Partridges OBSERVATIONS For the Year 1692. OR, AN ACCOUNT OF Divers Remarkable Things Which shall happen in most Parts of EUROPE Each Month.

But particularly in France and Flanders, &c.

To which is added John Gadbury's Verses about the Prince of Wales, in his Almanack 1689, Travesty'd.

Edinburgh, Re printed in the Year 1692.

The Introduction:

AN Ancient Hermit by a craggy Hill,
By Natur's help, and art, had form'd a Cell.
Where he did live from Rage and Madness free.
And did observe that curse, Mans Luxury:
He spent his days in Peace conient, and Ease,
And long before foresaw poor Englands case.
He Imil'd to see French Apes fill Albions Hall.
And make the English Lyon their Jack call.
And how the Gallick Circe did prevail,
How well she bow'd, and crign d, & wag'd her Tail.
How sure she dealt, how Rich by a light gain,
How well she rid us, and was rid again.
He laught to see Towns sold, and Faith betray'd;
Honesty sneak, Hypocrisy obey'd.
To see the great Ones how their manner was,
Roar against Rome, and yet they went to Mass.
But griev'd to see how our Religion stood;
And Faiths pretence by Knaves was built in Blood.
How they proceeded, how they laid their Crimes
To Excommunications, Jails, and Fines;
From such a Faith, and Men, Lord set us free,
Whose Doctrine gives a murd'ring Destiny!
He piti'd England's fate, how tamely she,
Parted with Charters, Laws, and Liberty.
Observ'd their Passive Cant, their Noise, and Tools.
How with Church notions they betray'd the Fools,
He wept to see the Murd'ring Trade and Crew;
Sheriffs made, and Juries packt, they knew would do.
Crimes form'd and forg'd, & when they wanted more
A swinging swearing Tool they had in store;
Or else some Inuendo, then in force,
By which those Judges with their Wise discourse;
If Brick bat was but nam'd, 'twas prov'd a Horse.
Thus Whipe and Halter mov'd, as George gave Laws
That Butcher-General to the Popish Cause,
Imagin'd Crimes, Crimes that were never done,
Let Collonel Sydney's Murder stand for one,
Where Inuendo did our Work alone.
By these, and such like means was all destroy'd;
By these, base Actions, and worse were imployed.

PARTRIDGES Observations For the Year 1692.

Observations upon January.

Come mighty Muse! Assist me once agen,
Touch thou my Cranium, and inspire my Pen;
And let the Black mouth'd Tribe again reflect,
Tho I don't Prophecy I may Predict.
And that it may with Truth and Good be blest.
Heaven guide my hand, let mighty Jove assist,
All hail, my Masters! here is muckle do,
A year of Wonders dost thou call it John.
'Twas such a year so fatal to your Crew,
It hath not left you Ground to Anchor on.
Let Chains then be their Lot, who humbly crave,
And beg to be a little Bastard's Slave.

It is now just a year since our Holy Plot was discovered when Passive Obedience was turned into Rebellious Resistance, and a design laid to destroy the bravest Prince in the World, and this done by those who in their publick Audito­ries had be-rebell'd all mankind but their own Faction; by those, I say, at whose doores lies all the Blood and miseries of Ireland

If we consider that the Ingress was attended with a ☌ of the ☉ and ☿ and a △ of ♃ and the ☉, those things compared with the beginning of this month, seems to shew us much news discoursed of among all People; and especially about Peace, and such Affairs as relate thereunto, as Truces, Cessations of Arms, and the like; and do you think there is any thing in it? Vix Credo.

For ☉ and ☽ are Gadent, and the old plotting Knave ♄ is in ☍ to ♂, from the third and ninth, the house of Religon: I hope we have no more holy Plots coming abroad again, and yet I dare ven­ture a Wager there is something in it, but it will be smothered in the Birth: he that plots for the Church plots safe.

The Councils of Europs very hush

Observations on February.

Of late, Heaven's Cohorts did each other greet,
And at their General Rendevouz did meet.
Mavors in Gemini; there still resides,
While Chronos on his Half-hors'd Bowman rides.
Th' Effects lie snug and hush; and then begins,
When Sol and Stilborn do embrace the Twins.
When Gadbury's Stars and Angels did appear,
The Friends of Rome flew swiftly through the Air.
From some small Cell or Cellar, as 'tis thought.
The Reaking Babe was in a hurry brought.
Immortal Elf: how often that did dye,
Its Real Father knows no more than I.

