ACT Anent the MAINTENANCE of the ARMY And Moneys to be raised for that effect.

THe Estates of Parliament now c [...] ­veened in the second Session of this first Triennall Parliament, by ver­tue of the last Act of the last Par [...] ­ment, holden by his Majestie and the three Estates in Anno 1641. Taking to their consideration: The great prejudice and danger which the Kingdom and Religion have already sustained, By the late Inva­sion of the Irish Rebels, and our un­naturall Countreymen; And how necessarly it is incumbent to them being now conveened, to provide for all speedy and solid remedies against the same; For which effect, finding it most expedient, That not only this Kingdom may be put in ane just Posture of Defence, but al­so, That ane constant and setled way may be established for protect­ting, with Gods assistance, the Warre against the saids Invaders in ane hostile manner, to their utter overthrow and destruction; Have thereunto thought fitting for the more speedy execution hereof, and for [...] and recruting their Forces after-mentioned, and for the [...] ­tenance of the same, in the most easie and proportionable [...] for the Lieges; To enact, statute, and ordaine Like as for [...] they enact, statute, and ordaine thir presents following; To be obeyed and observed by all the Subjects of this Kingdom, calle [...] [...] hereafter exprest.

In the first, That the Countrey may be freed of Quartering [...] [...] ­tings, and Plunderings, and that the Labourers and Trade [...] [...] do their Labour at home, except upon extream necessary, Irish [...] for the ease of the Kingdom, and most certain for the [...] This every Shire and Burgh, shall enter [...] from the [...] [...] to [...], to the last day of [...] [...] ­portion [Page 2]of Forces, Horse and Foot, as well Souldier as Officer, accor­ding to the rule of Loane and Taxt, extending in the particular, to the number and summes contained in the Rols following, which is declared to bee the two part of the pay due to be payed within Scot­land, to the Officers of Horse and Foot, and to the Souldiers of Foot, and Fourteen shillings to the Trouper: The third to run in arears to the saids Officers and Foot Souldiers, and Four shillings to the Horse, and a proportionable part to the Dragooners.

Here follows the tenor of the saids Rols, payable to the Officers of Horse, Foot, and Dragooners, by the Shires and Burrows, conforme to the division and proportion following, viz. The monethly pay of ane Regiment of Horse in their Quarters, being the two part of their Pay, conforme to the Scots establishment: Officers of the Staffe, Co­lonell per mensem 333 l. 6 s. 8 d. Lievetenant Colonell 200 l. Major 133 l. 6 s. 8 d. Minister 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. Regiment Quarter-Master 45 l. Chyrurgion 30 l. Eight Root-masters, each of them 100 l. per mensem inde 800 l. Eight Lievetenants, each of them 45 l. per mensem inde 360 l. Eight Cornets, each of them 36 l. per mensem inde 288 l. Eight Quarter-masters, each of them 30 l. per mensem inde 240 l. Twen­ty four Corporals, each of them 24 l. per mensem inde 576 l. Eight Trumpeters, each of them 20 l. per mensem inde 160 l. Six hundreth Troupers, each of them 14 s. per diem, is 21 l. per mensem inde 12600 l. The monethly Pay of a Regiment of Foot in their Quarters, conforme to the Scots establishment, being two part of their Pay, Colonel per mensem 222 l. 4 s. 4 d. Lievetenant Colonell per mensem 133 l. 6 s. 8 d. Major per mensem 88 l. 17 s. 4 d. Minister per mensem 26 l. 13 s. 4 d. Regiment Quarter-master per mensem 30 l. Chyrurgion 30 l. Drum­mer-Major per mensem 12 l. Regiment Scriver per mensem 20 l. Provest Mershall per mensem 12 l. Ten Captains per mensem 666 l. 13 s. 4 d. Ten Lievetenants per mensem 300 l. Ten Ensignes per mensem 240 l. Twenty Sergeants per mensem 200 l. Thirty Corporals per mensem 240 l. Ten Captains at Armes per mensem 100 l. Ninteen Drummers per mensem 152 l. Ane thousand common Souldiers per mensem 6000 l.

