Mr. John Petrige's, NEW PROPHESIE OF This present Year 1684.
WHEREIN Are foretold the most considerable Events and Mu­tations in Great-Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, Germany, Italy, &c. According to the Opinion of the best Astrologers.

THat the Superior have influence on the Inferior Bodies, no man that hath not given himself over to stupidity can deny; but that their Influence is so great that their Effects are inevitable, is more then we affirm: For to what end do we disturb and amuse the World with the unpleasant Rumours of horrid and dreadful Calamities that seem ap­proaching, but to warn and incite men to a use of means for the preventing of severe Judgments, which otherwise will overtake them.

We read in the Holy Scripture, that they were placed in the Heavens for Signs of Seasons, of Night and Day, Winter and Summer, &c. Now if we, besides the proper and natural meaning of the Words, do likewise use a Me­taphorical Interpretation of them, to wit, that they also are for Signs of the Night or Winter of Adversity, and the Day or Summer of Prosperity; I humbly conceive, we do not thereby pervert the true meaning of the Scrip­tures. And tho we are forbid in the Holy Scriptures to be afraid or dismaid at the Signs of Heaven, viz. To be possessed with such a Fear as is incon­sistent with our confidence in God, or as disturbs us in performing the Du­ties we owe, as Creatures, to our great Creator, or so as to become Infatuate, that through the excess of Fear we suffer our Reason to be so far Eclipsed that we cannot put it in exercise, either for our Temporal or Eternal well-Being: Yet I do not see but we may Lawfully so far be admonished by them, as to forsake an evil course, and to deprecat that great Wrath that by our innumerable iniquities we have drawn down upon us. I hope therefore that the candid Reader will concur with me in my design in publishing this following Prediction on this present Year, in which I shall be as brief as possible.

I shall begin my Judgment from the time that the Sun entred Capricorn; at which time the Face of the Heavens in the Meridian of London, is thus: A­quarius Nine Degrees Culminant, and Gemini 14. Ascending, the Moon 12. Degrees in Aquarius, and Mars in Sixteen: the Sun 00 Degrees in Capricorn, and Venus in 8. Degrees of Capricorn: Mercury 14 Degrees in Sagittary, and Saturn in 4 Degrees, and Jupiter in 21 Degrees of Virgo. There is not one Planet well seated in the whole Scheme; the Moon is applying to the [Page 2]body of Mars and square of Mercury; these two Stars govern the Brain and the Faculties thence proceeding; the Moon the substantial part, and Mercury the Actions of it. Now what may we expect, when the two Governors of Reason are Afflicted by Mars, the great Corrosive among the Stars? The ef­fects thereof will be (according to the Opinion of most famous Astrologers) strange Rumors, effusion of Blood, and much deceit and lying. And this flows, either from the violence of the present impending Affairs; or from the effects of such pernicious and wicked Counsels that shall be contrived under the influence of this Ingress. But this is further aggravated, if we consider the part of the Heaven where it falls, whether Ecliptically or Mundanely; for the Ecliptical place of this Conjunction is directly opposite to the place of the last Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo: this doth greatly en­crease its Malignity; but Mundanely, it happens in this Figure and Meridi­an too, in the tenth House, the Angle of Honour.

The great Masters of this Science do agree, that the Moon in Conjunction with Mars, threatens Mankind with all kinds of Calamities that belong to Mars; and as they are so near Mid heaven, it shews its expedition, and that what depends on this Ingress, will shortly appear.

In the beginning of this Year we meet with an opposition of Saturn and Mars in cold Signs, Virgo and Pisces, after which follows an Eclipse of the Sun, which has a very bad influence. That Epidemick Distemper of Itch­ing after Novelties, will be no less common now, than it hath been these se­veral Years past. Saturn and Jupiter being got into Virgo, and Saturn be­ing there in Reception with Mercury, things will be Managed with great Se­crecy and Policy. And the former Opposition in a little time will discover it self in making strange Divisions among the people; and to see one impeach­ing another will be no matter of Admiration. Also not a few shall pay their last debts to Nature.

Saturn by his Retrograde motion returns into Leo, at which time many Pam­phlets are dispersed, for which the Authors and Printers are called to answer. Sol opposes the 2 Superiors. Many forsake honest Callings and turn High­way-men: The Popish Priests bestir their stumps, for their God is like to be taken away from them. The Turk is busie in his Neighbour Countries, and many shortly may taste his Mercy. Mercury is opposed again by Jupiter. Old Sores begin to pain. The City is uneasie, and the Countrey little better. The Trine of Jupiter and Venus may give some ease, but heals not the Wound. Mercuries weakness occasions decay of Trade. Saturns Square to Venus will make Women wear Tears on their Faces instead of Pearl. The Effects of the Comet 1680. will I fear ere long be discovered. God preserve the Life and Health of all our great Ones, and our City from Contagious Distempers. The Square of Sol and Saturn denotes Fears, Anxieties and Imprisonment to great Ones, and that Rulers and Magistrates will fall out among themselves; and the Conjunction of Mars and Mercury fills the Nation with Thieves, and I fear the time is at hand, when no body can call any thing their own save Tri­bulation and Affliction.

The Conjunction of the Sun and Mars will have a strange Effect in some Countreys in Europe, and some Prince perhaps East from England finds it true. Let them therefore be wise betimes. Some Money'd Men shall suffer loss, and that from the breaking of some great Banker or Bankers, in or about the City of London; some Clergy men may be frowned upon by his Prince, and several belonging to the Law turned out.

