A DECLARATION and Order of his Highness Council in SCOTLAND, Requiring all Persons to give due obedience to the Justices of Peace, in Execution of the Powers and Authorities given them by the Instructions heereunto annexed.
THE said Councill having taken into their serious consideration how much it may conduce to the peace and good of this Nation, That Iustices of Peace should be setled and re-established in every County and Shyre therof; And finding that by severall Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, the said Office hath been found needfull, and was appointed and established for preserving of the publick Peace, and suppressing and punishing of sundry Misdemeanours, have found it necessary for the good Government of this Nation, to appoynt certain Persons of Ability and Fidelity in every County and Shire in Scotland to be Iustices of his Highnes the Lord Protectors Peace; Which being accordinglie done: The Council have thought it fit hereby to declare, That they have given Cōmissions to such persons to be Cō missioners and Iustices of his Highnesse Peace in the sayd [Page 4] Counties respectively, and authorized them to put in execution all the Powers and Authorities committed to them by certain Instructions which were agreed on by the Councill, Printed by their Order, and are heereunto annexed. And as the Councill do expect that the Persons intrusted, as aforesaid, be carefull in the good discharge of the Trust reposed in them for the Peace and happiness of the Nation; so the Councill will vpon all occasions give them all due Countenance and Encouragement therein: And the Councill do heereby strictly require all People of this Nation, whom it may concern, to take notice and be observant of the said Instructions (in what to them respectively appertaineth) as the Contemners or Contraveners thereof will answer the contrary at their perils. And to the end that that no person may pretend ignorance of them, The Councill do heereby Order, That this Declaration, with the said printed Copies of the said Instructions, be forthwith Published at the Marcate Cross of Edinburgh, and in the head Burgh or Town of each Shire in Scotland, by the respective Sheriffs of the said Shires.