Followes the summes monethly payable according to thirty dayes per mensem: Together with the number of men to bee entertained by the Shires and Burghs according to the Taxt, viz. Orknay 127 men, monethly Pay 1143 l. Innernesse 464 men, monethly Pay 4176 l. Caithnesse 105 men, monethly Pay 945 l. Cromerty 11 men, monethly Pay 99 l. Sutherland 47 men, monethly Pay 423 l. Naime 35 men, monethly Pay 315 l. Elgine 210 men, monethly Pay 1890 l. Aberdene 727 men, monethly pay 6543 l. Bamff 159 men, monethly Pay 1431 l. Kincardine 174 men, monethly Pay 1566 l. Forfar 556 men, monethly Pay 5004 l. Perth 889 men, mo­nethly Pay 8001 l. Fyffe 738 men, monethly pay 6642 l. Stirling 282 men, monethly pay 2538 l. Kinrosse 16 men, monethly Pay 144 l. C [...]e, 6 men, monethly Pay 522 l. Edinburgh 463 men, mo­ [...]hly Pay 4167 l. Linlithgow 194 men, monethly Pay 1746 l. Ha­ [...]ngton 376 men, monethly Pay 3384 l. Berwick 395 men, monethly [Page 3]Pay 3555 l. Roxburgh 642 men, monethly pay 5778 l. Selkirk [...] men, monethly pay 1278 l. Peebles 182 men, monethly pay 2638 l. Lanerk 598 men, monethly pay 5382 l. Aire 674 men, monethly pay 6066 l. Wigtoun and Stewartrie of Kircudbright 486 men, mo­nethly pay 4374 l. Drumfreis 494 men, monethly pay 4446 l. Ren­frew 245 men, monethly pay 2205 l. Dumbartan 197 men, monet [...] pay 1233 l. Argyle 323 men, monethly pay 2907 l. Bute 3 [...] m [...] monethly pay 459 l.

Followes the summes payable monethly, together with the number of men to be entertained by the Burrows; Edinburgh 574 men, at 6 s. per diem, inde per mensem 5166 l. Perth 110. men, at 6 s. per diem, inde per mensem 990 l. Dundee 186. men, monethly pay 1674 l. Aber­dene 160. men, monethly pay 1440 l. Stirling 36 men, monethly pay 324 l. Linlithgow 30. men, monethly pay 270 l. S. Andrews 60. men, monethly pay 540 l. Glasgow 110. men, monethly pay 990 l. Air 41. men, monethly pay 369 l. Hadingtoun 36. men, monethly pay 324 l. Dysert 30. men, monethly pay 270 l. Kirkaldie 46. men, monethly pay 414 l. Montros 53 men, monethly pay 477 l. Cowper 24. men, monethly pay 216 l. Anstruther easter 31. men, monethly pay 279 l. Drumfreis 44. men, monethly pay 396 l.. Innernesse 40. men, monethly pay 360 l. Breichen 20. men, monethly pay 180 l. Irving 23. men, monethly pay 207 l. Elgine 20. men, monethly pay 180 l. Jedburgh 18. men, monethly pay 162 l. Wigtoun 15. men, monethly, pay 135. l. Pittinweyme 15. men, monethly pay 135 l. Dumferling 12. men, monethly pay 108 l. Dumbartan 12. men, monethly pay 108 l. Ranfrew 10. men, monethly pay 90 l. Lanerk 16. men, moneth­ly pay 144 l. Kircudbright 20 men, monethly pay 180 l. Aberbro­thok 10. men, monethly pay 90 l. Bruntiland 16. men, monethly pay 144 l. Peibles 10. men, monethly pay 90 l. Carrail 24. men, monethly pay 216 l. Kinghorn 14. men, monethly pay 126 l. Thayne 12. men, monethly pay 108 l. Selkirk 10. men, monethly pay 90 l. Anstrither­wester 6. men, monethly pay 54 l. Culros 12. men, monethly pay 108 l. Dumbar 12. men, monethly pay 108 l. Bamff 8. men, monethly pay 72 l. Whithorne 5. men, monethly pay 45 l. Forfar 6. men, monethly pay 54 l. Forres 6. men, monethly pay 54 l. Rothesay 5. men, monethly pay 45 l. Rutherglen 5. men, monethly pay 45 l. Northberwick 4. men, monethly pay 36 l. Culane 4. men, monethly pay 36 l. Nairn [...] men, monethly pay 36 l. Lawder 5. men, monethly pay 45 l. Innerkeithing 10. men, monethly pay 90 l. Kiltynnie 3. men, monethly pay 27 l. Annand 3. men, monethly pay 27 l. Lochmaben 3. men, monethly pay 27 l. Sanchuer 3. men, monethly pay 27 l. Galloway 1. man, monethly pay 9 l. Queensferrie 7. men, monethly pay 63 l.

