At Edinburgh the 19. of November 1646.
ACT Anent the payment of Officers, Souldiers, and Dra­gooners, Horse and Foot, in their Quarters, quan­tity of their Pay, and manner of pay­ment of the same.

THe Estates of Parliament now conveened in this sixth Ses­sion of the first Trienniall Parliament, by vertue of the last Act of the last Parliament, holden by His Majestie and three Estates, in Anno 1641. Taking to their considerati­on the great abuses committed by Officers and Souldiers, in their unorderly Quartering through the Country; And the heavy burden thereby lying upon His Majesties good Subjects, And being resolved to apply their authority for redresse of these disorders, and protection of the Lieges; Do therefore Statute, Ordain, and enact, That in time coming after the twentie sixth day of November instant, All Offi­cers and Souldiers have their pay delivered to them at the end of every fourteen dayes (or sooner if they remove) by the Shire in which they and their Regiments are Quartered, according to the establishment hereafter sub­joyned. And that the saids Officers shall pay ready money for what­soever they take up for themselves, their Horse and servants, at the ordina­ry rates of these places where they are Quartered without extortion. And also that when they receive their payment ilk fourteen dayes, at the receipt of their pay they bring with them and exhibite certificats and discharges of the true payment made by them of all their furnishing and expences from these persons where they have lived, or from the Commissioners of Parishes or Magistrates of Burrows where they have been Quartered. Heere fol­loweth the establishment for the Officers for their daily pay in their Quar­ters: viz. A Colonell to Horse 7 l. 4 s. Scots Money per diem. A Lieu­tenant Colonell to Horse daily 3 l. 12 s. A Major to Horse daily 48 s.. A Regiment Quarter-Master to Horse daily 30 s. A Chirurgion to Horse where there is ane daily 20 s. Each Root-Master daily 3 l. 6 s. 8 d. Each [Page 2]Lieutenant daily 30 s. Each Cornet daily 24 s. Each Quarter-Master daily 20 s. Each Corporal, being three allowed to each Troop, daily 16 s. Each Trumpeter daily 13 s. 4 d. And to each Trooper daily half Peck of Oates, six sheaves of Straw, and 6 s. 8 d. in Money: Or otherwise 12 s. in Money, in the option of the persons where they are Quartered.

Item, For a Foot Regiment, The Colonel to Foot to have daily 4 l. 16 s. A Lieutenant Colonell to Foot daily 48 s. A Major to Foot daily 32 s. Regiment Quarter-Master daily 20 s. Chirurgion, where there is ane dai­ly 20 s. Drummer Major daily 8 s. Regiment Scriber daily 13 s. 4 d. Provest Marshall daily 8 s. Each of ten Captains daily 44 s. 5 d. Each of ten Lieutenants daily 20 s. Each of ten Ensignes daily 16 s. Each of twen­ty Serjeants daily 6 s. 8 d. Each of thirty Corporals daily 5 s. 9 d. Each of ten Captains at Arms daily 6 s. 8 d. Each of nineteen Drummers dai­ly 5 s. 4 d. Each Foot Souldier allowance in Meale and Quarters, or 4 s. daily, in the option of the persons where they are Quartered.

Item, For a Regiment of Dragooners, The Colonell of Dragooners daily 6 l. Lieutenant Colonell to the Dragooners daily 3 l. Major to the Dragooners daily 40 s. Quarter Master daily 25 s. The Chirurgion, if there be ane daily 20 s. A Captain of Dragooners daily 45 s. A Lieute­nant to Dragooners daily 25 s. An Ensigne to the Dragooners daily 20 s. Each Serjeant to the Dragooners daily 11 s. 4 d. Each Corporall of Dra­gooners daily 10 s. Each Drummer daily 10 s. Each Souldier of Dra­gooners to have daily 9 s. or else six sheaves Straw ane fourth part Oates and 5 s. Money, in the option of the persons upon whom they are Quartered.

And it is Statute and Ordained, That the Troopers and Souldiers of Foot be equally Quartered through the Shires by the respective Commit­tees thereof, And that upon no pretence whatsoever any exemption be al­lowed to any person, but by Warrant of Parliament or their Committee, except for lands burnt, wasted, or possessed by the enemy: For it is decla­red hereby, that such Lands or Burghs as shall be found by the Committee of Estates of Parliament, or Commissioners appointed by them for that effect, to be still possessed by the enemy, or to have been burnt or wasted by the enemy, our own Forces, or the Plague, so that the Heritors thereof are disabled therethrough to bear any publike burden, Shall be free pro tanto of any pay, or giving of Quarters to Officers or Souldiers, unlesse in case of necessity for the good of the Service, which is remitted to the Com­mander in chief where these Forces are. And the Forces being thus pro­portionably Quartered in the Shires to Burgh and Land equally, conform to their valuation and Maintenance; It is Ordained, That no Shire nor Burgh pay any Quarters to any common Souldiers Horse or Foot, but such as are actually and locally Quartered within the bounds, and that none of these common Souldiers, Horse or Foot, be paid when they are personally absent from their Quarters. And it is declared, That the whole premit­ted Articles are to be understood of the Winter Quarters allowed to the Officers and Souldiers for their residence and Maintenance, conform as they are severally divided and appointed through the whole Kingdom, and no [Page 3]wayes to be understood of passing or transient Quartering, nor extended to the Shires where the body of Forces shall be commanded for the prose­cution of the Warre, so that no Shire shall be burdened above their pro­portion; but that the Estates of Parliament in their particular Act for Maintenance and entertainment of the Forces, shall set down the way of re­lief of the Shires of Aberdene, Bamff, and Murray presently, and generally of all Shires which may happen hereafter to be overburdened in the prose­cution of the Warre.

