ACT anent the EXCISE.
FOrsamiekle as the Estates of Parliament for the greater in couragement to His Majesties lieges, for the timous and thankfull payment of the Excise, Ordained the Gudlines advanced by the Burrowes and their Burgesses for Armes brought home to the Kingdome, and the prices of the silver Worke given in for the use of the publike, With the quarterings of Souldiers, and the Annualrents of the Moneys addebted be the publike, To any person in Burgh or Landwart, to be payed out of the foresaid Excise; And gave power to the Commissioners for the Excise, to receive in, fit, and allow the whole Compts of the Quarterings, With the Bands, Warrands, and Securities, granted for payment of the Gudlines, Silver-work, and other publike Debts; And after sight thereof, and fitting and allowing of the saids Compts, To give precepts and warrands for payment of the famine out of the Excise. Likeas, The saids Estates of Parliament have Ordained the saids Commissioners, To be carefull in the ingathering of the said Excise, and to call for the Compts thereof, and to make and set downe all such Acts and Ordinances as they shall find necessar and expedient for that effect: And the saids Commissioners for the Excise, taking to consideration, That as yet there is little or no Excise Compted for, And that the Compts of the Quarterings, with the Bands, Warrands, and Securities, granted for pay ment of the Gudlines, Silver-work, and others publike Debts, Are not brought in to them, conforme to the Act of Parliament made thereanent; And finding it necessary and incumbent to them, to take some course how the same may bee timely and effectually done; They have therefore Ordained, And hereby Ordaines, All Persons whatsomever lyable and subject in payment of Excise, within the Landwart Parichones of this Kinhdome, To give up and deliver ane just and perfite Compt thereof for the haill time bygone To the Elders and Deacons of the saids Landwart Parochines, and to the Collectors of the Paroches appointed by them, Who are hereby Ordained, To give up and deliver the just and perfite Compts of the famine, To the Collectors of the Shires nominate and appointed by the saids Commissioners: And also Ordaines all persons whatsomever lyable and subject in payment of Excise within the Royall Burrowes of this Kingdome, pendicles, and liberties thereof, to give up and deliver ane just and perfite Compt of the famine Excise for the haill time bygone, to the Magistrates and Councell of the saids Royall Burrowes, or to the Collectors appointed by them: And Ordaines the Collectors of the saids Shires for Landwart, and the Magistrates and Councell of the saids Royall Burrows, To give in and deliver to the saids Commissioners, ane just and perfite Compt of the haill Excise within their bounds, ilk ane of them for their own parts respectivè, for the haill time bygone, for the which the said Excise is payable, conforme to the Acts of Parliament made thereanent, And that betwixt and the dayes following, viz. The Sheriffedomes of Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stireling, Fife, Kinrose, Clackmannan, Hadingtoun, Berwick, and Peebles, als well to Burgh as Landwart, betwixt the date hereof and the fifeteenth day of June next to come. The Sheriffedomes of Pearth, Dumbartan, Lanerk, Renfrew, Air, Wigtoun, Kirkcudbright, Drumfreis, Roxburgh, and Selkirk, als well to Burgh as Landward, betwixt the date hereof and the first day of July next to come.
And sicklike, Ordaines the whole Paroches, Shires, and Burghs of this Kingdome, betwixt and the dayes respectivè foresaids, To bring in to the saids Commissioners, the Compts of the haill Quarterings addebted to them preceding the first day of March 1645. With the Bands, Warrands, and Securities, granted for payment of the Gudlines, Silver-work and others publike debts; To the effect that the said Compts beeing fitted and allowed, And the saids Bands, Warrands, and Securites, seene by the saids Commissioners, Precepts and Warrands may bee granted by them for payment of the saids Gudlines, Prices of the Siver work, Quarterings, and Annualrents out of the said Excise, conforme to the said Act of Parliament; With certification to all these who shal failȝie herein, and not give in their compts betwixt and the dayes respectivè abovewritten, in manner before prescribed, That they nor none of them shall at no time thereafter get any payment or allowance out of the Excise of their saids Gudlines, Prices of their Silver-work, Quarterings, or Annualrents addebted to them, But shal be compelled to make payment of their haill bygone Excise, without any respect to their saids Gudlines, Silver-work, Quarterings, or Annualrents; And that the saids Commissioners will give Order and Warrand for Quartering of Horse and Foot, upon them ay and while they make thankfull payment thereof; And also wil set a particular rate and quantity of Excise upon ilk deficient person lyable in payment of Excise, Parochine, Shire, or Burgh, & wil assigne the same to the Regiments of Horse and Foot for their pay, And give Order and Warrand to them, to Quarter upon the saids Deficients till they pay the rate and quantity which shall be layed upon them: And further, If any Shire, Parochine, Burgh, or particular Person shall be deficient in giving in of the Compts of their bygone Excise, in maner before mentioned, or in payment of their Excise in time comming, conforme to the Acts made thereanent, or in payment of the Monethly maintenance, borrowed Moneys, or others publike Dues, after ordinary diligence shall be used against them; The saids Commissioners Ordaines the Committees of Warre of the Shires, and all Officers of Warre within this Kingdome, to be assistant to the Collectors by giving of Troupers or Footmen To quarter upon the Deficients by free quarters, ay and while payment be made; And if need bee, The saids Commissioners doe hereby give power and warrand to the saids Collectors, als well to Shires as Paroches, by the advice of the Committee of Warre of the Shire, To raise six or eight Horsemen for ingathering of the saids Excise, Monethly Maintenance, and others publike Dues, to be intertained as ordinar Troupers upon such Deficients of ilk Shire, parochine, or Burgh, as the Committee of War of the Shire shall appoint and direct; And incase of the refuse or neglect of the Committee of the Shire herein, The saids Commissioners doe hereby give power and warrand to the saids Collectors by themselves, after the using of horning against the Deficients, To lift, direct, and imploy the saids six or eight Troupers for the use and to the effect foresaid; And Ordaines thir presents to be printed and published at the Market Crosses and Paroch Kirks of this Kingdome, That none may pretend ignorance hereof. Extractum de libris actorum Commissionartorum excisa per me Jacobum Campbell Clericum ejusdem.
Edinburgh Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1646.