Mount Moriah: OR, A SERMON Preached at Carrick, By Mr. Riddale, August 5. 1679.
MAy not say to you, as Isaac said to his father, There is wood, and here is the Fire, but where is the Lamb? Here is a goodly Company gathered together from several places, and that with some outward presentation and appearance of Zeal for the Cause of God, in case of necessity we most commend that sight; but there is one thing wanting, a Communicating frame, yet here is condescendency of our God, that hath sent forth Messengers, who have opened the Windows of Heaven. Sirs, what have you been doing to a Crucified Buried Christ, who has been wrestling out of the Grave, many are striving to keep him farther in the Grave, both by Friends and Foes, nothing wanting on their part: Many are expecting that the Communicants of [Page 2] Carrick should help Christ out of the Grave; these whose hearts are bleeding, who could not get here, are expecting that the Communicants should help the Cause, and its lying upon your shoulders, and therefore expect ye should lend them a lift in the day of their distress; but for any thing I can say, there is a New Stone laid upon Christs Grave; Oh Sirs! do you think that Jesus who has so many Crucifying him this day, that ye should come in among the rest; do you think that Jesus who has so many Crucifying him this day, that ye should come in among the rest: do you think that all the Prelates and Counsellors are not able to do it? will you give him a blow, and make him take his farwell? Its his friends who are now his Crucifyers; be serious then that matters come not to that height as that ye spit upon Christs face. I wot well he has testifyed his good will to Communions hitherto, and many a sweet manifestation of his Presence has been seen amongst them. Is God then weary of entertaining, no, no, no, but the often budding upon us of the new Wine of Heaven, hath made it change its taste, and become loathsome, and its just with God to send now a Famine, and spean us a Season.
Open thy Mouth wide, and I will fill it.
By the providence and good hand of our God, all that hath been Preached yet, hath hitherto been much to this purpose, to set you on work for a Communion, to receive a Feast at the hand of the Lord. It may be there hath been such rich offers already, that any offer that I can make at this time, may be but loathsome to you. However, that is the thing that we purpose at present, that Communicants should open their mouths wide. This was his Exhortation in these words that we have read; and that it may be the more taking, he Prefaces this to it, I am the Lord thy God, that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt; both that relation that is between you and me, should engage you to listen the better to my offer, for as much as there is a standing Covenant between you and me, should engage you to lissen the better to my offer, for as much as there is a standing Covenant between you and me, Ye are my people, and I am your God. And likewise the many courtesies and favours that I have done to you already, the good turns that I have wrought for you when ye were in Bondage, and under the Slavery of Satan, and under the power of your own Lusts; and ye might have been swallowed up in the midst of your difficulties, when there was none to see to you, nor to help you at all. I have compassion on you, and gave you relief; this is expressed by his bringing them out of the Land of Egypt; it is a Metaphorical expression borrowed from that signal deliverence that the Lord gave to his Church when he brought them out of Egypt with a high hand, as it was set down according to the Ten Commandements at Mount Sinai, that it may have weight to garr folk take heed to their way before God: Lord thy God that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt: Now I here make a rich offer of the Gospel to you, and all that I desire at your hand is, but that ye will receive that which I will give, and that on cheap and easie terms, and a large offer it is, and I crave no more at your hands but this, open but ye your mouths, and open them [Page 4]wide, and ye shall not want that that shall make you up for evermore. I suppose it is evident to you all, that the Lord means not here the mouth of the body, and it is to that that he purposes earthly priviledges, and earthly advantages, and that is the way that he takes with his Dogs, that he puts at the back of the door, that is the Hypocrites Portion, and the portion of him that hath his allowance in the world; but that that he means, is the opening of the mouth of the Soul, and the mouth of the Heart, to receive spiritual blessings and spiritual allowances, that is all the purpose of this liberal King, that gives liberally to all, and upbraids none; he does indeed require the opening of the mouth to God in a Communion, to receive the Elements that he purposes, but that is only to make way for the receiving of that that is more worth, and that comes clad under that outward shape, that is the Sacrament, but the thing signified is the main thing Christ himself, and the benefits of the New Covenant, that is it the Lord fills the mouth of his people. Now then, your duty that I require at your hands, is that ye open your mouths wide, and the priviledges that comes on the back of this duty is, I will fill these mouths of yours if ye will open them never so wide; there shall not be a lirk in them all, but they shall be filled up. Now I must first explain in this, what is the