At the Ingress in December we find the ☽ void of course, but the ☉ is going to the △ of ♃, and on the Cusp of the Ascendant in ♉, but the ☉ lately seperated from the ☍ of ♂, and the Body of ☿, and this so near the Tropick that I fear will spoil the Influence of ♃'s Balsamick Rays, which indeed tend to peace.

But here we find the ☽ going to the square of ♄ and ♂, and toward the end of the month we shall see the Effects of it in London among the New Non-cons, and the murmuring Crew, and it will be about some seditious thing in reference to the Government; perhaps meeting to affront the King and Queen, as they have done before; but I remember when a Gollows used to be the reward of such things in the two late pious Reigns; but the case is altered, the Murtherers then are the Traytors now.

It also shews some suddain surprize or treachery in Flanders; perhaps the French Tyrant may go to market about this time to take Towns after his usual way of fighting without Blood,

Observations upon March.

With full career, Sol to the Ram doeth hie,
He being there the Judge of Equity;
But ere he doth his Regal Throne possess,
Grim furious Mars disturbs his happiness,
Hence Feuds and Differences; hence too, Treach'ry flows
Perfidious Friends are worse then open Foes.
Who dars call eighty eight an empty year,
When things so plain in plenty did appear.
It gave a Prince by Miracles begot,
And smooth fat Priest from foraign nations brought
Mass houses publick, did each City grace
The Regulators; and Salisbury Race:

At the Lunation now approaching, we find both ☉ and ☽ in exact square to ♂ from ♓ and II. Lites Rixae, Interfectiones multas in mul­tis Locis, Mars is in a human Sign, from whence we usually find Quarrels and Conten­tions, as well publick as private, from whence also we shall hear of Duels and Murders about this time in divers parts: also Skirmishing by Parties of those Soldiers that guard the Frontiers of Countries and Garrisons. We may also ex­pect to hear of some Cruelty, Murder, or other Villanies committed by the bloody Rappare [...] Papists in Ireland. In short, mankind in general are about this time inclin'd to Violence and Villanies, Roberies, and Blood; as besides this Lunation, the square of ♄ & ☿, & the square of the ☉ & ♂ shew▪

Whatsoever the discourse is about a Peace at this time, will end in words and noise, and have no other effect, for I can see no real ground to judge any such thing, and besides, the War hath not travelled its full Journey yet.

Much lying news spread abroad to the abuse of the Credulous and this about some considerable thing as they report.

Observations upon April:

The Orbs and Stars; how stedfastly they're hurl'd?
Those Arks where God hides Judgments for the World;
That shake its Pillars; yet themselves we find.
Beyond the Rage of Thunder, Storms, and Wind.
And when the Almighty, through these Trumpets calls
Poor tott'ring Man, he staggers, and he falls.
No, no, sour Criticks, we cannot deny.
That Honest Jack hath learnt to Cant and Lye.
That year's suppli'd in full witth Lies and Tales,
About the Glories of his Prince of Wales.
Poor harmless Babe! miscall'd a Prince of Bliss,
Born for his Mothers Ease, not Consciences.

Holland seems active and early in their Pre­parations for this Summers Affairs; and this as well for Land as Sea service, which is aptly e­nough shewed by ♂'s being in ♋, in ⚹ to ♃, and ☽ applying ♂ in ♋, a Northern Sign, with North Latitude, free from all Affliction, and in ⚹ to ☿, Lord of the tenth, shews, that the Armies of Europe are endeavouring to take the Field be­times, and that the Princes of Europe are mak­ing vigorous Preparations for the following Campain, and this the rather, because ♂ is also Angular in the tenth house, and their applying to the Sextile and Parallel of ♃, Lord of the 7th, which they say is the House of War. But this Application between ♂ and ♃ seems also to shew some Proposi­tions for Peace, but I think it is for no other end, but to protract time till some other design is ready.

Is it possible there should be an ☍ of ♄ and ☿ from II and ♐, and no Knavish Villainies acted or discovered in or about London at such a time! if there is any Roguery now against the Government, be sure there is a Woman up to the Ears in it; but be it what it will, a Woman is at the bottom, and the thing is vil­lanous. The ☍ of ♌ and ☿, should give the Merchants good news.

Observations upon May.

