THese are to give notice, That the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, in pursuance of the power and authority to them given by his Highnesse Council in SCOTLAND for the Government thereof, Have resolved, That the Excise of Beer, Ale, and Aquavitae in the several Shires in SCOTLAND (the Burghs therein included) be let to Farm upon the respective dayes following, at the Office in LEITH.
The Shires of
Upon the 22. Jan. 1656. 57. |
Upon the 24. Jan. |
Upon the 26. Jan. |
Upon the 28. Jan. |
Upon the 30. Jan. |
ANd to the end all Persons that desire to treat with the Commissioners touching the farming of all, or any the Counties aforesaid, may make their repair to them at LEITH; It is ordered, That Publication hereof be made in every County with all convenient speed.