REASONS Why the Report of the Committee for Security finding that the Tack of the Pole Imposed in the Year 1693, should be turned to a Collection, should be Approven in Parliament.
FIrst, Because it is well known, that the foresaid Pole being the first general Pole that ever was in Scotland, was at that time greatly mistaken, and over-valued by all that concerned themselves in it.
2. That the Tacks-men who were the Highest Offerers, by the Condition of their Tack, had Ground and Right to expect to have had the Benefit of the Act of Parliament, imposing the said Pole, and of the whole Contents and Orders therein set down, specially as to the taking up of the Lists and Rolls, and making due Returns thereof, which yet was not observed to them for the far, far greatest part of the Kingdom, which rendred the uplifting of of the said Pole-money in effect impossible.
3. That upon Tryal, which could not possibly be discovered before, the Act of Parliament, and the Degrees, Qualities, and Branches thereof, were found to Labour under several Doubts and Defects, which made an intrinsick Insufficiency in the Pole it self, as was fully cleared to the Committee.
4. That if the Tacksmen should be necessitat to hold their Tack, they must exact the Quadruples, to which their Tack gives them full Right, and what an Oppression and Confusion this would prove to the whole Countrey, and how great a hinderance to the new Pole, is obvious to every body.
5. His Majesty in his Letter to the Lords of Thesaury, and Exchequer, superceded all Execution against the Tacksmen, in regard he would not have the Quadruples exacted, and Instructed the Commissioner his Grace anent the same.
6. It is Nottour to all Members of Parliament, that the new Pole hath been Contrived and Digested with Advantages, far above the old Pole; and that these Advantages are commonly estimat to a far greater Value than the former Pole; and yet upon Tryal, it is now seen how little is offered for it, Which evidenitly demonstrats that the Tack of the former Pole, did labour not only under the Difficulties and Disappointments above-mentioned; But likeways, under such an intrinsick Insufficiency, as in all Equity pleads for the foresaid Collection.
And therefore seing that the Tacksmen were Disappointed, as to the plain Conditions of their Tack, anent the Lists and Rolls, and that the Pole it self was Discovered upon Tryal, to be Insufficient and Imperfect: and that the Quadruples to which the the Tacksmen have undoubted Right, would be an infinite Prejudice to the Countrey. It is confidently expected, the High and Honourable Court of Parliament, will approve the Report of their Committee, and free the Tacksmen of their said Tack, and Declare them to be only Comptable as Collectors, specially seing that they are content to Accompt with all Exactness, and by whatsomever rational Rules the Parliament shall think fit to Prescribe. And that in a Word, it is visible, that if the Parliament do not graciously Interpose in this Matter, not only the Countrey must sustain an irreparable Prejudice; but many honest Noblemen and Gentlemen who intended to serve the Countrey in this Matter, with great sincerity, must be greatly Overcharged, if not Ruined.