The Royall Entertainment, Presented by the Loyalty of the City, to the Royalty of their Soveraign, on Thursday the fourth of July 1660.

When the City of London invited his Majesty, the Duke of York, the Duke of Glocester, and their Royall Retinue, to a Feast in the Guild-hall, London, to which the King was conducted by the chiefest of the City Companies on Horse-back, entertained by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com­mon-Counsill, Guarded from White-hall to Guild-hall by the Artillery-men, led by the Illustrious [...]ames Duke of York; met by diverse Pageants, with sundry devices, and the Livery attending in [...]eir Order. The Hall was richly appointed with costly Hangings, the Floores raised, Organs erected [...]th all sorts of Musick, performed by the Ablest Masters in England, with all Varieties that Art, Plen­ [...], and Curiosity can present,

To the Tune of Packingtons pound.
[blazon or coat of arms]
MY pen and my fancy shall never give o're,
to write of y t triumphs which Providence brings
Such glory and gladnesse was ne'r known before,
from William quite thorow the reign of the Kings.
our sorrow and grief
is turn'd to releif,
and comfort is now a Commander in chief.
As manifestly will appear in this ditty:
When London invited the King to the City.
Which was so performed with honour and glory.
with Order and Gallantry, Fréedom and Mirth.
The like I presume hath béen scarce séen in story:
or ever was known since the oldest mans birth.
sweet pleasures divine,
in all eyes did shine,
our God hath converted our water t [...] wine.
All things that were Excellent Pleasant and pritty
Were shewn to the King when he came to the City.
Guild-hall was prepared with costly expence,
and alter'd to entertain this Kingly guest,
Where with all variety every sense
was courted with plenty at this Royall Feast,
invention and state,
upon him did wait,
the City and Suburbs with people were fraught,
And no kind of joy that was worthy or witty,
Was wanting to welcome the King to the City.
With habits compleat and with hearts light as cork
Lord Lucas conducted th' Artillery men
To White-hall to wait upon James Duke of York,
who led them all into the City again,
they guarded our King
from every thing
of dangers that might from conspiracy spring
With loud acclamations both pleasant and pretty
The King was conducted with joy to the City.
The Chiefs of the Companies gallantly mounted
with Lackeys in Liveries attending in State
Did shew very famous, and so were accounted
who did to Guild-hall on his Majesty wait
the Livery in order
did stand like a border
the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Recorder
With all the magnificence fancy can fit yee
Did royally welcome the King to the City.

The second part,

to the same Tune.
THe King was contented, and very well pleas'd
as by his most gracious respects did appear
To sée his good people his heart was well eas'd,
for surely hée holdeth the City most dear
Not like the Rump-States,
which threw down the Gates
Or like to Jack Hewson, the Cobler ant's[?] Mates,
Or any fal'e Powers that were lowzie and nitty
Who aim'd to demolish the Charter oth' City.
With fingers and voices the chiefest that were
with loud and soft musick did make the Hall ring
That Science did in its best glory appear,
and was only fit for to welcome a King
with voices renown's
the Banquets were crown'd
in Cathedral manner the Organs did sound
All sorts of Invention, both wondrous and witty
Were fitted to welcome the King to the City.
Pageants did there in their glory appear
the figures did seem all alive as it were,
In silver and gold they did shine very neer,
as bright as the Sun when the day doth shi [...]e clear
the Conduits did shine
with Liquor divine
The people did bear away hats full of wine
To run down the streets it was very great pity
And thus was the King entertain'd in the City.
The rooms with rich hangings were brightly attir'd
the Air smelt of nothing but costly per [...]umes
As if the whole world at that time had conspir'd
to throw all varieties into the rooms
the King sate in State
the City did wait
the Hall did abound in all manner of Plate,
As if they would tell him Great Caesar wee'l sit yee
With all the choice Treasures belongs to the City
The plenty of food which was there at the Feast
with flesh, fish and fowl, and rare kick shaws a­mong
In such a small ditty can nere be exprest
they cannot be marshall'd all up in a song
the Cooks art was great
and pallat was neat
the Pastry appear'd in its order compleat
What ever was curious, novelty or witty
Attended the King in the love of the City.
The Earth and the Air, and the water conspir'd
to shew all the plenty the Kingdome could yeeld
It can't be exprest, but may well be admir'd
the dishes stood thicker than flowers in the field
a friend of mine vow'd
that stood in the crowd
hee sée a large Banquet let down in a cloud
Which néeds must appear very pleasant and pretty
Unto the beholders the King and the City.
With fréedome and honour, and safety and love
the King spent the day, then to Whitehall he went
May all the choice blessings which God hath above
fall on his head daily to crown his content
may plenty and peace
and union increase
may Amity live, and may enmity cease
May God in his mercy love, favour and pity,
And never divide the good King and the City.

London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow Entred according to Order.

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