The Eclipse of the Sun Jul. the 3d. is very considerable. Its happening in the 9th. and 8th. Houses, and Mars the principal Lord thereof, sheweth [Page 3]Wars, Seditions, Captivities, Imprisonments, popular Tumults, displeasure of Princes; also Death and detriment in Mens Bodies, burning Feavers, and Violent Deaths, chiefly of young Men; in our Lives, Violences, Injuries, Burning of Houses, and Towns, Man-slaughter, Rapes and Robberies; In the Air, Pestilence and Contagious Winds, Flashing Lightnings, and Whirl­winds, according to Ptolemies Opinion. The same Author says, that its hap­pening in a Tropick, signifies mutation of Air, and in publick Matters, a change of Laws and Customs; and that an Eclipse in Cancer brings damnage to the Fruits of the Earth and Sea affairs.

Saturn threatens to give some Persons of Honour their Exit. The posi­tion of Mars and Mercury denote some Sea Fights, or Piratical Invasions, many great Robberies, with many other Adversities. Venus produceth alte­rations in Ceremonies, Religion, Institutions, and Laws. Orig. 460.

In a word, this Eclipse considered with that Jan. 1683. the great Conjuncti­on of Saturn and Jupiter, 1683. and the Comit in 1680. threaten the O­verthrow of the Roman Hierarchy, if Authors may be credited. Y [...]t ma­ny other places besides are concerned more or less;; as Armenia, Con­stantinople, Damascus, Cesena, Bramberg, Bohemia, Brabant, Corduba, the West, and South-west of England, Flanders, Holland, Hircadia, London, Lovain, Italy, Metz, Norimberg, Scotland, Turky, Cicily, &c. The e­vents will begin to work from the first hour, but will be more apparent the Year following, and will continue for several Years. I will conclude what I say on this Eclipse with the predictions Cyprian Leovitius. ‘O ye Kings, and Princes, that are exalted either to Secular or Spiritual Digni­ties, many Evils seem to threaten you, for dissentions shall arise among you, which shall occasion Wars, Dangers and Mutations, whence the common People will be discontented, and will be easiely stirred up to Conspiracies and Factions, &c. Certainly some things of great concernment will in few Years be brought about. Few Princes in Europe but will more or less be lyable to the effects thereof.

The next considerable. Appearance this Year is the Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, in the beginning of October, in 13. Degrees of Virgo, the House and Dignities of Mercury, which I shall a little unfold; for the more hap­py performance of which, I shall consider the Lunation preceeding. First then, know that Saturn is really peregrine, and therefore the more malevo­lent; Mars is out of all Dignities of his own, but in Sextile, and Reception with Mercury; so that Mars must be allowed some fortitude, tho not much, yet enough to exceed Saturn.

At the preventional new Moon we shall find all the Planets under the Earth, and Saturn and Mars in the fifth House with Venus, which if well consider­ed is a strange Heterogeneous Mixture, just like an old decrepit Usurer, a bold true bred Souldier, and a Luxurious Wench. But what the effects may be let us Consider.

Haly says; ‘When Mars shall be joined to Saturn in a humane Sign, it gives Strife, Deceit, Fighting, Effusion of Blood, and that the King of that Coun­trey subject to the sign of the Conjunction, shall be troubled and suffer Loss and Labour from his Neighbours or Subjects.’ Morinus says, ‘That the Conjunction of Saturn and Mars gives Corruption of the Air, Plague, War, &c. And to this purpose also Albumassar says; ‘That there shall be Difference and Wars, in many places.’ So that all Authors agree, that this Con­junction can presage nothing but Evil to Mankind. But because Au­thors in this are only general, I shall particularly give you my Judgement of it.

[Page 4] In the Figure we find Gemini ascending, and Mercury Lord of the Ascen­dant in Scorpio, a fixed violent Sign, and all the seven Planets in the Fifth and Sixth Houses of Heaven, and under the Earth. This shews some great Meeting or Council conveened to consult about the affairs of Nations; the design is considerable as well as Politick, for it is in the House of Mercury, and his greatest Dignities too. The occasion of this Consultation is by reason of some defeat either in Council or Arms some few weeks before this Con­junction; and it is so general, that the whole Faction both Men and Wo­men are engaged both for Council and Action: but Debauchery will either prevent or Corrupt the Enterprize designed: it is for some undertaking to confederate in Arms or some other hostile Combination, in which several are Solicited to be engaged, as we may see by so many in the fifth House, which signifies Ambassadors, Agents, Messengers, , and such like Servants, to a Prince or State, these are sent to engage some Prince or Princes into a League and Alliance, or to Treat or Negotiate about a Peace, &c

In the close of this Year some Countries are threatned with persecution for Religion, and that pretty sharp too: The old Adversary of mans Happi­nesse will not cease to stir up the Wicked against the Just: and this is like to happen in some places in France, and it is to be feared many will be forced into other Countries for Conscience sake: the great Whore will never be weary of her Cruelties till the last Vials are poured out upon her, when the joyful tidings shall come abroad, that, BABILON THE GREAT IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN; Which all good Christians earnestly long for, and which we hope ere long shall come to passe.

To conclude, we have reason to fear this Year may prove more Calamitous the most we have yet seen, there being scare any Affliction incident to men, which we are not more or lesse threatned with: But yet, as I said before, these Judgements may be averted (if we be not obstinate) by our Repentance and Amendement of our Lives. Let us not therefore any more be active in drawing down Judgements upon our selves, but let us admire infinite Mer­cy that hath spared us so long and that shews how unwilling he is to destroy us by his placing his Signs in the Heavens for our Admonition; let us de­precate that great wrath we have incensed, by our continual Addresses to the Throne of Grace; let us fear God, obey the King, and live in Peace, and Union together; which if we do, we need not fear (notwithstanding the greatnesse of our Sins, or Malice of our Enemies, or the Signs of Hea­ven) but we shall yet dwell safely every man under his Vine, and under his Fig-tree.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majestie. Anno 1684.

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