As the Sun's Rays and heat without controul,
Dissolves the frozen Mountains near the Pole▪
So 'tis his Beams refresheth Earth and Air,
Excites to motion. calls out men of War,
In thy good time, O Lord, let mankind be,
From Rage, Oppression, Force, and Madness free.
That Land's unhappy, and will e're be so,
That hath a Prince can neither stand nor go.
For he that's led by Priests. by Priests is sway'd.
And Priests by King and Laws must be obey'd.
'Twas from such Laws (that King resolv'd to shine)
As Lewis gives, and not a Constantine.

Some mighty Action near, of the nature o [...] ♂; that is, fighting either by Sea or Land, notwithstanding the ☉ is in ☌ with ♃ and ⚹ to ♂ and ♃ in ⚹ to ♂ likewise. And I really judge th [...] Arms of the victorious King of England is a­bout this time successful against the Christian Turk, he I mean that scorns to be just or honest the French Tyrant; and I judge also, there is a probability of the Effusion of much Blood, as well as a prospect of Victory.

These Rays do also shew many Men accord­ing to their Qualities shall receive various Fa­vours and Marks, or Characters of Honour, ei­ther as Rewards for Service and Valour, or else to qualify them for publick Business.

On May 20. & 22, 1685▪ Dr, Oates was whipt; being tryed by a Protestant Jury, and Protestant Judges, such as they were; and found guilty on Popish Evidence; he had 2256 Lashes with a Whip [...] of six Thongs knotted, which amounts to 13536 Strips: his Judges were Jefferies, Withins, Walcot and Holloway.

There is now an ☍ of ♄ and the ☉, this makes a great Man frown, &c. There is work for the Messengers abroad if they will but look out sharp, &c.

Observations upon June.

Saturn and Jove confront each other's Rest,
One Natur's States man, t'other her High-Priest.
They fall at odds; ay, let them quarrel too,
If Mankind suffer'd not for what they do.
They move and scatter what they have in store,
And snatch those Joys away, they gave before.
By whose Examples must our after Kings.
Shun all those Causes whence Rebellion springs?
Your Prince of Wales I know, while your soft Names,
Of Golden Laws are joyn'd to Iron Chains.
'Twas Tyrant-force made People try their Brains,
To Abdicate the Cause, and break their Chains

The Death of some old States-men, Officers or Persons eminent in dispensing the Govern­ment of Nations, seems to prepare and make way for the rising of others, for Removes and Preferments. &c. And where Armies are near there is great expectation of Action between them, but I do judge the greatest and more con­siderable part of such Motion and Action will be deferred till the end of this Month, or be­ginnig of July, but still preparing and great expectation what will be the Event of it.

The Affairs of this Month seem to concern Spain in their Military and Martial Negotia­ons; France in every thing that relates to her Government and Quiet; Hungary and Dalmatia, &c. are affected with some Dissentions, either about setling their Government, or about some Points of Religion. London is also disturbed with some Divisions in her particular Government; uneasy murmuring Spi­rits are still trying their Tricks to destroy their own Quiet, and the Peace of all besides: Poor Men! they want a Hobby horse; but the best on't is, they are Men of more Hope than Courage, &c. [...]s London healthy? viz credo. Some eminent Wedding ends the Mon [...] or near it.

Observations upon July.

Let all the Plagues of Murther now be flung
On that curs'd Babe from whence those Mischiefs sprung
There's ruffling work above; and hence must flow,
Mutations here; some Tyrants overthrow:
Tho at this distance, yet methinks I hear
Most pleasant News, some Abdication near.
None need doubt Ease and Quiet, since we have
Heaven's Gift and Blessing in a Prince so brave.
Born to restore our Laws, that gasping lay,
That Papists and worse Men had torn away:
This is the Man, nor your Welsh Prince, shall be
The true Restorer of our Liberty.

Although the ☍ of ♄, and ♃ have a large share in the Actions and Affairs of this Summer▪ as the other Rays and Lunations have; yet it is to be considered differently from them, they be­ing both of a slower Motion and greater Bodies than the rest; and always with their present In flux stamp a new face on the publick Affairs of the World, and at this time of Europe in parti­cular, as a few Months hence will inform us▪ for there are three Oppositions as well as there were three Conjunctions.

But at present all things tend to Violence and Blood, the real Effects of War and Confusion▪ Pax quaeritur bello, after a Storm comes a Calm▪ The □ of ♄ and ♂▪ and ♃ and ♂ from Humane Signs, shews great Effusion of Blood by fighting; quando cum hoste manus co [...] ­ [...]ererint; they also give Thieves intesting the High-ways with Murder rather than the loss of their prey; some Mischiefs done by the Tories in Ireland, and I think they are divers of them reward­ed with a Halter, their due desert.

