AN ORDER AND DECLARATION OF HIS HIGHNES COUNCIL In SCOTLAND, For the GOVERNMENT thereof: For the more equal raising the ASSESMENT, of Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling by the Month, for the Six Months, commencing the first of January, 1656/7, and ending the last of June next following.
WHereas his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, by, and with the advice and consent of his Council, hath found it necessary towards the maintenance of the Forces, which must be kept up for the preservation of the Peace, the security of the good People of this Commonwealth, the preventing of Free-Quarter, which otherwise would inevitably follow, and for the defraying of other necessary Charges; To assess the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling per mensem, upon the Nation of Scotland: And hath authorized and required his Council here, to cause the Monthly Assesments in Scotland to be raised, levied, collected, and paid, aswell for and upon the personal as real Estates there, in such Proportions, and according to such Rules, as the Monthly Assesments are raised, levied, collected, and paid in England: It is therefore ordered and declared by the said Council, That the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling monthly, as aforesaid, be assessed, taxed, collected, levied, and paid, in the several Shires, Cities, Burghs and Places respectively named in the Order and Declaration emitted from the said Council, for the Six Months Assess, commencing the first day of July, and ending the last of December, 1656; by the several Sums, and according to the several Rates and Proportions, and in such manner as was expressed and directed for the preceding Six Months in the said Order and Declaration, for every Month of the Six Months, commencing the first day of January, 1656/7, and ending the last day of June next following.
And, it is hereby further ordered and declared by the said Council, That the respective Commissioners for Assess, who by the said former Order and Declaration were appointed and impowered for each Shire and Burgh respectively, be, and shall be continued Commissioners of Assess in those places respectively, untill the last of June next: And the Commissioners of Assess in their respective Shires, Cities and Burghs, aforesaid, and all others to be imployed in and about the said Monthly Assesments, are in the whole business of the said Monthly Assess, to proceed according to all such Rules, Powers and Authorities as were ordered and set down by the Order and Declaration of the said Council, for the preceding Six Months Assesinent, bearing date the Twelfth of June, 1656. And the said Council do hereby order and require the Commissioners for Assess in each Shire and Burgh respectively, to take special care, that by the Twentieth of April next, the first Four Months Assess, of the said Six Months Assess, be paid in to John Baynes Esq Receiver-General of his Highness Revenue in Scotland; And that by the Tenth of June next, the last Two Months Assess, of the said Six Months Assess, be duely paid in to the said Mr. Baynes, for the uses before-mentioned.