import of the word, Open your Mouths wide; there is four things comprehended under it. 1. There is comprehended one and great sense of Folks need and want of the priviledges of the Gospel; the mouth is half opened when a person wins to travel in the exercise of his own wants and sense: Indeed they that want a sense of the real necessity lying upon them, they are not the folk that shall come speed at the Kings hand; but they that receive of him, is such as lays this as the foundation stone of the works; I am a poor, indigent, and needy creature, I am undone if I get not something, this is pointed out in the exercise of the poor things that come to Christ when he travelled in the world; some comes in the sense of their blindness, and some in the sense of their lameness, and some came in the sense of their blindness, and some in the sense of this, that the Devil behoved to be cast out of them, and that they were undone, if they got not these things done: This made Bartimeus cry, this made the Woman of Canaan cry, sense of need that they were within a hair-breadth of Hell; if God had not Mercy on them, there is nothing for me, but I will perish and be undone for [Page 5]even, and I will travel under the power of my lusts, a stranger to the grace of God, if thou were never so far been in Religion, O communicant, it sets thee to Travel in the sense of thy wants, for there is none here but they stand in need of Christ.
2ly The opening of the mouth wide, Comprehends a right Sense of the excellency and worth of these priviledges that our Lord holds out such a sence of their excellency, as doth darken all earthly priviledges, and all advantages, a sence of their excellency that would cause you to cry with Paul the 3 of Philipians, I count all things loss and dung, that I may win Christ, and with David in the 73 Psalm, whom have I in Heaven but thee, and on the earth that I desire beside thee: and the poor thing is put to that with it, it is grace that I must have, it is Christ that I must have; every drop of mercy is more sweet then the Honey, and the Honey-Comb: the word of God was sweet to David, that was the opening of his Mouth, and he reckoned Gospel priviledges so sweet, that he could easily forgo all to be at it: he envyed the Sparrow and the Swallow that bigged their Nests in the Tabernacle of God, and chuseth rather to be a door Keeper in the House of God, then to dwell in the Tents of wickeness, that is the opening of the mouth; then the Soul cryed none but Christ, none but Christ, and give me all the pleasures is the World I will despise them, on this account it is some that is excellent and precious that I must have.
3ly, The opening of the Mouth wide comprehends a large and insatiable desire after the Lord; it is not enough that the person cry out under his want, and that the man know the excellency of Christ; but there is this needful and ardent desire to beat-it, such a resolution as is in the 132 Psalm. I swear to the Lord, that I will not go to my Bed, that I will not give rest to mine Eyes, nor slumber to mine Eye-Lids, till I prepare a place to the Lord: he will not be tangled with other difficulties that is in the wav, but he must be at Christ, and he resolves, that although he should break his Neck be the gate, he shall have him: he has alonging for a sight of him, it is no strange thing when David in the 12 Psalm, cryes as the heart panteth after the water Brooks, so my heart panteth after thee: my Soul thirsts for the Living God, and in the 63 Psalm, my heart and Flesh cryed out for the Living God, such a desire after him would be the opening of a mouth to God, on the back, of a Communion.
4ly, The opening of the mouth wide, comprehends a preparing and making ready the Soul for Christ; the man that opens his mouth makes ready to receive his Food; the man that opens his mouth makes all ready, and when Christ says, give me thy Heart, he is willing to give him it, that is the equivalent of this, he will have the heart in a suitable dress and ready for him; are ye suitable Communicants, the day the heart must be in a right frame, and their is four things requisite for the preparing of the heart that is comprehended under the opening of the mouth to receive the priviledges.
1. It is required for the preparing of the heart to have a suitable exercise, a Travelling through matters between God and the Christian to see how they stand, it is required of a communicant that he must examine himself, and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup; he that comes with a suitable Frame, his Mouth is opened; thus saith the Lord, consider your ways, consider your ways: you most Travel through matters between God and you, and you must know in what Tearms yee stand with him, what Length have yee won, how is your Spirits disposed for such work on the Lords day; how stand yee affected to your King and Husband, that you are to shake hands with, what think yee of the bargain between him and you, that he will be a husband to you, that he should see to you, and have a desire of you, that yee shall trust your case to him, and that ye shall wait on him in Death and in Life, and that death it self shall not part you and him, if yee should go to a Burning Fire with him, yee will not part with him, if yee should Travell to the Mountains with him, ye will not part with him, if yee should go Travelling out of Scotland with him, yee will not part with him: once be clear, for you must not come and make a blind bargain.
