A RAPTURE Ʋpon the Report of Her Royal Highness being with Quick-Child.

BLess Heavens, and say; Our Wishes and our Prayers,
Have peirc'd the Skies, and now th' Almighty squares
Out luckie Omens, to our blooming Hopes.
With Child, and Quick! The very words even dropes
Us Peace, and Bliss. Go fond-prophetick Feares,
Of idle, or more wishful Pates; Lo here Heaven reares
Fresh Props (and seasonablie) for the Throne
Let the Disquieters of CHARLES begone,
Since JAME'S Young-Hanse may Rebels think upon
Then Factious-Buzlers, fear the Time may come,
When th' Ʋnseen-Blew-Cap pays your Treasons home:
For who will needs the Ʋncle still Disturb,
May find a Nephew, who their Oy's may Curb.
Mean while GREAT PRINCESS, may the happy Babe
Breathe, Live, and Grow, within the secret Shade,
Of Your sweet Royal Self, until Your Wombe,
Shall belss the present Age, with [...] come.
And that Old SCOTLAND may (as twice before)
A Monarch Nurse for Britain yet once more,
Let Scotsmen Pray, the Fruit Dame Nature brings,
May prove a Man, to this their Land of Kings:
Howe're, Wee'll Joy; For who this year's a Mother
Unto a Lass, may bear a Lad the other.

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