Item, It is ordained for prosecution of the Warre against the Rebels within the Kingdom, That there be made up of the present Regiments upon foot, by Recrues or otherwayes, 9000 foot, and these to be in Ele­leven Regiments, each Regiment in 8. or 10. Companies, and in each Company 100. men, and where they are to bee recruted, Th [...] [...] Company be made up of 126. men, where the same may be co [...] [...] [Page 4]gotten done. And that 600. Horse be imployed in this Service, with their Officers and Commanders, to bee made up and commanded as the Parliament and their Committees have given, or shall give or­der. And that the 500. Dragoneers, with a Lieutenant Colonel Major, and other inferiour Officers, to be divided in 8. Companies, and to bee [...]ayed conforme to the Roll of establishment, which Officers and Soul­ [...]s are to bee entertained at the Rates contained in the Table above-written, which they are to receive duely in money and provisions mo­nethly, The one half at least in money, and the other half in Oat-meal, or other provisions usefull for the Army, at the ordinary Rates for the time. And for the better collecting and ingathering of the saids summes of money, for payment and entertainment of the saids Officers and Soul­diers: The Estates nominates and appoints Sir Adam Hepburn of Hum­bie General Collector, with power to him to substitute Deputes in ilk Shire, and that other Collectors in Burghs and Paroches bee appointed in sicklike manner, as is contained in the Act of Taxt and Loane; with power to the said General Collector to appoint a Clerk of Collection; Which Collector-Deputes, alswel of Shires as of Burghs and Paroches and Clerk of Collection, shall have such like Fees as is allowed in the said Act of Taxt and Loane, and that to bee up-lifted out of the said Shires and Paroches, by and attour the said maintenance: And the Burghs to bee free, in respect they collect their Taxt upon their owne charges.

Item, If any Shire, Burgh, or Person therein designed, bee deficient in paying their monethly proportion, so that the Souldiers for want be put to Quarters in any other Shire or Burgh, In that case it is Ordained, that the Shire or Burgh, who shall Quarter the Officers or Souldiers, shall have repetition of the failzies, with a third part more in name of failzie. And after compt and reckoning with the Commissar of these Regi­ments or Troupes, The Shires or Burghs shal have assignation protante, and a third part more to their localitie for their relief and satisfaction: And in case of their refusal, the Committee of Estates with the Army, is to give order thereanent to the Committee of Warre of the Shire, designed by the Estates, being conjunctly lyable for the proportion of the Shires, and the Magistrats of Burghs for the Burghs, except for such lands of Burghs, as shal be found by the Committee of Estates with the Army to be stil possessed by the enemy, or to have binaitogether wasted and burnt by them, so that they cannot bee profitable to the Heritors, which deficiencie is to bee supplyed by the Committee of Estates, out of the Fynes, Forfeitures, or any other Moneys due to the Publick: And the Committee of Warre to have their relief of the disobedients to the double, and als to have the assistance of the Forces, if they require the samine. And with power to the saids Committees of War in every Shire (who are hereby declared to be lyable in the monethly mainte­nance due to the Souldiers) to call unto them any Heritor within their Shire respective, and to cause them binde with the said Committee for [...] [...]mes of Money to be contracted for the said maintenance: But [...] alwayes provided, That the Burghs that shall happen to bee upon [Page 5]the saids Committees of Warre of the Shire shall be no farther liab [...] nor answerable for the maintenance due by the Shire, but allanarly for the lands pertaining to the saids Burgesses lying within the Shire, if they any have.

Item, To the effect that the Shires and Burghs be not deceived wi [...] false musters, and so pay for men who are not really in service. It is [...] ­dained, That these who shall be appointed for mustering, shall [...] [...] ­ly, as they shall be required, take a survey of each Regimes▪ [...] [...] ­pany, as well Horse, Foot, as Dragonners; and that the Shires [...] Burghs who shall pay their proportion, or shall happen to quarter them, may have one, with such as shall be appointed by the Committee, to muster them, if he be present with the Armie; otherwise, in absence of that Muster-master, the persons so nominate by the Shire or Burgh, may muster them: And these Officers who are required to muster their men, and refuses, shall forfeit their place and by-gone pay; And what­soever horse shall be found to be made use of for making of false mu­sters, the Horse shall be confiscate, and the owner of the Horse shall pay one hundred pounds to the Publick, whensoever it shall be tried: And a Footman who shall be made use of for making of false musters, shall be punishable by scourging or burning. And the Rootmaster, Captaine, or any other Officer of Horse, Foot, or Dragooners, shall be found guilty of such false musters, shall lose his place instantly, and all his by-gone pay.

