Anent the Pe­tition given in and presented unto His Majesties High Commissioner and the Estates of Parliament, by Duncan For­bes of Collodden,

Humbly shewing, That the Petitioners Estate being laid wast, in anno One Thousand Six Hun­dred eighty and Nine, and One thousand six hundred and ninty by the Incursions and Depredations of the Kings Enemies, and by the Forrageing of the Kings Forces: And the Parliament having granted warrand to the Sherrif or Shertif-Deput of Inverness or Nairn, to take tryal and probation thereanent, and Report to the Parliament▪ which accordingly was done upon the seventeenth and eighteen Days of July. and tenth Day of October One thou­sand six hundred and ninty one, as the said warrant of Parliament and Reports therewith produced did testify. Therefore humbly Craving. That His Grace and the Estates of Parliament would refer his case to the tryal of a Quorum of the Committee for privat Affairs and upon their Report to do thereanent as in their Wisdom should be thought fit, Which Petition being upon the Twelvth day of July in­stant read and considered in plain Parliament. His Majesties High Commissioner and the Estates of Parliament, have Remitted, and hereby Remitt the same to the Committee for privat Affairs, to prepare and Report: Which Committee of privat Affaires, having upon the thirteenth Day of July instant conform to the Remit of Parliament, conveened, and having revised and considered the Report dated the seventeenth and eighteenth days of June One thousand six hundred and ninty one Years, of the Losses and Damages sustained by Duncan Forbes of Collodden, and his Tennents of Ferrintosh within the Parochines of Ʋrquhart and Loggie, through Depredations, Theists and Robberies committed upon them, by the late Highland Rebels while in Arms, As they were liquidat and proven by Depositi­ons taken before Alexander Chisholm Sherrif Deput of Inverness by warrand and Commission of Parliament direct to him to that effect: As also, Another Report of Losses sustained by him and his Tennents within the Parochines of Inverness, Petty, Deviot Croy, and Wardlaw, done partly by the Rebels, and partly by His Majesties Regular Forces, Dated the tenth Day of October One thousand six hundred and ninty one, as the samen was cognosced before the said Sherriff Deput upon Oath, they found, that the value of the saids Damages sustained by the said Duncan Forbes and his Tennets in Ferrintosh, extends to Thirty six thousand four hundreth and fifty four pounds thirteen shillings four pennies Scots Money: And that the value of the Damages sustained by him and his Tennents within the saids Parochines of Inverness, Petty, Deviot, Croy, and Wardlaw, Extends to ten thousand nine hundred fourty five pound thir­teen shilling, four pennies, Inde in all the value of the saids whole Damages, Extends of Fourty seven thousand and four hundred pounds six shillings eight pennies Scots Money foresaid, and it is the opinion of the Committee, that the said Duncan Forbes of Collodden be recom­mended to His Majesties Royal and Gracious consideration, for the Reparation of his said Damages, as His Majesty should think fit, And the Report of the said Committy for private Affairs being this day brought in therefrom, and read and considered in plain Parliament His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Estates of Parliamet, have approven, and hereby approve the same, and Recommended and hereby Recommend the Laird of Collodden to His Majesties Gracious consideration for the Reparation of his Damages as His Maje­sty should think fit.

Tarbat Cl: Register.

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