2ly, A second thing that is requisite for the preparing of the heart for Christ, is to get all these evils and abominations to the door that uses to take up his room, and that hinders his heartsome entertainment and dwelling there, there is a task for a Communicant to sweep the house, and open the everlasting door, and to cast wide the Gate that the King of Glory may come in, that is the opening of the mouth to God to put strangers to the door thou that has entertained Christ, he being in thy bosome, thou must give a farewell to all drunkards, and to whore-mastering the old trade, thou must take farewell of it, [Page 7]ye that loved the World and ease better than Christ; ye must bid farewell to them, and ye must say as Ephraim says in the last of Hosea, What have I any more to do with Idols? Thou that loved thy self better than Christ, thou must say, shall I put my self in his room? nay, thou must take thy self and thy right hand that has offended thee, and thy eye that his offended thee, and thou must tread under foot, if it were even thy most precious enjoyments and delights; you must take your farewell of them, for Christ cannot take possession of the heart, nor can ye open the mouth, till these things get a farewell, that must be your exercise the day: O communicants, ye must go through your pride, and your vanity, and your looseness, and your own unrighteousness, and self love, ye must go through them one after another, and put them to the door, and say, what have I to do with thee any more? that is, to prepare thy heart for Christ.
3dly, A third thing required in preparing the heart for Jesus Christ, is this, there must be a working up the heart to a heavenly frame; it is not every frame that will please him for a Communion frame, it must be a Heavenly frame, that is, a frame that will please him, and that is a frame that is made up of many frames; tenderness is required here, sense of sin is required here, and self-denyal is required here, self-loathing is required here, that a heavenly frame comprehends; the fear of God must be there, to come trembling and quaking to the Ordinances of Christ, to have love burning as a coal within thy breast, to be content to do any thing, that Christ may be glorified and magnified; these things is required to a heavenly frame, and that must be to make the house ready, and the mouth opened wide for the Son of God.
4ly, A fourth thing required in the preparing of the heart, is a chearful welcoming, and a chearful imbracing of any offer that Christ give you of any meat that he brings with him; indeed, the Christian that opens his mouth wide, that is squeamish stomaked, he will not take every thing for the Worship of God, but will be tender there, and he will not take every thing for Ordinance, but if it be a dry morfel.
I resolve for a dry Morsel if it come out of Christs hand that will be sweet, a right relishing of what ever he has that comes from Christ, though it should be bitter and displeasing to Flesh and Blood, it may [Page 8]be the Lord will fill the Communicants of Carrick. with nothing but reproof, and he will say that is all I have to give you, the day I am angry at your wickedness, and I am angry at your baseness, and ye must welcome such a dinner if it were but a reproof, if it were but a Frown, and if it were but an affliction that is bitter to the Spirit yee must welcome it, if it were a cross, and if it were to tell you the day yee must cr'e long suffer, yee must Seal these Truths with your Blood, if it were to resolve to see your Husbands Head, hap for this work, resolve to hear the news that your Husbands Carcass shall fall on the Top of the Mountains to be meat for Doggs, and the Fowls, and if it were to tell you that yee must goe to the Prison the next day, and that is all yee will get; but if yce be right, yee must welcome all Christs allowances, be it sweet or be it sour; it may be some of you shall not have the promise the day of clearing of your Interest, but it may be yee will get that will cause you to go home weeping and Mourning, you must welcome it if your hearts be right oppened this day, yee will be made to see, let Christ give me what he will, if it be his allowance, I desire to welcome him and it both; as to the priviledge I need not stand upon it, I will fill it, there is no great task, as if he had said, that I do require at your hand, it cost your Master another thing; it put your blessed Lord to Swim the Sea of wrath, and it put him to Travel through the Fire of Gods anger, and it put him before the Axe and Hammer of the Justice of God, and to let Justice lay on what stroaks he pleased, but as for you, you come easily by it, it is only to open the mouth, O that he purchased at such a rate, he comes to you for nothing, but open your mouths wide and receive it, it is true, ye will may be Travel for it, and it is true ye will suffer for it, but what is that being weighted in the ballance of the Sanctuary, it is open, it as wide as ye will, and the more wide it be, the more acceptable to me: there is two things that I shall speak of here.