Item, It is ordained, That Magazines of Victuall be provided out of the moneys to be raised in part of what shall be due, and put in con­venient and sure places of the Kingdome, from which it may be most commodiously carried to the Army: And that there be Provant Ma­sters appointed, as well for the North as for the South. And to the end that these Magazines may be timously provided, the Provant Ma­sters are appointed to go about the same diligently: And the Shires and Burghs are hereby ordained, before the first day of April next, To advance three moneths of the summes layed upon them. And because by the present Stent laid upon the Shires, the burden may be unequall, which cannot presently be knowne, in respect the valuations of Loan and Taxt are not come in, It is appointed, That the whole valuations within the Kingdome, not already brought in to the Clerk of the Loan and Taxt, be brought in before the first day of May next done and per­fected, conforme to the Act of Convention made thereanent: And that they may be compared by ane person to be appointed for ilk shire, and the comparing to be perfected betwixt and the first day of June next. And if it shall be found that some Shires maintaines more Officers and Souldiers then others, they shall be eased thereof, and each Shire pro­portioned in an equall way, conforme to their Rents: And if the Shire shall failzie, and not bring in the valuations betwixt and the said first day of May next, They shall not onely be debarred from any be [...] or ease to be granted to them, but also shall bear the burden of any [...] shall be granted to these Shires who shall bee found to be [...] [...] ­ed. And for the Burrowes part of this Taxt, it shall be [...] [Page 6]altered, according as their Taxt Roll shall bee altered.

Item, The retention of six for the hundred of annuall-rents to be for the yeere of God 1645. viz. From Martinmasse 1644. to Martinmasse 1645. Providing alwayes the annuall-rents be fully payed within the [...]ame yeare, 1645. otherwise no retention to be granted by the Credi­ [...]our, who notwithstanding hereof, shall have power to charge his [...] at any Terme, conforme to his Band.

[...], That all Heritors of land within Burgh, or Pendicles and Li­berties thereof, all Burgesses, all Traffiquers exercising any Trade, shall be subject to taxation within Burgh, but prejudice for the time to come of the whole members of the Colledge of Justice, their former Rights, Priviledges, and Immunities, wherewith for the present in regard of the present exigencie they doe dispence.

Item, It is ordained, That no suspension be granted of any charge to follow upon this present Act, without a discharge from the party char­ger, or consignation of the summe charged for, (if so be it be upon a speciall charge) and whilk consignation shall be made in the hands of the Collectors respective, viz. In the hands of the Collectors within the Shire for the Shire, and within the Burgh for the Burgh, Pendicles, and Liberties thereof, including within the Pendicles of Edinburgh, the Houses, Tenements, and Yards within Leith, Cannongate, and Plea­sance, so farre as pertaines to the Towne of Edinburgh in propertie or superioritie, and within the Pendicles of other Burrowes all that hath beene in use to have beene taxed with them: And all other suspensions to be null; And that it be granted by the Committee of Estates. And these suspensions to be past by the Clerk Register and his Deputes, up­on production of the discharge from the Collectors of the Shires or Burghs, or a Testifica [...] that the summes were consigned in their hands: And the same suspensions to be discussed by the Committes or Estates of Parliament.

Item, It is statute and ordained, That all Fines, Forfaulters moneyes for forefaulted Lands, Rents, and others past and done in this Session of Parliament, and in time coming, shall be imployed for the present use of the Army: As also that all Fines, Forefaulters, and moneyes for forefaulters, past and done in the former Session of this Parlia­ment, which are not already disposed upon by the said former Sessi­on of Parliament, or their Committees, shall be likewise imployed to the use foresaid.

It is alwayes expresly declared, statute, and ordained, That no reten­tion shall bee granted of this present maintenance hereby imposed up­on Shires and Burghs for any Debt, Cause, or Occasion whatsomever, and that no exemption shall be granted therefrom to any person or per­sons whatsomever; except only for Lands, Rents, Annual-rents, and other duties mortified to Colledges, Schooles, Hospitals, Ministers and [...]ders Stipends, and for upholding of Kirks and Bridges, but that all [...] Heritors, Life-renters, Taksmen, Titulars, Proper Wodsetters, [...] Conjun [...]iars, and Ladie-terces, and others subject to the [...] within Shires or Burghs, whereby profit or commoditie ari­ses, [Page 7]shal be lyable to their proportionable part of this maintenance; [...] that the Lands and Teinds shall pay as they lye locally in Shires, [...] not by annexation, conforme to the Act of Convention for Taxt [...] Loan.

Further it is declared, That the payment of the said [...] be made by the Shires, shall begin the said first day of [...] come, and pay for the first four moneths, conform to the former [...] ­tion, and thereafter as they shall be rectified and given in by the Shi [...] after the samine shall be revised by the former Valuers: For the whi [...] effect the Estates of Parliament renewes the former Commission gran­ted by Act of Convention.

And finally it is declared and Ordained, That the Letters and Char­ges to follow upon this present Act and Ordinance, shal be raised at the instance of the Generall Collector and his Deputes, against the Com­mittees of Shires, and Magistrates of Burrows, and Letters for their re­lief, at the instance of the Committee of the Shire, and their Collectors, against Heritors, Fewers, Fermorers, in the common forme: And all these Letters to be direct in the same manner, with the same provisions, and with the same certifications, contained in the Act of Convention of Estates made for the Loan and Taxt.


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