Writings or Instruments tripartite, every part to be subscribed and sealed by them; To the end, that one part thereof may in all humbleness be presented to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, another part thereof offered to the considera­tion of the Parliament of Scotland, and another part to be offered to the consideration of the Parliament of England. at their next Sessions to be held in either Kingdoms respective, after such Writings or Instru­ments shall be subscribed and sealed by the saids Com­missioners; that thereupon such further proceedings may be had, as by His Majesty and both the saids Par­liaments, shall be thought fit and necessary for the Well and Common-good of both the said Kingdoms; To whom the entire consideration of the whole, and the allowing or dis-allowing thereof, or any part thereof as they shall think fit, is wholly reserved. Likeas, His Majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, doth hereby Statute and Declare, that no matter or thing to be proposed, treated of, or agreed by the said Commissioners, by vertue of this Act, shall have any force or effect, or be put in execution, untill it be confirmed and established by Act of the Parliament of Scotland.

EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent MAjESTY, 1670.

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