Prohibiting the bringing in of any Arms or Ammunition into SCOTLAND, without Licence.

WHereas there hath been of late some quantity of Ammunition for VVar brought into this Nation from Forreign Parts, and entered into the Custom-House under the name of some other usual merchandizing Commodities; by which it is evident that some wicked and ill-affected persons are endeavouring to lay Designs for the disturbance of the present Quiet, which (by the blessing of the Lord) is now enjoyed. The Council, for the better preventing of such evil Designs, and that henceforth no person whatever may pretend ignorance, have thought it very requisite, and do therefore hereby order and declare, That whatever person or persons shall presume (after pub­lication hereof) to bring into, and land in any part of this Nation, without expresse Licence first had and obtained from his Highnesse Council here, or the Commander in Chief of his Highnesse Forces in Scotland, any Arms offensive or defensive, or Ammunition for VVar, shall not only forfeit all such Goods so brought in and landed, but also shall receive such further condign punishment as the greatness of his crime shall deserve. And the Commander or Master of any Ship or Vessel, which shall after the First day of July next ensuing the Date hereof, import into Scotland, and permit to be landed, any Arms or Ammunition, without Licence first had and obtained, as aforesaid, shall not only (upon due proof thereof) undergo the pain and penalty of the losse and forfeiture of the Ship in which such Arms and Ammunition shall be brought in and landed, but also shall be Imprisoned during the Coun­cil's pleasure, and endure such further punishment as the breach of this Declaration shall merit. And if any person or persons whatsomever, have already received any Arms or Ammunition, for which they have not had authentick Licence, They are hereby strictly required to give notice thereof, and of the Quantities of the said Arms or Ammunition, to the Governour of the next adjacent Garrison, who is hereby required and authorized to secure the same, and to give speedy notice thereof unto the Council, to the end the respective Proprietors so voluntarily discovering the same, may have due Compensation given them therefore. And if any person or persons shall make discovery of any Arms or Ammunition already brought in and concealed, or which hereafter shall be brought in and landed, contrary to the tenour of these Presents, such person and persons making such Discovery, shall not only therefore be reputed well-affected to the Quiet and Peace of this Nation, but shall also receive to the full value of one half or moyetie of the said Goods, and such further fitting Encouragement as shall be found requisite. And all Governours of Sea-Ports, and all Officers belonging to the Customs, are hereby authorized and required to put this Order and Declaration in Execution so far as in them lyes. And this Pro­clamation is to continue and be in force until the First day of July, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred fifty and seven, and no longer.

Signed in the Name, and by Order of the Council. BROGHILL, President.

ORdered, That the above Order and Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

EMANUEL DOWNING, Cl. of the Council.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1656.

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