1. Yee see the holy Ghost does suppose there is some Folks that does not open the mouth to these Gospel priviledges, does all the World receive them now? does all the world open their mouths? no, no, their would not need such intreaty to open their mouths, if it were but so read a little further in the Psalm, and you will see that entertainment yee give him, the next word is, my People would not hearken to my voice; Israel would have none of me, oft-times he [Page 9]brings his rich, rare, precious Priviledges, but not received. Two considerations to clear this, 1. The many different complaints made by our Lord in offering them, as when tears came over his cheeks when looking to Jerusalem. 2. What means so many running to the Ale-houses, and so many sleeping at Communions.
Preface before the Tables.
Do ye know this day, that our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, is King of Sion? do ye know that it is he that ye have to do with this day, not only a Jealous God, but it is the same Lord Jesus that has helped many a poor creature that has Triumphed in the world, and has carryed in many a Fleece to Glory, that some time a day was as far aback from Heaven as ye are, that has rejoyced in bringing in poor sinners to himself, and making way for their wellfare; and its that same Lord Jesus that is this day treading upon the necks of Devils, that is this day tormenting many a Man or Woman in Hell; it is that same Lord Jesus that has stained his Rayment with the Blood of his Enemies, and has refused Salvation to many a Countrey-side, and has refused the offers of mercy to many Men and Women up and down the world; it is he that is come to Carrick this day; it is he that is travelling among you, and behold he comes bringing Salvation with him, and we must say it, behold he comes meek and lowly, riding on an Ass, and a Coalt the Foal of an Asse, and his bowels this day are yearning on you that are here; it is he that hath prepared a Feast a Feast of Fat things, of Wine on the Lees well refined; and O but he showes bowels, and O but he showes much tenderness, and O but he showes much kindness in the day he provides a Feast for poor sinners, for his poor afflicted people; he knew very well that we could not live without him, he knew we had perished, if he had not once exposed himself to Death on our behalf; and he knew very well, that we had but starved, if he had not been given now and then a Feast: Now, that Scotland may not Starve amidst all the sad designs of our Enemies, not to have us starved out of hand, and that we may not perish in the midst of the sad designs and contrivances of our Enemies; he has this day prepared this allowance for you, and it is you that he is calling to open your mouths wide, that he may fill them in sign and token, that he will be as good as his word, in satisfying the necessities of the hungry; he has given us this Ordinance that is of his own appointment. And now Sirs, you must not think in the beginning of the [Page 10]work, that our blessed Lord Jesus allows these holy things to be casten to Dogs, and that he allows such Pearls to be casten before Swine; it is every one that will get them this day, that he will admit to be partaker of the inheritance above; many are called, but few are chosen.
Now more particularly, I serve an Inhibition this day against all Atheists that is here, that owns another God besides the true God, and against all Idolaters, that turn the Worship of God into a superstitious form, or takes another Saviour besides Christ, or that worships God in away that he has never prescribed nor appointed.
I must serve inhibition against all Cursers and Swearers, and such as take the name of God in vain in their months, and all gross Oaths, not only these that have horrid Curses and execrations, or that will Curse the People of God, and Work of God, but they that come out with minch't Oaths, were they never so small, I serve an Inhibition upon all Sabbath breakers this day, such as make not conscience of Sanctifing all Gods ordinances, such as make not conscience of keeping Gods day, that dare bourd with any work upon Gods day, that Folk should only do on an ordinary day, if it were but to look needlessly on the Cattel and Corn upon a Sabbath day.
