ACT Anent the old Fourteen Shilling Pieces and their halfs. Edinburgh, 12 October. 1696.
O [...]R SOVERAIGN LORD, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, for removing the difficultie arising to Commerce, by the deficiency of the Weight of the old Fourteen and Seven Shilling Pieces, the most part, if not all of them being worn by use and length of time, below the Legal Standart of Coyn within this Kingdom: Statutes and Ordains and Enacts, that all old Fourteen Shilling Pieces weighting two Drops and twenty seven Grains, and their halfs weighting proportionally, shall be received at the present currant Rate, in all Payments whatsomever; as also, that all the other old Fourteens and their halfs, under the said Weight, shall pass in all Payments at the Rate of Three Pound Four Shilling the Ounce, being a Groat for the Drop. And His Majesty, with consent foresaid, Ordains the saids Pieces to pass, and be received at the Rate and Weight above-appointed, under the pain of the double of what shall be refused, to be summarly exacted at the instance, and for the use of the offerer, by all Judges Ordinary: And ordains all the Inferior Species under the said Seven Shilling Pieces, to pass as formerly.