THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST Sir Thomas Armstrong, In His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, at Westminster, upon an Outlawry for High-Treason, &c:
De Term. S. S. Trin. Anno Regni Regis Carol-II. xxxvl. Die Sabbati, 14. Junii an. Dom. 1684. B. R. Dominus Rex versus Thorn. Armstrong. Mil.

As also an Account of what passed at his Execution at Tyburn, the 20th: of June 1684: Together with the Pa­per he delivered to the Sheriffs of London at the same time and place.

This day Sir Thomas Armstrong was brought to the Bar of the Court of Kings-Bench at West­minster, by vertue of a Writ of habeas Corpus direct­ed to the Keeper of the Goal of Newgate; which writ was on his Majesties behalf moved for, on Thursday last by Mr. Attorney General.

The return of the writ was read by the Clerk of the Crown, by which it appeared he was in the Cu­stody of the Keeper of Newgate, by a Warrant from the honourable Sidney Godolphin, Esq one of his Majesties Principal Secretaries of State; which war­rant followeth in haec verba.

Sidney Godolphin, Esq one of his Majesties m [...]st Honourable Privy Council, and principal Secretary of State.

THese are in his Majesties Name to Authorize and Require you to receive into your Cu­stody from on Board his Majesties Yatch the Catha­rine, Captain Davis Commander, the Person of Sir Thomas Armstrong Knight, Outlawed for High-Treason, and him safely to keep in his Majesties Pri­son of Newgate, till his Majesties pleasure be farther known. And for so doing this shall be your war­rant. Given under my Hand and Seal at Whitehal this 10th day of June 1684. In the 36th. Year of his Majesties Reign.

S. Godolphin.

Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, 1684.

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