Particularly, I serve inhibition this day on the Table of our Lord, against all the Men and Women in Scotland, that wittingly and willingly are Enemies to the persecuted and distressed Cause, and work of God this day, what ever it be, be it Prelacy, be it Snpremacy, or be it arbitrary Government, be it any thing that the People of God are suffering for this day, for it's sad since the business is come to such a length in Scotland, that their is a stated quarrel between Christs and Antichrists backing, and that this controversie has come to that length, we have so many Heads standing on Poles on the account of it in Air and in other places of Scotland, when there are so many in Prison upon this account, and the Enemies have imbrued their hands so dreadfully in the Blood of the Saints of God; you must now side your selves, you must List your selves, either on Christs Side, or the Devils, now any of you that have complyed with the Enemy, to strengthen their hands, either by taking the Declaration or the Oath of Supremacy, or any the black bands, that have gone up and down the Land, any that has been troublers of the People of God, and complyers with the Prelates and Curates, if ye resolve to go on longer in these courses, go to their Camp and [Page 11]seek your Food, and come not Enemies in heart to this persecuted Table of the Lord in the Wilderness. In the name of the great God, I discharge you as ye would not incurr the damnation of your Souls, and as ye would not be crucifiers of the Son of God, and bring that upon your selves which you cannot easily take off. But now upon the other hand, least that some poor thing should be kept back, least they should hold back, and that their should be a scaring of such, that the Bowels of Christ are yearning on this day, therefore we have this to say, be who yee will that is here, that desired this day to bid adue to your Lusts, and will Sin no more, that is grieved in your hearts for the Evils ye have done to Christ, and that is resolving to live to him, and to be for him hereafter; that is, resolving to espouse his cause, and to bide by him upon all hazards over all difficulties; be what you will, we invite you here to be sharers of this Feast of Fat things, and Wine on the Leas well refined, if thy Fingers were reeking with the Blood of the Saints, if that now be thy exercise, if thou resolve to be so no more, come away; if thou had been a Witch, and had made an actual Portion with the Devil, and would break the bargain now with the Devil, and would make a new bargain with our King Christ, come away if thou hath been guilty of Theft and Murder, and never so many abominations, if now thou be reforming, and if this be thy exercise this day woes me, I have so long dwelt in Sin and sojourned in the Tents of wickedness; our Lords Bowels yearns on you this day, and in the name of our Lord, we invite you all to come forward; come away poor thing, what ever has been thy sad miscarriage before, come away, and thy Burden on thy Back to the Table of the Lord, that before witnesses thou may give up thy name to the Son of God; and here we are to take thee as a bond-servant, and to welcome thee in his name: now dear Friends, lay ye the business to heart, and think not that you must come and Mock him, think not that you must come and profane the Table of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, but let all your debates be at an end; now, O let all your confusions be at an end, now, but if thou should come with confusion in thy Spirit, come as thou art, only let this be between Christ and you, that henceforth ye are rosolved to be the Lords for better and worse. Look on him, now tell me how would yee look on him, if yee saw him the day, would yee have a Sight of him; [Page 12]O Men and Women, then he took up a peice of Bread in the one hand, and the Cup of Wine in the other, and said, come, come, Sirs, see yee him, now behold your King, behold him that was dead and is alive; behold him that died at Jerusalem, behold him that is now up above the Clouds, sitting at the thrown of grace, pleading on your behalf; there is a sight, the greater ye will not get in the kind of it in the World, yee will not get the like of it till yee come to Heaven, and see him in another manner of way, how see yee him the day his Body all peirced, his Body in one place, and his Blood in another; when ye are sound in Limb and Lith, he is all tattered, and he is drawn a sunder, and your Blood is in your Veins; behold Christs Blood is one way, and his Body another: O! how comes it to pass that our Blessed Lord and Mediator was seen in such away? it was not because enemies was able to Master him, but it was that yee might get good of him the day, and yee could not have fed on him, except he had been wounded; now, now, would ye know how this comes to pass, that our blessed Lord has gotten such wounds, and that his wounds appears in two places, the day would ye know how he has gotten these two wounds, the day Justice gave him one blow for the Sin of the Jews, because they had sinned, Justice says, they must die, Christ says rather, give me a blow on the Cheek, though it should ding all the Flesh from the Bones, well says Justice, must it be so, then Justice gives him one wound, know yee how he has gotten another wound? he has gotten it for the Sin of the Gentiles, and among the rest, for the Communicants of Carrick; this