This Month is attended throughout with much News and Intel­ligence, Some removes among the Clergy, &c. and a merry Couple much talked of.

Observations upon August.

Is London free from Traitors? is that Crew
Still seeking that, some Years hath been their due?
Alas good Men! the Passive Cant's laid by,
And now Resistance is no Blasphemy▪
Well! they are Men of Noise, and so it proves:
Pray ask abroad how the grand Tyrant moves?
Here Iohn tells truth; in this sweet Prince (said he)
Our Hopes are laid of all Felicity▪
Each pays his Tribute; John alone, you see,
Abounds in his Old Talent, Flattery;
This is his Off [...]ring, proper to his Sphere:
A precious Tool to breath a Holy Prayer.

At the Lunation that begins this Month we find no Planet angular; and therefore do I judge no considerable thing that is really new can be expected at this time: and notwithstanding there are so many Aspects in the Month, yet it will follow the Fate and Effect of the Revoluti­onal Ingress next preceding, and the ☍ of ♄ and ♃. The □ of ♄ and ☿ from ♍ and ♐, gives a­bundance of lying false News and Rumors, some about Sea-Affairs, Merchants, Merchandizing▪ and the like; and I dare be positive almost that there will be some notorious piece of Cheatery acted and brought about under the Notion and Mask of Religion.

The □ of the ☉ and ♄ creates abundance of Difference in London. Heats in their Councils, and it should be about something that relates to its Government, but it will be for the City's Advan­tage in the Conclusion, and I think for the Establishment of its future Peace. But I fear London and also some parts of the Nation be­sides, will find it to be a sickly Autumn, some new Fevers, Colliks &c

Toward the latter part of the Month we may expect to hear of some Action from beyond Sea, of a Battel, Skirmish, or▪ such like [...] Enterprize.

Observations upon September.

Hath Europe's Foes laid by their murdering Laws,
And the grand Murtherer disown'd his Cause?
Do Popish Projects with their Plots decrease
And Noah's Dove bring in the Branch of Peace?
Pray then inquire; ask if it can be;
If England's Monarch says it, I agree.
And let September never be forgot,
Nor Modena▪ nor yet the bawdy Plot;
Nor yet Dada, who, as the Story tells,
Lent her his hand, and with that Aaron's Bells.
When Babes by Miraclet are got, as said,
Farewel the ancient way of Sheets and Bed.

The □ of the ☉ and ♄ and the ☉ and ♃ w [...] in some measure influence September also, ar [...] yet I do not think it will give any considerab [...] Action abroad either, as to the Wars, by S [...] or Land, or to the state of Affairs and Cou [...] ­cils of Europe, and yet it seems to shew Diff [...] ­rence and Quarrels, but they will be in and [...] ­mong private Companies and Societies whic [...] may prove the Cause of Duels, Murders, &c.The □ of ♄ and ♁ as they are qualified at th [...] last New Moon, shews the Death of some emi­nent Lady, and the Misfortunes and Trouble of others. If ♂ be in the seventh, as I do believ [...] he is, in ☌ to ☿, and both Peregrine, he shew much Robbing and Mischiefs toward the end of the Month; an [...] also the discovery of People that abuse the Coin of the Nation e [...] ­ther by clipping, coining, washing, &c. Some cunning knavis [...] Lawyer or Clerk catch'd in doing what he ought not to have done▪

A brave bold Fellow, one of the Sons of ♂, receiveth Prefer­ment as a Gratuity for his Bravery. Mercury having been twice [...] △ to ♃ this Month, will give good News to the City of London and I think it comes from some of our Western Plantations. &c.

Observations upon October.

There's mighty News abroad, 'tis come from far.
About some King's Affairs of Peace or War:
Jove's in the Twins: Methinks I hear the Voice
Of the curs'd murmuring Crew; the rest rejoyce,
God save the King, and he that wont say so,
Burton and Graham's Blessing with him go.
October did this Land a King afford,
A Prince (John says) that never broke his Word;
Whose Courage, Wit and Conduct hath done more,
Than all our great Reformers could before.
His Reign was short; to Priests he owes his Fall;
For Priests and Church he lost his Crown and All.