As likewise it is Ordained that in passing Quarters the Officers and Soul­diers shall bee equally and proportionably Quartered in the Parish by the advice of the Commissioners thereof; So that the Officers shall not overburden any person or place at their pleasure, In which case of transi­ent Quarters, It is appointed that the Quarter Master or Commander of the party shall deliver to the Commissioner of the Parish or ane of the chief Heritors resident therein, or their Bailies, Officers or Chamberlains, or Magistrats within Burgh, the names of all the Souldiers to be Quartered in that Parish or Burgh, in a Roll subscribed with his hand. And declares, that in these Parishes either in Burgh or Land, so Quartered upon in these transient Quarters shall have their proportionall relief of the remanent Shire. And it is also declared That the houses of Heritors and Liferentors shall be free of Quartering, they furnishing Quarters upon their own Ten­nants or in Inns upon their own bounds. And also that such Royall Burghs, where there is Garisons of Foot be free of the locall Quartering of Hors­men, They alwayes paying their proportion with the Shire according to their valuation and maintenance.

And farther it is hereby Ordained that the Officers of the severall Regi­ments within the Kingdom, and all the Souldiers thereof shal repair to their charges and Quarters within six dayes after the publication hereof at the Market Crosse of the head Bugh of every Shire (and for Pearth Shire Or­daines the publication to be at the Market Crosse of Abernethy) And not to remove from their severall Quarters and attendance of their charges without ane forloff & licence from the Generall Major, Parliament, or their Committee to the Colonell, and from the Colonell to all inferior Officers under him (they alwayes leaving sufficient Officers to attend the charge) under the pain of casheiring and losse of their arrears. And likewise, The Estates of Parliament, Ordains and commands the Committees of Warre in the severall Shires of this Kingdome (who are hereby continued in their constant places, untill the Parliament give new order thereanent) To be assisting to see this Act punctually observed in the whole Heads therof. And for that end that they send in weekly to their Commissioners during the sit­ting of the Parliament, ane accompt of each Troupe and Company with the Officers and Souldiers names, according as they are Quartered within their bounds, And of the obedience given herein by the Officers. And for that effect, That they call upon the Commissioners of Parishes to give in to them upon oath, ane accompt of the number locally Quartered in each Parish, and of the cariage of Officers and Souldiers Quartered upon them; With this certification, that where the Commissioners of the Parishes sends [Page 4]not such an accompt, It shall be reputed and holden that there is none Quar­tered upon their Parish, nor any disorders committed therein.

And likewise it is ordained, That it shall not be lawfull to the Officers o [...] Souldiers to Horse or Foot, upon the not timous advancement to them o [...] the pay above written, to send out parties for uplifting the same at their own hand, untill first it be represented by them to the Committee of the Shir [...] or Magistrate within Burgh, That they may give warrand for the same And appoints the Committees of Shires to meet every fourteen dayes fo [...] that effect.

And the Estates hes hereby declared, that no allowance, maintenance, o [...] Quarters is to be given to any Officers or Souldiers for the tenth man, or th [...] Pediese or Boys and Horse, But totally and absolutely discharges the sam [...] in all time coming.

And last it is hereby declared, That if any of the Subjects of this King­dome be injured in Body and goods by any Souldiers within the same, tha [...] the partie wronged make his complaint to the said Souldiers Officer; And upon his refusall or delay to redresse the wrong, That the party address himself to the Colonell, Lieutenent Colonell, or Major of the Regimen [...] if they be within the Shire for the time, and make known his complaint t [...] them; upon whose absence, or neglect, or delay of justice, the parties wrong­ed are to mean themselves to the Committee of Warre in the Shire, o [...] within Burgh to the Magistrates thereof; By whom the same is to be re­presented to the Parliament or Committee of Estates, That they may giv [...] orders thereanent for punishing the saids offenders, and also the Officers fo [...] their neglect. And ordains the Lord Register to cause presently Print th [...] Act.

Alex. Gibsone Cler. Regist.

Edinburgh Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to th [...] Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1646.

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