THE Intention of Opening these Schools is, to Teach Youth Vertue an [...] [...] They shall be taught Gratis; nor shall they be at any farther Charg [...] [...] pences than the buying of their own Pens. Ink, Paper and Books.
II. These Schools are common to all, of what condition soever [...] shall be excluded, when they shall be thought fit to begin to learn [...] Write sufficiently well: And in these Schools shall be taug [...]ht Greek an [...] [...] also Poetry, Rhetoric, and Philosophy, &c. as they shall rise to higher S [...]
III. And although Youths of different Professions, whether Cat [...] [...] Protestants, come to these Schools; yet in Teaching all, there shall [...] [...] stinction made, but all shall be Taught with equal Diligence and Care, [...] one shall be promoted according to his Deserts.
IV. There shall not be, either by Masters or Scholars, any tamperin [...] [...] ling to perswade any one-from the Profession of his own Religion; [...] shall be all freedom for every one to practise what Religion he shall please, and none shall be less esteemed or [...] for being of a different Religion from others.
V. None shall upbraid or reproach any one on the account of Religion; and when any Exercise of Reli [...] [...] be practised, as hearing Mass, Catechising, or Preaching, or any other it shall be lawful for any Protest [...] [...] out any molestation or trouble, to absent himself from such publick Exercise▪ if he please.
VI. All shall be taught to keep God's Commandments, and therefore none shall be permitted to Lye, [...] Curse, or talk uncivil Discourse; Nor shall fight or quarrel with one another; and he who shall be observe [...] [...] these Duties, shall be punished according to his demerit: And when any one, for these, or other Faults, sh [...] [...] judg'd to any Chastisement, if he shall refuse to receive such Chastisement quietly, or be stubborn, he shall b [...] [...] the Schools, and not be re-admitted again, until he shall have given satisfaction for such his Fault.
VII. All shall be in their respective Schools by a quarter before Eight in the Morning, and shall there stay [...] and a half: Again at a quarter before Two, until half an hour after Four. And all Parents are earnestly desir [...] [...] their Children timely to School, and not easily to stay them at home; for the neglect of some Days may [...] Profit of many Weeks and Months: And they are to send them decently Clad.
VIII The other hours of the day they shall Study at their own Homes, and prepare those Exercises, which th [...] [...] in the Schools appoint to be brought, at their next coming to the Schools. And therefore all Parents are [...] allow their respective Scholars such conveniency for their Studies at their own House, that they may comply [...] Duties which are appointed them.
IX. All are required to be exact and diligent, in daily frequenting the Schools, and being there, none are [...] without leave of their Master: and when any one shall be absent from School, he shall the next day he co [...] [...] from his Parents a Ticket of the lawfulness of such his Absence: Yet they shall have every Week two After [...] [...] creation, in which they come not to School; unless a Holy-day happen that Week, which shall then be th [...] [...] [...] laxation.
X. Such as comes from the Writing-School, and hav [...] no Entrance in Latin, are to be received but three [...] [...] Year, viz at the beginning of the New Year, at Easter, and about our Lady-day in September.