At the Ingress of the ☉ into ♎ we find a very peaceable Position; the Moon who is in ☍ to [...]he place of the last ☌ in 1682. is in △ to ♃, ♂ [...]nd ☿; Why should there not be Propositions made for Peace about this time, and that with [...]uccess too? it seems very probable, and the Heavens themselves favour it: God grant it may succeed, if it is for the advantage of the true Protestant Religion. and the beating down of Tyranny, Popery, and all Arbitrary Power. And indeed the △ of the ☉ and ♃ doth mightily perswade me that there will be something done [...]o the purpose in it in order to its Conclusion. And if it is now effected, the Illustrious and Va­ [...]ant King of England will be the only Man to do it.

And besides if we consider that ☿, the Coelestial Foot-post, [...]ath been three times in △ to ♃ within a few weeks, and at the [...]ngress in △ to the Moon in the fifth, the House of Embassies and [...]essengers, and Lord of the tenth, the House of Honour and Gran­ [...]ur, it is the more probable.

The Month is generally spent in things of a private nature and [...]uality, such as are the Affairs of States, Kingdoms, Nations, and [...]ountries.

Observations upon November▪

Sol Mars and Saturn in a fiery Sign,
(What e're their project is) do there combine.
Something they'll do▪ perhaps you'll wonder what,
Why then I'll tell you 'tis some knavish Plot.
And something else too, will by them be done,
They're all in Quartile to the French King's Sun.
November, hang't, that plaguy Powder plot,
Which John so often wilfully forgot.
In Eighty Eight too, how this good Man fails?
He thought of nothing then but Prince of Wales▪
The Babe being born, a Name you know's his due,
A Name he had, A plaguy long one too.

The former part of this Month will give litt [...] or no Alterations in the publick Affairs and B [...] siness of Nations and Kingdoms till toward t [...] end, and then there seems to be Projects a [...] Projections to the purpose, and these attend [...] too with something of Violence; for the Ra [...] and Aspects are generally not only from viole [...] parts of Heaven, but from humane Signs al [...]

About the midle of the Month the ☉ com [...] to the ☌ of ♂, near that eminent fixed Star c [...] led the Scorpions Heart, which will spend its I [...] fluence two ways. 1, In the Elemental Worl [...] 2. In the Intellectual. 1. It will give stran [...] and untoward Weather, Corruscations in t [...] Air, and I judge Thundur in divers parts as well of this Nation of others. 2, It gives villanous and treacherous Designs and C [...] spiracies against the Powers and Government of England in pa [...] cular. Here is some cursed piece of Roguery at the door, but I ju [...] it will be discovered; and the best way to prevent any more [...] is to hang all you catch, by what Name or Title soever digni [...] or distinguished. But this Month will but give a beginning to th [...] Affairs; and therefore you must expect its farther Managem [...] [...] in the next

Observations upon December.

Motion and Time, those Twins, older than Man;
When the dark Chaos alter'd, they began.
They lurk'd throughout the whole; but to appear,
God spake them into being, and they were.
These are the two that work, tho diff'rent ways;
And as they do begin, conclude our Days,
Now Muse forbear, the Year draws to an end,
And bid Friend John his next Year's Manners mend:
He who by Hocus Pocus, Preists and Tricks,
Foretold a Prince of Wales in Eighty six:
A likely story! for he could not say
When all his Makers were to run away.

Strange Weather ended the last and also be­gins this, and 'tis such as is not usual. 'Tis ten [...]o one but there may be a fine stroke of business [...]t the Old-Baily this Sessions.

The last Lunation is perhaps as remarkable one as will happen again in many Years; for [...]ere we find it falls upon an ☍ of ♄ and ♃, and [...], ♂, the ☉ and Moon all in ☌ in ♐ and ♃ near [...]he Stars of Orion in ☍ to them all, he above [...]he Earth in the tenth in Reception with ☿, and [...]hey all under the Earth peregrine: in a word, shews Violence and violent Deaths: Let the [...]ebellious Party take it among 'em.

If a Man should but ask you; how gravely you'd tell one
Of Passive Obedience, yet catch'd in Rebellion:
If Rebellion' s a Sin, ye are dipp' d and a sinking.
You Squires o'th' Halter, that hang Men for thinking,
If St Paul had been here, and by you had been try'd,
(No benefite of Clergy) he'd certainly dy'd,

[...]od save King William and Queen Mary, and confound their Enemies.


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