day it is for you, Justice says, they must die, wrath must be upon Carrick, and wrath must be upon the professors of Scotland, except the Son of God take a blow and wound on the behalf, it is on this account he suffers, and for your sake he takes it, yee see now his Body one way, and his Blood another; and if yee had looked on him in the Garden, when every drop of Sweat was like a drop of Blood; think yee that he come easily by the bargain, indeed yee have come easily by the bargain: O professors of Carrick, yee may Sing the Victory is purchased to your hand, that the great King procured, is brought to your hand, and let me ask one question of you, when yee saw your Mediator so wounded, and in such a case, what would ye think of them? the day that would call you, that yee will give him a wound, [Page 13]the day to all that he has gotten, and that yee will give him a wound that shall be sorer, and be sadder to him, then all the wounds he suffered; he is content to be tattered for your sakes, but he is not content to be tattered by you; he is not content when he is pauncing his wounds for you, that ye should give him a wound more; do ye suffer in your hearts to crucifie him a fresh? I confess ye may think on us as Fools and distracted Persons, and say, what need we present a cup of Wine, and a peice of bread, could it not be done in another way? indeed, if our Lord had not appointed it himself, we had been in the dark, and had carried as distracted persons, woe to them that comes in with their Surpluse, and corner Caps, and Oil and Salt, and all the rest of their Ceremonies, and these things that Christ Jesus never warranted nor appointed, but that yee may see, and be convinced, that those things is not our devices, but the appointment of God himself, we shall read the institution to you, and let you see the warrant that he himself hath given, that he hath set down in the Evangelists, but we shall read that which is set down in the 1 Corinthians 11 chap. 2 ver. For I have received of the Lord, that which also I delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the same night: wherein he was betrayed took bread.
After he had given thanks.
Now Sirs, ye see that he can set apart what Elements he pleases, and can make them indeed significant ceremonies and pleadges to purpose, to be clear symptoms and remembrances of a bargain between him and us, and to be the evidences that we shall not want what we stand in need of coming to him in the right manner. Now then, know ye when this was, it was in the Night wherein he was Betrayed; he cast a copy to us, and according to that Pattern that he gave us, that is, the thing we have to do, the day to take and distribute these Elements to you, to be the Pledges Carrick is espoused to Christ, and that it may be a Covenant that shall not be broken: indeed there is a difference between Christs work and your work, well could he handle it, and well could he go about the work, but we amble the business, he could make it effectual by his own power, we cannot do that, but we must come as far benn as we can, and we must put it over the Masters hand, that he will give the Blessing, and that he will fit us, and that he will fit the work; and O if you had one [Page 14]heart the day you would concur and wrestle for a Blessing on the Ordinance, that it may be for our advantage the day, let us go and seek the Lord.
Tabe First.
Now Sirs, are you right, is there any thing yet to do, he is ready for you, his bowels yearns after you, his arms are open, the day ye have seen him, we cannot tell what that sight has produced on your Souls. O! have ye not bleed at the sight of such a one; could ye not be content to have born some of the blows that were laid on him; think ye not but ye could have given your cheek to the smiter; when they took the hair of his cheek, could ye not have been content to have taken a share of it, that is not all, it is not only a sight of Christ, crying, Behold me, behold me, but a sight that ye may come and see; and here it is, Eat O Friends, drink ye drink abundantly. O beloved only, if ye be ready only, if ye be ready, tell us your answer, are ye ready or not? is there any that would rise from the Table and would spare a while: yet if ye be not ready, we cannot help it, for he is ready. In that Night that he was betrayed, he took bread and brake it, and gave his Disciples, and said, Take ye eat ye, this is my Body which is broke for you, do this in remembrance of me. Now, we give it you on your Peril, and as ye shall answer to that God, so carry in the business, but in part we desire to be free of your Blood, and we pronounce our being free of your Blood, and he has dealt honestly with you, see that ye deal not deceitfully and treacherously with him, but it is not a dry morsel that he prepares, there is more, it is not meat that he entertains his Guests with, but drink also in like manner; after Supper he took the Cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to his Disciples, and said, Drink ye all of it, and divide it among you, &c. Here, here have your thoughts above, and be taken up with Meditation, ye must remember it is one qualification of Communicants, and in the time that ye are about the work, apprehend ye see him hanging on the Cross, and ye keeping the Blood that drops from him, that that Blood may wash away all your Iniquities, that ye nay be cleansed.
