Act anent the advancement of the first Moneths Maintenance.
THe Estates of Parliament Ordains the Noble-men and the Commissioners of the Shires and Burrows, To advance and pay to the Generall Commissar ane full Moneths Maintenance, without deduction of Quarterings, or any other deduction, and this to be paid betwixt and the twentieth day of February instant: And where any of the Shire offers Meale for their Maintenance, the same to be received as the Generall Commissar or his Deputies and they can agree, to be carried by the sellers to the next Magazine: And ordains the advancers to have their relief both for principall and Annual rents off the Shires and Burghes fra these lyable in payment of the Maintenance, or against the Committees of Warre of the Shires or Magistrates of Burghs respectivè, at the option of the advancers: And the Committees of Warre and Magistrates to have their relief of these lyable to Maintenance to Burgh and Land. And the Estates declares, That in respect the Quarterings are not allowed now in this Moneths Maintenance to be advanced, That therefore the same Quarters shall be allowed out of the remanent Moneths Maintenance unpaid, or Fines within Shires or Burghes unassigned: And Ordains Letters to be direct to the effect above-written, against the Noble-men and Commissioners foresaid, for payment of the foresaid ane Moneths Maintenance upon ane simple charge of ten dayes: And grants the like Letters for their relief against these lyable in Shires or Burghes for the Maintenance, and against the Committees of Warre in Shires and Magistrates in Burghs, and they to have their relief fra these lyable in payment, as said is: And this but prejudice of the remanent Moneths Maintenance as is yet unpaid, conform to the severall Acts of Maintenance.
Edinburgh Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1646.