Robin Hood and the Shepherd: Shewing how Robin Hood, little John and the Shepherd fought a sore Combate.
Tune is,
Robin Hood and Queen
ALl Gentlemen and Yoemen good,
down a down down,
I wish you to draw near,
for a story of gallant bold
Robin Hood
Vnto you I will declare.
down a down down.
Robin Hood walkt the Forrest along,
down a, &c.
Some pastime for to spy,
there was he aware of a jolly shepherd
That on the ground did lye:
down a, &c.
Arise, arise, said jolly
down a, &c.
And now come let me see,
what is in thy bag and bottle I say,
Come tell it unto me:
down a, &c.
What's that to thee, thou proud fellow,
down a, &c.
Tell me as I do stand,
what thou hast to do with my bag and bottle,
Let me see thy command:
down a, &c.
My Sword that hangeth by my side,
down a, &c.
Is my command I know,
come and let me taste thy Bottle,
Or it may breed thy woe:
down a,
The Devil a drop thou proud fellow,
down a, &c.
Of my bottle thou shalt see,
until thy valour here be try'd,
Whether thou wilt sight or flee:
down a, &c.
What shall we fight for, cries
Robin Hood
down a, &c.
Come tell it soon to me,
here's twenty pound in good red gold.
Win it and take it thee:
down a, &c.
The Second Part
to the same Tune.
THE Shepherd stood all in a maze
down a, &c.
And knew not what to say,
I have no money thou proud fellow,
But bag and bottle i'le lay:
down a, &c.
I am content thou Shepherd Swain,
down a, &c.
Fling them down on the ground,
but it will breed thee mickle pain
To win my twenty pound:
down a, &c.
Come draw thy sword thou proud fellow,
down a, &c.
Thou standest too long to prate,
this Hook of mine shall let thee know
A Coward I do hate:
down a, &c.
So they fell to it full hardy and sore,
down a, &c.
It was on a Summers day,
from ten till four in the Afternoon,
The shepherd held him play,
down a, &c.
Robin's Buckler prov'd his chiefest defence,
down a, &c.
And saved him many a bang,
for every blow the shepherd gave.
Robin's sword cry twang:
down a, &c.
Many a sturdy blow the the shepherd gave,
down a, &c.
And that bold
Robin found,
till the blood ran trickling from his head,
Then he fell to the ground:
down a, &c.
Arise, arise thou proud fellow,
down a, &c.
And thou shalt have fair play,
it th
[...] wilt yield before thou go
[...] have won the day;
down a, &c.
A boon boon, cry'd bold
down a, &c.
If that a man thou be,
then let me take my beagle-horn,
And blow but blasts three:
down a, &c.
Then said the shepherd to bold
down a, &c.
To that I will agree:
for if thou should blow till to morrow morn
I scorn one foot to flee:
down a, &c.
Robin he set his Horn to his mouth,
down a, &c.
And he blew with might and main,
until he espy'd little
Come tripping over the Plain;
down a, &c.
O who is yonder thou proud fellow
down a, &c.
That comes down yonder hill?
yonder is
John, bold
Robin Hood's man,
Shall fight with thee thy fill.
down a, &c.
What is the matter says little
down a, &c.
Master come tell to me;
my case is bad, cries
Robin Hood,
For the shepherd hath conquered me:
down a, &c.
I am glad of that, cries little
down a, &c.
Shepherd turn thou to me,
for about with thee I mean to have,
Either come fight or flee:
down a, &c.
With all my heart thou proud fellow,
down a, &c.
For it shall never be said
that a shepherds hook of thy sturdy look
Will one jot be dismay'd.
down a, &c.
So they fell to it full hardy and
down a, &c.
Striving for Victory;
I will know (says
John) e're we
Whether thou wilt fight or flee:
down a, &c.
The shepherd gave
John a sturdy
down a, &c.
With his Hook under the Chin;
be shrew they heart said little
Thou basely dost begin:
down a, &c.
Nay, that is nothing, said the shep
down a, &c.
Either yield to me the day,
or I will bang thy back and sides
Before thou goest thy way:
down a, &c.
What dost thou think thou proud fell
down a, &c.
That thou canst conquer me,
nay, thou shalt know before thou
I'le fight before i'le flee:
down a, &c.
Again the shepherd laid on him,
down a, &c.
The shepherd he began
hold, hold, cry'd bold
I will yield the wager won:
down a, &c.
With all my heart, said little
down a, &c.
To that I will agree:
for he is the flower of shepherd s
The like I did never see:
down a, &c.
Thus have you heard of
Robin Hood
down a, &c.
Also of little
how a shepherd swain did
The like was never known
down a down a down a down