Thirdly, for there is no other way whereby ye can be presented spotless and blameless before the Lord; there is vertue here to Cure all your distempers, and to make you perfectly clean if thou were as filthy as Lazarus, it is he that will do your turn; now, now ye have [Page 15]him among your hands, see how ye will guide him once again; think with your selves what is your opinion of your noble Husband; now what think you of a Marriage day now? what think ye of it to be shaking hands with such a Prince, and with such a Captain, or now would ye be content to quit your part of him before ye rise from the Table, or will ye take your old Trade? will the Drunkard go to the Ale-house? will the Swearer Swear? will the Unclean person continue Unclean? will ye prefer the world to him? what if a new Hoast of Highlanders should come in among you, and should press you to take the Bond, what would ye do? know in that Night Peter took the Communion, he bant and Swore he knew not Christ; what if some of you that sits at the Table shall lift up the heel against the Son of God before the Son go down, ye should eat this Bread with carefulness, and drink this Drink with astonishment, for it is hard to say, what a Plague and Curse goes down with it; what shall I tell you Sirs, the ground is holy, the Master of the Feast is holy, but all the Guests is unholy, a beatifical Captain, a beautiful Master, beautiful Priviledges, and beautiful Ordinances, but O a black Bride, a black Bride for him to take by the hand; but how comes this to pass, that some of you, yea all of you, that were a few days ago shaking hands with the Devil, that a few days ago had your Necks in the Devils yoke; how comes it that ye quit that bargain, and come to kiss the Son of God? what has allured you to come from your own Camp? what has made you to quit the world? might nor the sweet world that ye were in, have allured you to stay with it? what has come on Scotland this day to fleighter after an unseen and unknown Christ? what means the Husband to come away and quit the Wife? what means the Wife to come away and quit the Husband? and what means the Barnes to leave the Parents, and the Parents to leave the Barnes? and what means the Husbandman to give the Cow, and the Barneyeards their leave, and they are come to the Fields to imbrace the Son of God; but it may be some thinks this is not their Errand, but since ye are come out of the World, and has turned your back on it, that that I would say is not only to welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, but to tell you, that the broad blessing of Abraham hangs over your head, the day the broad blessing of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, hangs over your heads the day, and ye shall not loose your reward, your Master is able to do your turn, and to bear your expdnces; it [Page 16]may be after this, ye shall meet with the Cross, but ye shall have that that shall make the Cross sweet to you, that ye shall not ill-will your Enemies in the midst of it. Now even your hearts be right with him, as his heart is right with you, at least as long as ye make the bargain, and give him the hand, and say, I take Christ for my Saviour, O be not dealing deceitfully. Now Christ is yours, and Heaven is yours, come after what will, come death, come life, it shall never part you and him, even much joy may ye have of your new Husband.
Conclusion after the Tables.
Because the day wears to one end, and for some other reasons we are necessitate to break off, we hope there is none that has prepared themselves for this that need offend, that they have not been admitted to this Table, this is a great priviledge, but folk may win to Heaven though they do not formally partake of this ordinance, and where is a faltable appetite and desire, he accepts of the will for the deed; but now my friends, ye have been witnesses this day of, and exalted Christ after his Death and Burial, ye are they before whose eyes he has been set out Crucified among you, ye are they among whom he has done great things, and has lifted up his Banner, and I hope there is some here that will reckon such a day as this well worth a Prison, well worth a Cross, and it may garr Carrick, and the places about forget that misery that the Host of the Highlanders did to see God undermine them, and to see God disappoint the designs of Enemies, while they thought by these Savages, to make us turn our back on this cause, and to make the Countrey-side rid of that work that they call Conventicles, God has dispersed them, and covered a Table over again, and has brought together an Assembly greater then any that has been here before. O what shall we say of the bounty and condescendency of our God, it is like some will be angry at us for this days work? we will be charged with Rebellion and Sedition, but such a Feast as this is worth the suffering Reproach, as well as other things to suffer; but now this day the three Persons in the Trinity is witness, Angels is witness, and that Son is a witness, that there is a Bargain drawn up between God and you, the Contract has been fairly laid out before you, you need not now come and say, if ye meet with a Trouble, and if ye meet with a Cross, that ye have met with a disappointment in this business, the best and the worst has been laid out before you, it has been told you, the Cross waits on you, and it has been [...]