LONDONS Disease, and Cure: BEING A Soveraigne Receipt against the PLAGUE, for Prevention sake.

THere's none so ignorant, I hope, but knowes,
Medicines are good, as well in Verse, as Prose;
Therefore consulting with my Thoughts, I found,
A rare Receipt to make th' Infected sound:
And knowing that the Almighty doth forbid,
In Times of Dangers, fecrets should be hid;
I thought it was my Duty to make known,
This Cath'lick Medicine unto every one;
That so their sad Distempers may be heal'd,
The cruel natre of this ssad Disease,
Is so otragious, that if speedy ease
Be not Presecrib'd, the Patient must be lost,
But here's a medicine without Price, or Cost;
Therefore let those that are inclin'd to be
My willing Patients, read, obeferve, and see
That my Prescriptions are, they shall be good,
And very cheap, not hindring them from food
Or honest labour; neither need they doubt
Restraint, but may with courage go about
Lawfull Occasions; therefore without a Bribe,
Harken with patience, whilft I thus Prescribe;


WArm Tears, distilled from a pensive Heart,
With herb-of-grace, mixt with divinest art,
Prepar'd in th' morning when the Light begins
To shew it self, not gathired in our Sins;
But when the Sun of Grace hath spread his Rayes,
Then we must Gather hath spread his Rayes,
Then we must Gather it, and keep't with praife;
It must be laid, where neither Aire of Lust,
Nor Heat of Envy, nor th' injurios Rust
Of Malice can come near it, nor the Breath
Of Covethousness infect, for sudden Death
Will seize upon it, if we take not heed.
'Tis also good (if possible) to Bleed,
Both at the Eyes, and Heart, for if those veins
Be not well breathed, the Physitians pains
Will prove invalide; if occasion urge,
The Patient must b'advis'd to take a Purge,
Or elfe a Vomit; When th' infected Blood
Is clens'd, a pleasant Cordial will be good;
But let the Patient not forget to call,
With Thanks, unto the Sacred Hospitall;
And then he may with covrage be affur'd
The worst is past, and his Distemper cur'd:
And if he keep a well compofed Will,
He need not fear th' Apothecaries Bill;
Each Item's a Receipt, and all his Cost,
Returns to Profit, nothing can be lost
Eut the Disease, which the great Chyron cures,
Whilst the Physitian all the pain indures.
Oh happy Patieut (if the Doctor please)
'Tis Health to fall in love with thy Disease!
Oh teach me to be Sick, or I will make
My fealf a Patient for the Doctors sake!
Oh ! who is he that would not be content
With a Disease, to be his Patient?
He has an Antidote, that can expell
All Griefs; 'tis dangerous sick ness to be well:
Oh make me sick to Death (I mean) of Sin,
That having done, my Doctor may begin;
Without all doubt, that Patient needs must thrive.
That makes Affliction his Preparative:
Oh ! who would not Adore so blest a God?
Good natur'd Children often kiss the Rod:
And so, let us with Patience learn t' indure
Our own Distempers, and not doubt the Cure;
The Grand Physitian will not spare his Skill,
If we submit our felves unto his Will;
The more our Patience labours to endure,
The sooner will he make a perfec Cure;
The sacred Scriptures this rare Cordial gives,
To let us know that our Redeemer lives:
He lives, who by his living gives us breath,
He dy'd, and we are living by his Death:
Thus both in Life and 'Death we must confess,
That He's the Author of our Happiness;
He is that God, whose Cross mst be our sCrown,
Whose shame our honour, whose reproach, renown;
His Blood must be our Bath, his Wounds, our Cure;
For 'tis his Certainty that makes us Sure:
Then let us like the Ninevites, be found,
Whose true Ropentance made them truly sound:
THough as (like carelesst Jonas) now we lye
In the Whales-belly of our Sins; let's cry
As Jonas did, and Heav'n will foon advance,
ANd bless us with a quick Deliverance:
Delayes are dangerous, 'tis therefore good
To take a Remedy, before the Blood
Be quire infected, 'tis a sign the Cure
Is difficult, and will not long endure
A Physicall oppose, let's therefore ftrive
To quallifie it by a Corrosive.
A Bath of Tears is good, and will expel
The black diseases of an Infidedl;
The Chymistry of sighs, and doubled groans,
Will melt those hearts, which sin hath turn'd to stones.
But one thing more is singularly good,
The dear Remembrance of our Saviors Blood;
Nor will it be unto our Souls a loss,
To take the Lignum vitae of his Cross;
And that sick-Soul that knows how to procure
The Balm of Gilliad, may (by Faith) asure
Himfelf a Remedy, Tears mixt with Rue,
Will make the Patient bid his Grief adue.

LONDON, Printed by Edward Crowch, dwelling on Snow-hill. 1665.

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